

Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I associate that term with females who have a goal to get married to someone rich. I don't think of a golddigger as someone playing the field.

I think of those girls who online date for free food as golddiggers, even though I gave Toxick a hard time about it.


I think of those girls who online date for free food as golddiggers, even though I gave Toxick a hard time about it.

That's a concept I can't fathom. I'd rather be home alone with a bowl of soup than make conversation with some person I have no interest in. I value my time too much.
Oops! I did it again. avatar29956_50.gif

Thought this was in No Shoes.... :cds:

:banghead: Get it together WR.


Registered User
Growing up, a Playa or Player was a person (male or female) that had a string of “friends with beni’s” and was not “attached” to any of them. And everyone in the string knew they were not the only one but just didn’t care for whatever reason.


New Member
I always thought it just meant "playing the field", openly dating lots of people but not looking for a relationship.

Girl says player is now more someone who plays with hearts. They are still playing the field but they let several of the girls they date think it will lead to something more, or that they are in a relationship with several at one time.


That's how we meant it when I was younger. It was a guy with a lot of girls who was leading them on (letting them think he wanted a serious relationship with just them.)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Growing up, a Playa or Player was a person (male or female) that had a string of “friends with beni’s” and was not “attached” to any of them. And everyone in the string knew they were not the only one but just didn’t care for whatever reason.

I always thought it just meant "playing the field", openly dating lots of people but not looking for a relationship.

I think both are correct depending on whether you say, "He a playa" or "He's a player."