Playoff Karma Bets...


I pick Atlanta and Steelers

If anyone wants the Pats or the Eagles.

Place your bet right here... with the original karma bookie

You win I give you a shot of green karma.

I win you give me a shot of the green stuff..

Don't matter how many play,
I will pay and expect the same.

Let the Games begin :boxing:


Set Trippin
gumbo said:
I pick Atlanta and Steelers

If anyone wants the Pats or the Eagles.

Place your bet right here... with the original karma bookie

You win I give you a shot of green karma.

I win you give me a shot of the green stuff..

Don't matter how many play,
I will pay and expect the same.

Let the Games begin :boxing:
I owe you a shot from the game today...:ohwell:


Football addict
Anyone but the pats!

No for the Eagles, I'm a Skins fan.:yay:

I'd much rather see Steel or The Falcons take it.

My hypothesis favors The Steelers.


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Patriots still get no respect. All season long pundits said the decimated secondary will be their downfall. NOT! No Ty Law means high scores against the Pats...NOT! They've won 2 Super Bowls in the past 3 years..there is no way they make it to the playoffs....NOT! Peyton Manning's outstanding season and passing stats this year means that Indy will be a high scorer against the Pats and will bury the Pats and end Indy's losing streak against the Pats...NOT!
Everyone and their brother on TV called the game for Indy to win. They all looked stunned during the post game shows!

Like it or not, the Pats WILL make it to the Super Bowl again this year and I believe that Atlanta will run right over Philly on their way to Jacksonville.


The Patriots don't get much respect because their wins are almost all pretty weak. How many games has Viniteri won for them this year? And how many were won on a last second field goal last year? The Patriots remind me of the wayyyyy over valued Ravens of a few years ago. They won a lot of games, but they were all close. It was only a matter of time before the odds caught up with them. Same deal with the Patriots, and I doubt they even make the playoffs next year.

As for my Steelers, I think the Super Bowl is their game to lose. They've rolled over Philly and the Patriots, so I know they can do it. They beat the Bills, a team playing for a playoff spot, with the second string. It's just a question of if they're going to really show up for the game.


"Fill your hands you SOB!
Bruzilla said:
The Patriots don't get much respect because their wins are almost all pretty weak. How many games has Viniteri won for them this year? And how many were won on a last second field goal last year? The Patriots remind me of the wayyyyy over valued Ravens of a few years ago. They won a lot of games, but they were all close. It was only a matter of time before the odds caught up with them. Same deal with the Patriots, and I doubt they even make the playoffs next year.
Me thinks thou should check the stats before speaking....let's take a look at the 2004 regular season....

NO games this year were won by a Vinatieri field goal.

Patriots outscored their opponents this year by an average of 28 to 17 (416 total points).

Weak wins? Close games? Only 1 game was won by a field goal or less by the Patriots (and it was a touchdown that won that game - not a Vinatieri field goal).

Now.....let's look at Pittsburgh...

Pittsburgh outscored their opponents by an average of 23 to 16 (343 total points - 73 LESS points that the Patriots).

Pittsburgh had 3 games decided by a field goal or less (sounds weaker/closer that the Patriot wins to me!).

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Got you all coverd....Anymore takers :yay:

POOH what the ? Do you want your legs broke or what :loser: :lmao:
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Ugly women send me karma.
gumbo said:
Got you all coverd....Anymore takers :yay:

POOH what the ? Do you want your legs broke or what :loser: :lmao:
I don't care about the karma I just want you to know I was right with my picks, If I get karma for being right OK if not OK.

My bets
Eagles Steelers next week
Steelers win it all

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