Playstation 3

will the Blue Ray DVD player on a PS3 play conventional DVDs?

I've heard yes, and people were buying the PS3 just for that, as it was cheaper than a real BlueRay DVD player. But that was a while ago, prices may have dropped back on BlueRay players by now. I haven't looked...


New Member
will the Blue Ray DVD player on a PS3 play conventional DVDs?

It will play them and up convert them to a HD like picture. If you are looking for just a player there are better options. Also next year you will see more combo players that play both HD and Blu Ray. Of course you could buy them separately now and save some money.
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Is the DVD HD Standard going to solidify into one or is it past the point of either Blu-Ray or HD-DVD coming out on top? Like back in the day of VHS and Betamax??


24/7 Single Dad
Is the DVD HD Standard going to solidify into one or is it past the point of either Blu-Ray or HD-DVD coming out on top? Like back in the day of VHS and Betamax??

Currently about even
The next "new and better" format will probably knock them both out.


It's hard to tell who's winning the HD battle. I read that Blockbuster has Blu-Ray movies in certain stores. Paramount only uses DVD and HD-DVD, but I tend to see more movies on the Blu-Ray side on store shelves.


New Member
(Moons hubby here)

Blockbuster is exclusively Blu-Ray, and while I dont know how many stores have them on the shelves, ours does. Has a shelf with about 20-30 recent releases and another section with older titles, maybe 100 or so of those.

Blu-Ray has lead HD-DVD in disc sales all year, usually by a %60 to %40 margin or better, last numbers, for November, were %73 to %27.

Of course, that aside, both HD fomats combined still are only a tiny blip on total DVD sales, with consumers waiting out the war.

Lastly, one benefit to the PS3 as a player is that Blu-Ray has an increasing standard, called "Profiles" with older players not needing to meet the later standards. Each standard requires more onboard equipment, like memory, or a hard drive, or an internet capability.

The PS3 already meets those equipment specs, requiring only software downloads to unlock them. The first Profile update is 1.1.


New Member
Blu-Ray has far more potential but SONY killed Blu-Ray, IMO.

I see movies being distributed on a flash card of some sort happening.


New Member
How did Sony do that? And I use the California BB. You might miss the Blu-Ray section easily, if its like ours. You know how the outer walls are the new releases? Well, one of those sections, not very well marked, is Blu-Ray. Somewhere around the Ts, I think.

The non-new releases are just over in the middle somewhere, again, not super well marked.


BluRay won, or is still winning. wish i could remember that link about hd vs bluray dvd. off the top of my head, blueray>hd in capacity, and has much more big boys in the industry to back it up than HD.

people would buy Playstation 2's just because they were the cheapest DVD players in the market. same happened with PS3 + bluray.

<3 sony


New Member
Porn went with HD, and they are one of the bi reasons VHF won out over Beta. I think Blu-Ray will be the winner though in a few years.