(Moons hubby here)
Blockbuster is exclusively Blu-Ray, and while I dont know how many stores have them on the shelves, ours does. Has a shelf with about 20-30 recent releases and another section with older titles, maybe 100 or so of those.
Blu-Ray has lead HD-DVD in disc sales all year, usually by a %60 to %40 margin or better, last numbers, for November, were %73 to %27.
Of course, that aside, both HD fomats combined still are only a tiny blip on total DVD sales, with consumers waiting out the war.
Lastly, one benefit to the PS3 as a player is that Blu-Ray has an increasing standard, called "Profiles" with older players not needing to meet the later standards. Each standard requires more onboard equipment, like memory, or a hard drive, or an internet capability.
The PS3 already meets those equipment specs, requiring only software downloads to unlock them. The first Profile update is 1.1.