
New Member
Bustem' Down said:
Sorry to let you in on this, But you picked the wrong place to do this. Law enforcement spends months or even years trying to figure out pedophiles user names so I would put too much stock in asking some people in a public forum most of which don't really care.
Your 100% right!


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
ConcernedParent said:
can you read my post again? they know there classes what they are wearing they are not ~~~~my kids~~~~~~~~ re read what u wrote>>>>>>>>> you obviously didn't monitor them so well, so turn off the internet.

I WILL NOT read your post again. If your kids are as stupid as you are -- GET OFF the freakiin' internet or learn to make your posts readable by using the quote button so it makes sense~~~I don't>>> ~~~~understand>>>>what this~~~>>>is ~~~supposed~~~to~~~~~~>>>>mean. :loser:
re read what u wrote>>>>>>>>>

I know what I wrote, it's what you wrote that's ignorant.

There - They're - Their >>>~~~ pick one please!


Roid Hunter in training
PrepH4U said:
hey concerned whatever you are... first do you know what prep h is?

:howdy: from another concerned ointment. I grabbed my tights and cape and came to eradicate the roid. :lmao:


New Member
ConcernedParent said:
that was for my buddy mikeinsm
Gee thank you CP. :diva: Why don't you tell us about yourself? How old are you? Where from? Education level? Work? Enquiring minds want to know.


New Member
Freedhem said:
:howdy: from another concerned ointment. I grabbed my tights and cape and came to eradicate the roid. :lmao:
you dork! :lol:
Making the tea and crumpets now!
Hey did you know there is a new Nancy Drew book out? And that the simpsons were cancelled?


Roid Hunter in training
PrepH4U said:
you dork! :lol:
Making the tea and crumpets now!
Hey did you know there is a new Nancy Drew book out? And that the simpsons were cancelled?

:tantrum I am not a dork. I would LOVE tea and crumpets, it's been sooooo long since we shared that. :pinkyinair:


Right Where I Belong
ConcernedParent said:
the parent does know, parent is a cop
If the parent is a cop...why do you need people on a forum to help you?:shrug: I'm sure the cops will have it wrapped up in no time.:yay:


New Member
Freedhem said:
:tantrum I am not a dork. I would LOVE tea and crumpets, it's been sooooo long since we shared that. :pinkyinair:
Yep it's been a long time.... but again I think this poster will not fair out as a challenge! It will just end up being wasted ammo! They have to understand even that simple principle first and that is not going to happen! :shortbus:


New Member
Sharon said:
I WILL NOT read your post again. If your kids are as stupid as you are -- GET OFF the freakiin' internet or learn to make your posts readable by using the quote button so it makes sense~~~I don't>>> ~~~~understand>>>>what this~~~>>>is ~~~supposed~~~to~~~~~~>>>>mean. :loser:

I know what I wrote, it's what you wrote that's ignorant.

There - They're - Their >>>~~~ pick one please!
Okay here we go, they are not my children. I am not the parent. It is not my computer that I need to monitor. All I wanted to do was to get some info I am crucified for not spell check and grammar. never was on a forum before I do not know my way around as for quote button well? All this was~~~~>>> my way of trying to make, you notice and read this, like baby arrows


ConcernedParent said:
Okay here we go, they are not my children. I am not the parent. It is not my computer that I need to monitor. All I wanted to do was to get some info I am crucified for not spell check and grammar. never was on a forum before I do not know my way around as for quote button well? All this was~~~~>>> my way of trying to make, you notice and read this, like baby arrows
GDIT! I defended you ....I am such a sucker. :sad:


New Member
Sharon said:
I WILL NOT read your post again. If your kids are as stupid as you are -- GET OFF the freakiin' internet or learn to make your posts readable by using the quote button so it makes sense~~~I don't>>> ~~~~understand>>>>what this~~~>>>is ~~~supposed~~~to~~~~~~>>>>mean. :loser:

I know what I wrote, it's what you wrote that's ignorant.

There - They're - Their >>>~~~ pick one please!
they are not my kids