Please help my dumbass


New Member
I put a post about this over in the "about Somd" section, but there are tumbleweeds blowing around in there and I don't think anybody has been in there in months to see it. Anyhooo.... I was wondering this: How do you post a pic in the chat window??? I can get it to post a LINK for the pic, just not the actual pic. Hmmmmm, I'm corn-fused. Oh, also, how does one go about having a big-ass avatar? I can only do a puny 64X64 pixel one :bawl: . Who's ass do I gotta kiss to get me in the big av club?? Let me know please so I can weigh my options.:lmao: Thanks yall


Beloved Misanthrope
Originally posted by tater
...Who's ass do I gotta kiss to get me in the big av club?? Let me know please so I can weigh my options.:lmao: Thanks yall
:lmao: :roflmao: :lmao: :roflmao: :lmao:
They say the list is long.... But distinguished! :lmao:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
From one dumbass to another, I too am trying to post a new avatar, but don't know how to save it down to a 64x64.

DOH! :bonk:


New Member
"Whatever you do... DO NOT mix ranch dressing, margaritas, and Jim Beam & 7up !" (by me, 7-28-02, sometime during the wee hours of the morning)

Nice Quote Tater! Kinda reminds me of the next morning.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by RoseRed
From one dumbass to another, I too am trying to post a new avatar, but don't know how to save it down to a 64x64.

DOH! :bonk:
I figured it out, although it isn't more than 64x64.....:smile:


yeah yeah
Originally posted by FIREMAN
"Whatever you do... DO NOT mix ranch dressing, margaritas, and Jim Beam & 7up !" (by me, 7-28-02, sometime during the wee hours of the morning)

Nice Quote Tater! Kinda reminds me of the next morning.

oh yuck! that sounds pretty nasty.


New Member
Originally posted by FIREMAN

You know who to blame those margaritas on. :biggrin:

Nah... I'll go ahead and blame it on the ranch dressing (guess I found SOMETHING that ranch doesn't go good with)

Or...... blame it on the lightweight (me):blushing:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I opened the picture, then went into the preferences and had to customize the pixels to 64X64.