Please Take Down Your Lights!!!!



Why should it matter what other people do at their house? :confused:

Now, if they had a huge neon Santa glowing in my bedroom window at night, I would be ticked and tell the neighbor look Christmas is over, but otherwise what's the BFD.


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
I like my method...
I don't put up any lights to begin with... thus there's never any to take down. :biggrin:


You're all F'in Mad...
I don't do outside lights or decorations, but I put our Christmas stuff up on December 22 (BahHumBug,) and took the tree and everything else down on January 1. (Merry Christmas!)

This brings up an interesting thought... Blinking Icicle lights... Go figure...


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Deja vous anyone?

Seems like we do this topic every year.

Ok everybody, turn in your scripts and go home now...that's a wrap. :roflmao:


Right on, take 'em down

Now if only everyone was a neighbor like jeneisen and took down their lights after the 1st of January.....

And why should it matter what other people do at their house? Well, lets talk neighborhood looks...lets talk appreciation...lets talk value of a home. Living next to a dump with Christmas lights still hanging from the gutters in July (and yes, your house qualifies as a dump if it meets that above requirement) is just irritating. All it screams is LAZY of the homeowner. And who wants to live next to someone like that when they are looking for homes to purchase? Thankfully the couple of neighbors I have are very deligent about the exterior of their homes.

Those SnowPeople in Callaway on the corner of Rt.5 and Chingville weren't there this year. Those people finally took everything down and didn't put them back up. (I happen to now own the "child" snowperson (legally), but that is a long story...). And their house is now up for sale. And yet, they still have the RIP sign and the headline painted on the fence! I just don't get it....

Back to the point...its much harder to hang the darn lights than to take 'em down, so just get off your lazy butts, pull 'em down and throw 'em away already!


New Member
What happens if you live far, far back away from a main street in the woods - nobody can see your house, therefore, you'd be able to keep them up all year, right? :bubble:


Indy Bound
Re: Right on, take 'em down

Originally posted by Gunn317
Now if only everyone was a neighbor like jeneisen and took down their lights after the 1st of January.....

And why should it matter what other people do at their house? Well, lets talk neighborhood looks...lets talk appreciation...lets talk value of a home. Living next to a dump with Christmas lights still hanging from the gutters in July (and yes, your house qualifies as a dump if it meets that above requirement) is just irritating. All it screams is LAZY of the homeowner. And who wants to live next to someone like that when they are looking for homes to purchase? Thankfully the couple of neighbors I have are very deligent about the exterior of their homes.

Those SnowPeople in Callaway on the corner of Rt.5 and Chingville weren't there this year. Those people finally took everything down and didn't put them back up. (I happen to now own the "child" snowperson (legally), but that is a long story...). And their house is now up for sale. And yet, they still have the RIP sign and the headline painted on the fence! I just don't get it....

Back to the point...its much harder to hang the darn lights than to take 'em down, so just get off your lazy butts, pull 'em down and throw 'em away already!

:clap: :getdown: :banana::banana::banana:
I could not have said it better myself.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Re: Right on, take 'em down

Originally posted by Gunn317
Those SnowPeople in Callaway on the corner of Rt.5 and Chingville weren't there this year. Those people finally took everything down and didn't put them back up. (I happen to now own the "child" snowperson (legally), but that is a long story...). And their house is now up for sale. And yet, they still have the RIP sign and the headline painted on the fence! I just don't get it....

My mom told me the people who owned the house passed away this last year. The house is vacant and up for sale. I think the "snow people" were removed to help them sell the house. Maybe they need to paint the fence, too.


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
My Christmas tree is still up. :wink: I'm moving it in front of the window now.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by bluto
My large, pink, porcelain Christmas tree is sitting right on top of one of my Cerwin Vegas, and it's staying there. I'm gonna turn it on every night just to piss people off. AND LEAVE THE BLINDS OPEN. Ah, I can hear the neighbor's property values plummetting as we speak.
Is it kinda like that classy Leg lamp in A Christmas Story? :lol:

Jean Ochrzcin

New Member
Christmas Lights

My lights are still up too (so are some others in my neighborhood).
You gotta admit there's something poetic about Christmas lights when there's snow. Therefore I'm looking forward to my 4am daily walk and the really pretty tree (with hundreds of twinkling white lights) on Route 5. I may even watch A Christmas Story again (before my son gets up and spends the next four days yes count them four entire days screaming at Nintendo).

Peace on Earth! Love those lights!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm with the pro-light crowd. Every year someone starts this topic because of Christmas lights. I personally like them and wouldn't mind seeing them in July. Why do Christmas lights bother people so much?


Born and Bred Hillybilly
My aunt put up decorations for everything
Christmas lights
Winter lights & Snowflakes
Green: St. Patricks day
Spring(pastel) lights and tulips everywhere
red, white & blue lights for 4th of july
Purple and Orange lights for halloween

and on top of that she did the tree too
with each holiday she changed the orniments!

She was retired, and so perky you'd want to smack her, but she was great!