Alright, not sure how to apply that chart to plyometrics or workouts geared toward improving work capacity (minimal/no rest time)

Is it JUST for max weight workouts?
A. S. Prilipin suggested that to achieve the proper intensity, one should use the rep/set scheme shown in the table, to ensure the greatest development of speed and strength. He discovered that if 7 or more reps were performed at 70%, the bar speed slowed and power decreased. The same holds true when using 80% or 90%. Once one goes above the rep range shown, the bar slows, which translates to less power. If you do fewer or more lifts than Prilepin suggests will cause a decrease in training effect.
Number of Reps for Percent Training
Percent/Reps per set/Optimal Total/Range
55-65/ 3-6 /24 /18-30
70-75 /3-6 /18 /12-24
80-85/ 2-4 /15 /10-20
90+ /1-2/ 7 /4-10
Lugnut, you would use the lower end of the chart here. Plyos involve power. (Plyometric movements, in which a muscle is loaded and then contracted in rapid sequence, use the strength, elasticity and innervation of muscle and surrounding tissues to jump higher, run faster, throw farther, or hit harder, depending on the desired training goal.)
****I quoted this from and Wiki. They say it better.