

Rocky Mountain High!!
If anyone has any info on the happy folks that decided it was OK to slay a doe, then leave her remains in a black plastic bag near my horse trailer last week, then slay a BUCK and then only lop his prized antlers off his poor head...i'd be ever so glad to allow you to watch as I....well....when i.....well, i'll do something worth watching to the pervert. :burning:


happyappygirl said:
If anyone has any info on the happy folks that decided it was OK to slay a doe, then leave her remains in a black plastic bag near my horse trailer last week, then slay a BUCK and then only lop his prized antlers off his poor head...i'd be ever so glad to allow you to watch as I....well....when i.....well, i'll do something worth watching to the pervert. :burning:

Your trailer was locked so I had no choice but to place it beside your trailer.


Rocky Mountain High!!
baswm said:
Your trailer was locked so I had no choice but to place it beside your trailer.
I hope you thoroughly enjoyed her....she was quite young and should have been very juicy. :frown:
HE on the other hand was quite MATURE based on his size, of which all of him was there EXCEPT his rack hacksawed right off his skull. :burning:


I only killed two does in my life. At it was with a bumper. I would rather shoot them with my camera. A friend goes hunting in western maryland. His goal is to bag 6 deer that he will butcher and use put in his freezer to last the year until next time.


I'd like to lop a few prizes parts off of the *******s that do these things!


New Member
remaxrealtor said:
I'd like to lop a few prizes parts off of the *******s that do these things!

I say we find the BUCKS who did this and turn them into DOE's!

Appy did you call anyone like Animal control? That is just so cruel!