Poison Ivy/Sumac Question


Power with Control
Old thread, have to add my .02 cents, in the past three days Ive gotten into some poison oak, sumac type stuff, while trying to reclaim some of my side yard from the demon vegetation.

The above mentioned Zanfel really is a miracle cure for this. Ive used it twice in three days now, and it takes about 10 minutes to treat, tops, very simple, and your done.

Wet area and hands. Spread about 1.5" on your hand, spread evenly on both hands, scrub affected skin for 15 seconds, rinse completely.

Again, best stuff ever, and I"m a picky bugger


New Member
I'm suffering from this now after spending some quality time trying to clear my backyard back on Tuesday. NOT FUN. I'm too cheap to spend $40 on medicine but if this doesn't fix itself in the next couple days I might have to. Hoping Caladryl and Benadryl will take care of this sooner than later.


Power with Control
Claff, if your still suffering, to update, I ran out of the Zanfel, and went to CVS to get more, but they didnt have it. What they did have was Tecnu Extreme Poision Ivy Scrub. Price is much more reasonable, at $14.99 for a much larger tube that the Zanfel. Works just as well.

The link is to Walgreens, but it does show you the product so you know what your looking for.

Extreme Medicated Poison Ivy Scrub | Tecnu | Walgreens


If it was thorny and you are itchy it might have been wild blackberry and you just might have chigger bites. Years ago I was picking wild blackberries and and day later I was COVERED with what I thought was a rash (mostly on my butt). I ended up at medical and the doctor said chiggers and gave me a shot. Took a week but the itching did stop. It was horrible!


New Member
Whatever I have/had, thankfully it's on its way out. But wow what a pisser it was while it was at its worst.

I looked at the Zanfel and it said it was good for getting rid of the poison ivy oils on the skin, but I thought I was already well past that point and just needed something to treat the rash. The pharmacist at Walgreens suggested Ivarest and that seemed to help. Went to the doctor who gave me a prescription for "Methylpred" pills and that's probably helping as well.

Next time I go to work in the backyard I'm wearing a snowsuit.
Whatever I have/had, thankfully it's on its way out. But wow what a pisser it was while it was at its worst.

I looked at the Zanfel and it said it was good for getting rid of the poison ivy oils on the skin,

Well, there's your problem. You spelled it wrong. It's "Zinfandel". A few bottles of that and you should be all set.... :yay: