That intersection is dangerous.
I got slammed into about 5 years ago while stopped behind a vehicle making a left turn into Fastop from Rousby Hall Rd. The guy had came flying thru the light and could not stop- pushed me into the van in front of us. Luckily no one seriously hurt, but I had (and still have) issues with my neck after that.
The kicker? The police were on the other side of Fastop finishing up after an earlier accident. The Solmons EMTs had just pulled out when our wreck happened.
Co-worker of mine was hit there a couple years after my accident.
How are they going to manage traffic in that area once Giant and Walgreens are open? I live right inside the front gate, but I may start going out by Little Cove Point Rd. if things get any worse.
According to the State Highway plans.............. there will be no more left turns out of Fasttop or Bank of America onto HG Truman. In addition, you will no longer be able to make a left hand turn off of HG Truman into Bank of America or Faststop.... Unless something major has happened....A cement barrior will be installed.
Way back when they first started talking about the new Lusby Town Center, there was supposed to be a Circle at Rousby Hall and HG Truman... The reason they moved Lusby Parkway [and screwed everything up] was supposed to be because the traffic circles at HG Truman and Lusby Parkway would be too close together....
And finally... I asked them to put a circle at the intersection coming out of the Post office and turning left to go into CRE... or coming from HG Truman turning left into the Post Office or the shopping center....
Someone is going to get seriously injured at that intersection... I aso asked them to consider putting a correctly timed light there. That way if you hit one light green it was green all the way through... They liked the idea but that doesn't mean they'll do it...
If they did control that intersection somehow... they could connect it to the Lusby Parkway behind Food Lion and people could scoot right through there and avoid the Rousby Hall/HG Truman intersection all together...