Police helicopters


New Member
mjkc135 said:
Does anyone know whats going on with the police helicopters flying over Lexington Park by gate 3
They're off duty and are allowed to fly them home, to the store, to the gym etc..... :yay:


New Member
FancyBelle said:
And what's he doing on here anyway? He's supposed to not be on here while he's at work. Did you get fired Mikey? :wench:
This is my 7th day off all year!!!!!! Sheesh!!! :faint:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Somebody must be lost because they have two people searching along the water and one on Long Lane, which I believe is back in the Cedar Cove area. More personnel are heading that way.


From St. Mary's Today

Urgent Help Needed for Search Party!
2:41 pm Wednesday Sept. 6th Bay District VFD and rescue workers are asking those with 4 wheelers to report to the entrance to the private beach at Long Lane at Cedar Cove subdivision in Hermanville for a search party for a missing person....

(maybe this is why?)