Police Start Using New Radar Guns That Detect More Than Just Speed

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Police officers use radar guns to detect the speed of drivers. These tools come in handy because they make it easier for officers to pull over people who are speeding. The radar guns clock the driver’s speed. However, that is not the only thing that these radar guns can detect. Many people believe that police officers are only using these guns to track speed, but an officer can also use the gun to see whether a person is texting and driving.

Texting and driving is a serious problem. Despite the fact that there have been a lot of studies done to confirm that texting and driving is dangerous, many people still choose to do it. Some states have even made it illegal for people to text and drive. A company in Virginia has developed the guns.

These radar guns work by detecting radio frequencies. The frequencies come from the cell phone. Sending a text message will give off a different frequency. If the police officers detect a text message frequency, then they will know that the person is texting while driving. This new radar gun is not on the market yet. However, it will be in the hand of officers soon.



Well-Known Member
What about the auto mode, I can set it up so someone gets an automatic text from me that says im driving I will get back to them later.


Power with Control
Yeah, pretty crappy kneejerk feel good. I also question it's discrimination if there is more than one car......


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
What about the auto mode, I can set it up so someone gets an automatic text from me that says im driving I will get back to them later.

Don't know about the technology, but does this actually set the "phone" or the message server to send a reply? We're not dealing with walkie-talkies here.

The best solution is ignition on, phone off. If you're ever in an accident and ####ed up so badly that you can't turn your phone on, I doubt you'd be able to dial it anyway.
Don't know about the technology, but does this actually set the "phone" or the message server to send a reply? We're not dealing with walkie-talkies here.

The best solution is ignition on, phone off. If you're ever in an accident and ####ed up so badly that you can't turn your phone on, I doubt you'd be able to dial it anyway.

There are a number of apps that will send an auto-text back to anyone that texts you, with custom responses based on the sender, or a generic "I'm busy, will text later" kind of thing.

For a while I was using an app that would provide an auto-reply immediately, then after a few seconds, read me the incoming message out loud so I at least knew what it was without looking. I gave up using it because people are stupid. I'd get a text, my phone would send an auto-reply of "I'm Busy Driving" or something, and the people would text back "Sorry, didn't mean to bother you." That would prompt another auto-reply from me, to which they would again reply, "I said I was sorry!", which prompted another auto-reply from me............. :doh:


Power with Control
Don't know about the technology, but does this actually set the "phone" or the message server to send a reply? We're not dealing with walkie-talkies here.

The best solution is ignition on, phone off. If you're ever in an accident and ####ed up so badly that you can't turn your phone on, I doubt you'd be able to dial it anyway.

Well, my phone, I dont need to dial with anything but my voice, and I can imagine scenarios where that could be valuable. Coming home in the dark and for some reason end up in a ditch on Park Hall Road. Would suck to wait til morning for someone to see me. And I shouldn't need a solution to a piece of enforcement tech that is basically flawed right out of the box.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Sorry, but I'm into the "punish all for the actions of a few" mode. I'm tired of dodging disposable compact cars with distracted drivers. Most are more worried about their conversations than they are of the people they may maim or kill.

I've beefed up my ride to provide protection while performing the PIT maneuver. :yay:


PREMO Member
Yeah, pretty crappy kneejerk feel good. I also question it's discrimination if there is more than one car......


indeed, snared by Technology that cannot differentiate between drivers and passengers ....

- next radar gun will intercept messages so the nice officer can do a road side verification
- hand over your phone for the cop to go through, or have it confiscated as evidence and get a court date :whistle:


Power with Control

indeed, snared by Technology that cannot differentiate between drivers and passengers ....

- next radar gun will intercept messages so the nice officer can do a road side verification
- hand over your phone for the cop to go through, or have it confiscated as evidence and get a court date :whistle:

Driver and passenger? I would be surprised if this can differentiate between two cars next to each other. Radio like a cell phone, thats not like radar or laser. It doesn't emit directionally.


PREMO Member
Driver and passenger? I would be surprised if this can differentiate between two cars next to each other. Radio like a cell phone, thats not like radar or laser. It doesn't emit directionally.


as well ...

well Like speed enforcement - you are generally safe in a pack of cars [more than 3]


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Even if the punishment for texting while driving was execution, and you popped a few people just to let everyone know you mean business, there would still be ahole oblivions who will focus on their phone instead of their driving. This radar gun won't affect me because I never - ever - text while driving, but I don't see it having a whole lot of benefit, either.


Power with Control
From what I read, these questions have all been asked, and no answers have been forthcoming from the maker. Which says to me they dont have them. Or dont want to share them.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Driver and passenger? I would be surprised if this can differentiate between two cars next to each other. Radio like a cell phone, thats not like radar or laser. It doesn't emit directionally.

What about that cell tower that is putting out 100 times the power of the phone? Will those generate false hits too?

If cell usage is such a massive problem why not mandate cell jammers in every vehicle that activate once the vehicle is moving?


Power with Control
What about that cell tower that is putting out 100 times the power of the phone? Will those generate false hits too?

If cell usage is such a massive problem why not mandate cell jammers in every vehicle that activate once the vehicle is moving?

Cell usage isnt the issue, at least not as bad as texting. For whatever reason, folks holding the phone seem to be worse than those talking handsfree. And vria, of course, just like DUI, you will never deter them all. Just like you will never eliminate homelessness. But you can make a dent.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Cell usage isnt the issue, at least not as bad as texting. For whatever reason, folks holding the phone seem to be worse than those talking handsfree. And vria, of course, just like DUI, you will never deter them all. Just like you will never eliminate homelessness. But you can make a dent.

Fine, replace the word texting for cell usage, because the only way to stop drivers from texting while driving is to jam the cell when the car is in motion.


Power with Control
Fine, replace the word texting for cell usage, because the only way to stop drivers from texting while driving is to jam the cell when the car is in motion.

So the only way to stop DUIs is to ban alcohol. I never said you could stop it, what can do is reduce it. And that by simply catching and punishing those who engage in it. $500 fine and 2 points.