Politics is Downstream From Culture


PREMO Member

Nuts Or Nutless? The Daily Wire Launches ‘Jeremy’s Chocolate’ After Hershey’s Trans Farce Insults Customers

Now, folks don’t have to give up chocolate just because Hershey’s has given up on America. Jeremy’s Chocolate is available for pre-order in both varieties at ihatehersheys.com.

“The people asked and we answered,” Boreing said. “Thanks to Jeremy’s Chocolate, you can stop eating chocolate that hates you. Harry’s Razors hates you; Disney hates you; and now Hershey’s hates you. As long as corporations and institutions across America continue to alienate half the country, The Daily Wire will continue building alternatives. Stop giving your money to woke chocolate companies that hate you.”


PREMO Member
While speaking with Variety, Daley and Goldstein discussed how Michelle Rodriguez's Holga the Barbarian and Sophia Lillis' Doric the Druid tend to engage in the frontlines of battle compared to their male party members. "That was not an attempt at wokeness on our part," Goldstein said. Daley elaborated, saying, "Swear to God, it wasn't. We liked that Holga is the bruiser that does the dirty work for Edgin, and he doesn't like to get his hands dirty. We also love emasculating leading men."

After reiterating that the reasons did not pertain to "woke" thinking, the pair explained that they wrote the men that way because they find it "funny and fresh," pointing to Rachel McAdams and Jason Bateman's character Date Night, which Daley and Goldstein also wrote. They also aimed to do something similar with Tom Holland's Peter Parker and Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark in Spider-Man: Homecoming. "We like our male heroes to be challenged and not simply heroic," Goldstein explained.

It's something that the pair found surprisingly difficult to achieve with leading actors in their films. While they did not name names, they noted that they'd had experiences with a couple of male actors in the past who refused to look weak or vulnerable in a film. However, they had the opposite problem with Chris Pine, who plays Edgin the Bard in the movie. Instead, Pine reportedly enjoyed making himself look "as bad as possible, almost to a fault," to the point the team had to remind him he had to look heroic in some scenes.



PREMO Member

Divided Coverage of Backlash to Hershey Women's Day Advertisement

LGBTQ Issues, Culture, Culture War, Woke, Transgender Rights, Transgender, Business, Media Bias

AllSides Summary​

Hershey’s Chocolate drew criticism from voices on the right this week for a marketing campaign that includes advertisements and candy packaging featuring a transgender woman.
Details: The Hersey’s website for the marketing campaign states, “this International Women’s Day, celebrate the women changing the future in your community.” It then includes biographies of the five women included in the campaign, one of which is Fae Johnstone, a transgender woman that the website describes as a “leading voice in the conversation around Canada’s 2SLGBTQIA+ issues, advocating for transgender rights and banning conversion practices.”
How The Right Reported On It: Right-rated outlets tended to highlight criticism of the campaign, mostly voiced on Twitter, that argued the chocolate company was erasing women by including Johnstone in the campaign centered around International Women’s Day. Coverage typically noted previous instances of corporations creating marketing campaigns that aligned with values and views seen more in lean-left and left communities, noting the popular phrase “go woke, go broke,” which argues corporations suffer financially when crafting marketing campaigns around political causes.
How The Left Reported On It: Left-rated outlets tended to highlight statements from Hersey’s and the transgender woman involved in the campaign and characterized the backlash as a culture war issue. Coverage typically included notes on recently proposed and passed legislation regarding transgender Americans, such as bans on transgender procedures for minors in Utah and Mississippi, positioning the candy backlash as part of a larger attack on LGBTQ Americans.


PREMO Member

‘Non-Binary, Asexual, Polyamorous Relationship Anarchist’

The massive woke re-editing of Dahl’s books was largely perpetrated by an English group called Inclusive Minds. Jo Ross-Barrett, a former project manager at Inclusive Minds who headed the project, wrote on LinkedIn in 2022 that she was working on a secretive project involving “delivering a large-scale, comprehensive review of inclusion issues and potential solutions for copyright holders and publishers of one of the most famous classic children’s book collections in the world (specifics under NDA until publication),” National Review reported.

A profile of Barrett on the Inclusive Minds sight described her as “they/them” and a “writer and editor with a passion for championing inclusive content and policies. … Jo is an autistic, non-binary, asexual, polyamorous relationship anarchist. They work with Inclusive Minds to help authors and publishers make their books more authentically representative of marginalized groups, and have provided workshops and talks at A Place at the Table 2020 and the UK Asexuality Conference 2019,” The Daily Mail noted.


PREMO Member
“Don Quixote de la Left” is an oil painting depicting the Ottawa Trucker Freedom Protest, and the left deluding themselves into seeing everyone they disagree with as a Nazi so they can justify their Quixotic attacks on medical freedom and populist movements. The Ottawa Parliament building and the trucks tie the piece to the historical event of the Ottawa protest and provide a foundation for the other layers of symbolism in this allegory.


The non-gratuitous, justified depiction of violence is a useful means for shedding light on dark human actions. State medical authoritarianism is based on the ultimate threat of killing or caging those who don’t cave to the lesser pressure of threats, sanctions, business closures, and fines. As many a police-beaten lockdown protester the world over found, those threats are not empty. The followers of “The Science” ultimately rely upon the threat of violence to force compliance with medical authoritarianism.


There are many artists working beyond the bounds of the mainstream art world and creating good work, even if they don’t have access to the same spaces and avenues. Great artwork is out there, it’s just harder to find than that which has the organs of the establishment behind it and promoting it.



Well-Known Member

Nuts Or Nutless? The Daily Wire Launches ‘Jeremy’s Chocolate’ After Hershey’s Trans Farce Insults Customers

Now, folks don’t have to give up chocolate just because Hershey’s has given up on America. Jeremy’s Chocolate is available for pre-order in both varieties at ihatehersheys.com.

“The people asked and we answered,” Boreing said. “Thanks to Jeremy’s Chocolate, you can stop eating chocolate that hates you. Harry’s Razors hates you; Disney hates you; and now Hershey’s hates you. As long as corporations and institutions across America continue to alienate half the country, The Daily Wire will continue building alternatives. Stop giving your money to woke chocolate companies that hate you.”

I wen't to the site, was intending to purchase. $25 for four 1.5oz bars. They actually offer FINANCING if you buy 8 or more candy bars. What the hell are they smoking.


PREMO Member
On Tuesday, Twitter user “Norman” encouraged his nearly 33,000 followers to show up to the event and shut down the debate between Knowles and McCloskey.

“The university of pittsburgh is hosting this man on campus! it would be a shame if absolutely everyone showed up, disrupted and shut it down at 7:30pm on April 18th at the William Pitt Union,” Norman tweeted.

Norman was responding to a viral video of Knowles speaking at CPAC this past weekend. In his remarks, Knowles said that “transgenderism must be eradicated.” His comment was misquoted by several left-leaning news outlets who claimed Knowles had called for transgender people themselves to be eradicated.

“Show up!!! shut it DOWN!! email pitt!!!” Norman added in another tweet, along with screenshots of the debate event page showing the date and time.

“ALSO it would be really a shame if you spammed their even[t] registration with fake names/info,” Norman added in another tweet that included a link to the registration page.

Protesters heeded the call and spammed the registration page to the Knowles debate with fake names until it sold out. Many of the names used were crass, including “Suck My Girlc**k,” “Moe Lester,” “Anna Bortion,” and “Gof*** Yerself” from “ANTIFA University.”

If Progressive Ideals are so RIGHTEOUS why do they shut down ANY discussion that does not fit THEIR NARRATIVE


PREMO Member

I pretended to be a 14-year-old boy on TikTok — what I saw terrified me

Teenage boys on TikTok are flooded with misogynistic, racist, sexual and violent content — even when they don’t go looking for it, a Post investigation found.

I’m a woman in my early 30s, but I recently created profiles for a fake 14-year-old boy named Jayden on TikTok and YouTube.

My aim wasn’t to use Jayden’s profile to interact with other people online but rather just to see what sort of content the algorithm fed him if he was completely passive.

Within seconds of opening TikTok and YouTube as him, I was bombarded with a dizzying stream of videos of girls lip-syncing and twerking in mini-shorts.

After about a minute, things took a darker turn.

Mega influencers like stunt-man-turned-boxer Logan Paul, 27, started popping up.

Paul stars in videos alongside the Sidemen, a popular British YouTube group known for offensive content — one member faced a backlash for his “rape face” video series in 2015.

In their “Sidemen Tinder in Real Life” YouTube series, the men often talk graphically to the women who are invited to their studio to make a potential love connection.


PREMO Member

Senators Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Allow Nation-Wide Ban of TikTok

Politics, Data Privacy, Privacy, Data, National Security, TikTok, Business, China, Defense And Security

AllSides Summary​

A bipartisan group of senators introduced a bill Tuesday that could lead to a nation-wide ban of the app TikTok.
Details: Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) and eleven other senators introduced the “RESTRICT Act,” which would “authorize the Secretary of Commerce to review and prohibit certain transactions between persons in the United States and foreign adversaries.” TikTok is owned by ByteDance, a Chinese company, and has sparked national security concerns due to the data the app collects on its large American user base. TikTok opposed the ban, arguing instead for a proposal that would block some of the company’s U.S. operations from ByteDance.
Key Quotes: In a statement Tuesday, Warner said, “we shouldn’t let any company subject to the Chinese Communist Party’s dictates collect data on a third of our population.” White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan voiced support for the bill, stating that “we look forward to continue working with both Democrats and Republicans on this bill, and urge Congress to act quickly to send it to the President’s desk.” TikTok spokesperson Brooke Oberwetter argued against the bill, stating that “a U.S. ban on TikTok is a ban on the export of American culture and values to the billion-plus people who use our service worldwide.”
How The Media Covered It: The proposed bill was covered across the spectrum, with articles frequently mentioning recent incidents exacerbating tensions between China and the U.S., such as the Chinese spy balloon that flew over the continental U.S. last month.


PREMO Member

Here Are 5 Brands Celebrating Men In Costumes This Women’s History Month


The first thing Apple users see when they visit their device’s App Store on International Women’s Day on March 8 is a giant red poster featuring a dolled-up plus-size “fat positivity” activist named Naomi Hearts.


Apple users who click on the square are redirected to an article about Hearts’s self-love campaign and desire to garner support for dangerous and irreversible procedures such as chemical castration and genital mutilation.



Google India’s advertisement celebrating “equal rights and opportunities for women” on International Women’s Day features Prakriti Soni, a man who expressed the belief that he was a woman starting in 2020.






PREMO Member

The Atlantic: Shakespeare’s work was ‘central to the construction of whiteness’

If Shakespeare were gay, he’d be safe from being purged from the canon as just another straight white man. But now there’s another line of attack against Shakespeare: All of his works had to do with racial identity, and his plays and sonnets were central to the construction of “whiteness” in his time.

"Shakespeare’s work, the collection argues, was central to the construction of whiteness as a racial category during the Renaissance, and white people, in turn, have used Shakespeare to regulate social hierarchies ever since." https://t.co/1a1I0B9H4d
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) March 10, 2023

“A new book argues ….” Daniel Pollack-Pelzner writes for The Atlantic about a new collection of essays edited by Arthur L. Little Jr. entitled, “White People in Shakespeare: Essays on Race, Culture and the Elite”:

A striking example comes in the first essay of White People, by the late Imtiaz Habib, a founding scholar of race in early modern England. He takes up the opening line of Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 1,” which implores a handsome young man to reproduce: “From fairest creatures we desire increase.” The key word here is fairest. In Shakespeare’s day, fair could mean physically attractive or morally just. It could also refer to complexion. More influential, it could be used to link attractiveness and justness to whiteness. When the Duke of Venice approves of Othello’s virtue, for instance, he calls him “far more fair than black.” (Is it any coincidence that the answer to the fairy-tale question “Who’s the fairest of them all?” is “Snow White”?) The scholar Kim F. Hall, another contributor to White People, demonstrated the racial valence of fair almost three decades ago in her field-defining study, Things of Darkness —a dynamic work whose implications are still contested. Although I’m in Hall’s camp, not all Shakespeare scholars agree with her ideas. As a result, it’s still common for people to read passages such as those that open “Sonnet 1” without acknowledging that a paraphrase could basically be “We want the whitest people to have more babies.” Habib calls the “Sonnet 1” opening a “declaration of the desirable eugenic privilege of white breeding,” which is the kind of bracing take, both unsettling and compelling, that this collection offers at every turn.

“The kind of bracing take … that this collection offers at every turn.”

See, this is the kind of crap I’d be assigned if I were to take my Shakespeare course in 2023.

It's an inexhaustible font of content.
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) March 10, 2023
This reminds me of an article I read ages ago about feminist analysis of Shakespeare in which one of the arguments was that the real goal of the conspirators in Julius Caesar is to downgrade Caesar to a woman by making him bleed. 🤣
— Cathy Young 🇺🇸🇺🇦 (@CathyYoung63) March 10, 2023
That take cost someone $350,000 in out-of-state tuition.
— Noah Rothman (@NoahCRothman) March 10, 2023
Is the "overly politically correct" type of wokeism USA Today/Ipsos would have us believe is disliked by a minority of Americans?
— Jay Caruso (@JayCaruso) March 10, 2023
Why did you put this in front of me, Noah
— Grant Addison (@jgrantaddison) March 10, 2023
This reminds me of the time I was treated to a rant about how Frozen was actually about women getting their periods and men being afraid of it.
— MB (@PAEasy64) March 11, 2023
What a horribly depressing, dare I say monochromatic way to view the world. It must be awful to be these people.
— John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (@debeehr) March 10, 2023
Who reads Shakespeare and comes up with a take as awful as this?
— Ilko Birov (@ilkobirov) March 11, 2023
Seriously, just pic.twitter.com/UzqwNmFa6S
— Jamie Dissent (@JamesDissent) March 10, 2023
"Abolish whiteness" is their rubric. Everything flows from it.
— S. Maria Shreve (@s_shreve1) March 11, 2023