Politics is Downstream From Culture


PREMO Member
Donlon then detailed, “Third, because we’re making these changes, we anticipate there’s going to be more reports that will require manual review, so we’ll be beefing up the teams that are needed to support that. Fourth, we’ve been testing Riot Voice Evaluation (RVE) systems in North America in English only for a while now. It’s still in beta, but it’s been working really well so far. Players who have been actioned upon by RVE have not re-offended at a 75% rate. This reduces the overall number of repeat offenders by a great deal. We’re looking to roll this out to more regions later this year, adding support for additional languages while also taking into account local regulations on player safety and privacy.”

According to the Valorant Community Code, Riot Games instructs players to:

  • Never use hateful or abusive language. We do not tolerate derogatory comments on any player’s gender, race, sexual orientation, age, mental or physical abilities, religious affiliations, or country of origin.
  • Don’t make jokes about people. People aren’t punchlines.
  • Threats of any kind are unacceptable in VALORANT. Intent doesn’t matter here, and it’s on you to know your audience if you think it’s ‘just a joke.’
  • Don’t expect someone to ‘toughen up’ over your language. If you upset someone, own it and do better next time. Respect people’s boundaries.
  • Avoid blasting comms channels with background noise, music, or spam.

Ironically, while it claims to “not tolerate derogatory comments on any player’s gender, race, sexual orientation, age, mental or physical abilities, religious affiliations, or country of origin” it also declares:

  • Obey the platinum rule – Treat others as they wish to be treated. If you don’t know, ask.
  • Respect individual differences and experiences. VALORANT is a global community.
  • Treat everyone like they can teach you something – they might just broaden your worldview.
  • Use spicy language with caution. If you’ve just met, don’t assume everyone will understand your meaning or intent. If someone asks you not to use a term, stop – even if you don’t think it’s offensive.
  • Communication channels are a shared space! Keep comms focused on coordination, even if you’re waiting to respawn.
This begs the question as to what Riot Games will do if someone claiming to be a so-called transgender demands players falsely identify the person by the wrong sex. Will Riot Games take action against the so-called transgender person making this demand or will the company take action against individuals who refuse to engage in the lie such as Christians?

Furthermore, what is Riot Games’ so-called “hate speech” policy. What is their definition of hate speech? And is it discriminatory against people’s religious affiliations and beliefs? These are questions Donlon did not answer, but she and Riot Games should so players are clear on the company’s position.

Right .. I am going to guess this is an AI Driven program that is going to ' evaluate ' your speech, and yeah are auto bans going to be applied for not conforming to Progressive Speech Ideals and misgendering

oh and what happens if you mention some PRO TRUMP or MAGA, Pro American Platitudes


PREMO Member

Black Students Get WAKE UP CALL On Reality Of White Americans​

Millionaire Black Girl Calls Poor Student MORE PRIVILEGED Just Because They Are White​

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PREMO Member
Everyone should recognize the attack pattern by leftists



PREMO Member
I'm Gen Z, I live a different than you old man ...
Yeah Gen Z cuck lets his woman get fuked by other men, but ye the money is great

Simp Tries To Act Tough & Ends Up Getting DESTROYED​
