Politics is Downstream From Culture


PREMO Member
They need to just tell them **** off.

Well the Chinese have .. and Chinese Media is spilling the beans ... but here in the West the Alphabet mafia has Companies running scared, especially with Venture Capital Groups lined up gobble the DIE / ESG Dick, then push dick down everyone else's throat ...

aka the narrative on ANYONE wanting to borrow money from them, in this discussion make the next video game .... if you want this 100 million dollars you will implement the ESG Guidelines and Hire a group like Sweet Baby Inc to ensure you game has the correct group think, and if you do NOT play along their friends in the Gaming News and on Twitter will write negative stories about your sexist, misogynistic, homophobic company

Sweet Baby CEO Explains how to extort YOUR OWN EMPLOYER To Hire a DIE Consultant, the video starts at the relevant part of her extortion racket

This is how you get the next Assassins Creed Game set in Japan where the Player Character IS A BLACK MAN, not someone Japanese

Disney is all in with the Alphabet Mafia ....

Star Wars with The Acolyte ....
Snow White with Rachel Zeglier - Snow White is not going to be rescued by the Prince, but discover her GIRL BOSS POWERS
The Little Mermaid was a BLACK GIRL with RED Hair ... how is that NOT Ginger Cultural Appropriation


PREMO Member

First Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds School ‘There are Only Two Genders’ Shirt Ban

Judge Indira Talwani wrote: “School administrators were well within their discretion to conclude that the statement ‘there are only two genders’ may communicate that only two gender identities–male and female–are valid, and any others are invalid or nonexistent, and to conclude that students who identify differently, whether they do so openly or not, have a right to attend school without being confronted by messages attacking their identities.”

Morrison and ADF filed an appeal to the First Circuit.

Judge David Barron, an Obama appointee, emphasized two parts of the school’s handbook:

  • Clothing must not state, imply, or depict hate speech or imagery that target groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation, or any other classification.
  • Any other apparel that the administration determines to be unacceptable to our community standards will not be allowed.

You also knew the case would go downhill because Barron then wrote (emphasis mine), “In the Spring of 2023, L.M. was a seventh grader at NMS. He held the belief that there are only two biological sexes (male and female), that the word ‘gender’ is synonymous with ‘sex[,]’ and that because there are only two biological sexes, there are only two genders.”

Well, guess what! The world has equated the two now so, yeah, Morrison is correct! (Even though I would have put sexes instead of gender on the t-shirt. Not like the school would have cared.)
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PREMO Member
Lewis CK is a piece of shite

American do NOT deserve to have a comfortable life, open the borders and let the people flow in ...

Well this **** muncher should house 15 - 20 ' migrants ' in his home 1st.

This dude is COMPLETELY Clueless as to the affect this would have, Import the 3rd world, BECOME the 3rd world. His cushy life style would quickly disappear, and I doubt he has any real life skills as a Comedian

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PREMO Member
📉📉 The Washington Times ran a story about Disney’s slow-motion, controlled demolition yesterday with the unlikely headline, “‘Star Wars’ fans abandon ship as Disney+ brings on the ‘lesbian space witches’.

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You’ll be forgiven for imagining the Times’ wild headline was an exaggeration, or a knee-jerk response by conservative Star Wars fans. But no. If anything, that unscriptable headline cannot possibly do justice to whatever rabidly woke nonsense was just served up to the space series’ battered fanbase on Monday night.

Star Wars followers, those who’ve somehow endured the star-crossed series’ Disney acquisition to the bitter end, which this surely must be, are generally fanatical about something they call “canon.” Canon includes all the agreed-upon elements of the story narrative, like the Force, light sabers, stormtroopers, Wookies, Death Stars, Jedi, good-versus-evil, and so on. Fans flatly and unamusedly reject creative new story elements that monkey around with the canonical story lines.

On Monday night, Disney incinerated Star Wars canon, in a revolting, poorly scripted pagan ritual of wokeness.

The third episode of the latest official, Disney-plused Star Wars series, called “the Acolyte,” introduced a whole new group of odd characters, never seen before in Star Wars canon, and accurately described as “lesbian space witches.” All the women, women strictly selected for the highly desirable quality of being “not for the male gaze,” ahem, are mostly black, live together in feminist harmony on a not-so-secret planet, in a group they call a “coven.” They conduct bizarre chanting rituals under their alien moon. And they marry each other and reproduce using space magic without men. Men are gross.


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Oh, and the lesbian space witches prefer they/them pronouns, which did not make the dialog weird and hard to follow at all.

As if that weren’t enough to distress every remaining Star Wars fan, the episode outdid itself in re-defining fundamentals of the Star Wars universe. The Jedi, who make a late appearance in the episode, are now child-napping bad guys. Worse yet, in painful, mind-numbing exposition, the space witches explained at great length that the Jedi have always misunderstood The Force. Apparently, The Force is not The Force to which fans became accustomed. Now, The Force is an invisible “thread” that the lesbian space witches kept demonstrating by pulling their fingers apart with nothing but space in between, which seems to defeat the entire purpose of a visual medium, but whatever.

Why are fans surprised? South Park predicted this disturbing development seven months ago, with its viral sendup of woke Disney executive Kathleen Kennedy, who single-womanedly engineered the “reimagining” of the Star Wars franchise. In the comedic cartoon’s hit episode Joining the Panderverse, cartoon Kennedy demanded, “Put a chick in it, and make her gay!” and “make it more diverse!”

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CLIP: South Park "put a chick in it" scenes (strong adult language) (1:29).

Welcome, Star Wars fans, to Disney’s lesbian space Panderverse.
