Politics of Covid 19 Vaccines


PREMO Member
Cornell vaccine mandate only applies to white students

One of the amazing things we learned in 2020 is that the novel coronavirus can’t infect people who attend Black Lives Matter protests. Science!

Apparently the seasonal influenza is even more considerate, at least at Cornell University.

The Ivy League school offers a race-based exemption from its new mandatory flu shot, requiring only white students to get immunized before returning to the area.


A Cornell Health page “especially for students of color,” highlighted by Campus Reform, explains why it’s giving a pass to nonwhite students:

We recognize that, due to longstanding systemic racism and health inequities in this country, individuals from some marginalized communities may have concerns about needing to agree to such requirements. For example, historically, the bodies the of Black, Indigenous, and other People of Color (BIPOC) have been mistreated, and used by people in power, sometimes for profit or medical gain. It is understandable that the current Compact requirements may feel suspect or even exploitative to some BIPOC members of the Cornell community. Additionally, recent acts of violence against Black people by law enforcement may contribute to feelings of distrust or powerlessness.
While the university “strongly recommend” that nonwhite students comply voluntarily, because “long-standing social inequalities and health disparities have resulted in COVID-19 disproportionately affecting BIPOC individuals,” they will be granted an exemption if they cite their racial identity.

Cornell also offers exemptions from mandatory immunizations – not just the flu – under a broader “non-medical/religious” category in state law, but getting such an exemption appears to be more stringent than the easy opt-out for self-identified BIPOC students.


Well-Known Member
I did see a news story about giving the vaccine to teachers so schools can reopen. Can't wait to see the excuse the teachers union uses on this one.


PREMO Member
Biden Falsely Claims: ‘We Didn’t Have’ A Vaccine ‘When We Came Into Office’

President Joe Biden falsely claimed during a CNN town hall on Tuesday night that his administration did not have a vaccine to work with when he came into office, saying, “It’s one thing to have the vaccine, which we didn’t have when we came into office, but a vaccinator, how do you get the vaccine into someone’s arm?”

“What we did, we got into office and found out the supply, there was no backlog, I mean, there was nothing in the refrigerator, figuratively and literally speaking,” Biden claimed. “And there are 10 million doses a day that were available. We’ve upped that in the first three weeks that we were in office to significantly more than that, we’ve moved out, went to the Pfizer and Moderna and said, can you produce more vaccine and more rapidly? And not only agree to go from 200 to 400, then they agreed to go to 600 million doses.”


Just two days after Biden took office, Bloomberg News reported that the U.S. was almost already on track to meet Biden’s goal of 100 million vaccinations in 100 days.

The report said:

In the week Biden was sworn in as president, nearly 983,000 shots a day were administered on average over the seven days ending Friday, according to data from Bloomberg’s Vaccine Tracker. The most recent three days topped a million doses. …
Pressed on the 100-million-dose goal on Thursday, White House press secretary Jen Psaki explained the math behind the administration’s thinking. She said that under Trump, 17 million doses had been administered in the first 38 days, for an average rate of less than 500,000 a day, and Biden’s team hoped to double that.
Bloomberg’s data show that the rate has increased substantially since the first weeks of the rollout. A more ambitious plan would be to double the current rate of vaccinations—not the average rate during the early phase of vaccine distribution. That’s what some Republicans have called for.



Active Member
Cornell vaccine mandate only applies to white students

One of the amazing things we learned in 2020 is that the novel coronavirus can’t infect people who attend Black Lives Matter protests. Science!

Apparently the seasonal influenza is even more considerate, at least at Cornell University.

The Ivy League school offers a race-based exemption from its new mandatory flu shot, requiring only white students to get immunized before returning to the area.


A Cornell Health page “especially for students of color,” highlighted by Campus Reform, explains why it’s giving a pass to nonwhite students:

While the university “strongly recommend” that nonwhite students comply voluntarily, because “long-standing social inequalities and health disparities have resulted in COVID-19 disproportionately affecting BIPOC individuals,” they will be granted an exemption if they cite their racial identity.

Cornell also offers exemptions from mandatory immunizations – not just the flu – under a broader “non-medical/religious” category in state law, but getting such an exemption appears to be more stringent than the easy opt-out for self-identified BIPOC students.

Guess you've never heard of the Tuskegee experiment.

But coming from someone who thinks slavery was no big deal and black should get over going to schools named after people who enslaved and killed their ancestors why am i not surprised.

Then you complain about how hard things are for white males.



Well-Known Member
Guess you've never heard of the Tuskegee experiment.

But coming from someone who thinks slavery was no big deal and black should get over going to schools named after people who enslaved and killed their ancestors why am i not surprised.

Then you complain about how hard things are for white males.


Heard of it. Pretty sure what I remember is that the government lied about treating their syphilis, not that the government gave them syphilis.

A more appropriate example would be the surprisingly common conspiracy theory that the CIA gave black people HIV intentionally. But I guess "due to systemic racism" it's okay to let one specific group endanger themselves and other's based on belief in conspiracy theories, but not anyone else. And of course this ignores the fact that the vaccine is not being apportioned by race.


Beloved Misanthrope
Guess you've never heard of the Tuskegee experiment.

But coming from someone who thinks slavery was no big deal and black should get over going to schools named after people who enslaved and killed their ancestors why am i not surprised.

Then you complain about how hard things are for white males.


Sure. Everyone has.

Those were some awesome flyers!

Guess you're one of those troglodyte throwbacks that thinks they should only be allowed to drive Miss Daisy around.



Well-Known Member
Heard of it. Pretty sure what I remember is that the government lied about treating their syphilis, not that the government gave them syphilis.

A more appropriate example would be the surprisingly common conspiracy theory that the CIA gave black people HIV intentionally. But I guess "due to systemic racism" it's okay to let one specific group endanger themselves and other's based on belief in conspiracy theories, but not anyone else. And of course this ignores the fact that the vaccine is not being apportioned by race.
Not sure I can agree with "the fact that the vaccine is not being apportioned by race." portion of your post. The vaccine is being distributed based upon population, not race. If a certain population area rejects the vaccine that is their decision. As they say, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink". The question should be "Why is a population area rejecting the vaccine?"


Active Member
Not sure I can agree with "the fact that the vaccine is not being apportioned by race." portion of your post. The vaccine is being distributed based upon population, not race. If a certain population area rejects the vaccine that is their decision. As they say, "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink". The question should be "Why is a population area rejecting the vaccine?"

Please see the example above of the Tuskegee experiment.

Blacks have been used in experiments recently in our countries history and therefore are wary of government medical efforts.


#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Please see the example above of the Tuskegee experiment.

Blacks have been used in experiments recently in our countries history and therefore are wary of government medical efforts.
They must have done some terrible things to you...considering how defective you've ended up. This was you..right? They misspelled your name....



PREMO Member
Waitress says she was fired from NYC eatery for not getting COVID vaccine

A New York City waitress says she was fired from a popular Brooklyn restaurant after choosing not to get the COVID-19 vaccine for fear it might hurt her chances of getting pregnant.

Bonnie Jacobson, 34, told The Post that the management at Red Hook Tavern canned her on Monday because she balked at getting the shot immediately.

“It was shocking to me,” she said Wednesday. “I went through the stages: I’m hurt, I’m in shock — then I got mad.”

Jacobson, who has been married since October 2019, stressed that she’s not an anti-vaxxer and “fully supports” people being inoculated, but said she wants to wait for more research on the coronavirus vaccine’s possible effects on fertility.

“The way I see it, getting the vaccine is for me. It protects me. If I am not getting it, it’s my choice, and I’d only be hurting myself,” she said.

The coronavirus vaccines available haven’t been tested on pregnant women, but also haven’t been shown to affect pregnancy and are viewed as generally safe.