Politics of Covid-19


PREMO Member
Whitmer did not mention any specific companies. She did not mention any specific Trump administration official who was blocking the sales.

Crain's Detroit Business:

"When the federal government told us that we needed to go it ourselves, we started procuring every item we could get our hands on," Whitmer said Friday on WWJ 950AM. "What I've gotten back is that vendors with whom we had contracts are now being told not to send stuff here to Michigan."​
Whitmer didn't say who has told vendors to stop sending medical supplies to the state, but strongly implied the order came from President Donald Trump's administration.​
The governor's office could not provide any additional information Friday afternoon substantiating Whitmer's allegation.​

Grandstanding Michigan Gov Suggests Trump Admin Telling Vendors Not to Send the State Medical Supplies
The primary responsibility for each state falls on the governor. Period.

Decisions and setting priorities of level of preparedness, disaster planning, and rainy day funds held in a coffer for unexpected expenses falls on each individual state.

Why is this hard for some to understand?


PREMO Member
“We have to have testing, testing, testing. That’s what we said from the start, before we can evaluate what the nature of it is in some of these other regions as well. I don’t know what the purpose of that is. I don’t know what the scientists are saying to him. I don’t know what the scientists said to him. When did this president know about this, and what did he know? What did he know, and when did he know it? That’s for an after-action review. But as the president fiddles, people are dying, and we just have to take every precaution.”

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It sounds like she may be interested in pursing a second impeachment
Instead of pushing back on Pelosi’s lies, Tapper echoed some of them verbatim and then bluntly asked her if she thinks Trump’s alleged actions “cost American lives.”
“Speaker Pelosi, when you say the president’s denial was deadly, he obviously downplayed the risks of coronavirus for several weeks, and it wasn’t until I think about two weeks ago that he started acknowledging the gravity of the crisis,” he said. “Are you saying his downplaying ultimately cost American lives?”
Yes, I am,” Pelosi replied. “I’m saying that because when he made — the other day, when he was signing the bill, he said, just think, 20 days ago everything was great. No, everything wasn’t great. We had nearly 500 cases and 17 deaths already.”
It’s not clear how the president’s casual remark proves her thesis that the president has been downplaying the coronavirus. Especially when you factor in that, around 20 days ago, the coronavirus outbreak situation in America was indeed far less severe.



PREMO Member
The Facebook exchange was brought to light after former Trump campaign operative Michael Caputo posted screenshots of the conversation on Twitter.

Laura Krolczyk had shared an article about Trump and GM with the sarcastic comment, "Vote Trump."

"But will waste more than that on a wall and space force," LaTrovato replied.

"Trump supporters need to pledge to give up their ventilators for someone else ... and not go to the hospital," Krolczyk said.

LaTrovato replied, "I think they should be the only ones in packed churches on Sunday."

"They should barricade themselves in there and ride this out," suggested Krolczyk.

"Yup," replied LaTrovato.

Another Facebook user chimed in, "Wow, just wow, so your saying we decide who lives and dies based on political views? Great plan 👍."

"That's literally what he's saying," Krolczyk replied. "Take your 'wow' and comprehend what your hero is saying. Your hero is saying YOU don't need a ventilator. So don't take one."

"Also don't cash your stimulus check. It's all a hoax. Chew some ibuprofen and be on with your day," she added.



PREMO Member
Bill De Blasio Threatens To Permanently Close NYC Churches If They Don’t Comply With Social Distancing

New York City Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened late last week to permanently close places of worship if they broke social distancing efforts aimed at reducing the outbreak of COVID-19 in the hardest hit city in America.

“So, I want to say to all those who are preparing the potential of religious services this weekend – if you go to your synagogue, if you go to your church and attempt to hold services after having been told so often not to, our enforcement agents will have no choice but to shut down those services,” de Blasio told reporters. “I don’t say that with any joy. It’s the last thing I would like to do because I understand how important people’s faiths are to them, and we need our faiths in this time of crisis, but we do not need gatherings that will endanger people.”

“No faith tradition endorses anything that endangers the members of that faith,” de Blasio continued. “So, the NYPD, Fire Department, Buildings Department, and everyone has been instructed that if they see worship services going on, they will go to the officials of that congregation, they’ll inform them they need to stop the services and disperse.”

How long until the lawsuits start ?


Well-Known Member
Try and imagine this scenario - you come home, your house is on fire, your family is trapped inside, the fireman and police are there --

And absolutely all they will do is try to find out how the fire started and who to arrest.
Actually, the police begin to interrogate YOU and try to arrest a couple firefighters.

That's what this is like.

You guys want to play the blame game? Have at it. But dammit wait till the fire is out.


Well-Known Member
I just went to the JHU Dashboard site. For one of the tabs, there are "active" cases (as opposed to total, cumulative cases). As far as I can tell, it's a measure of total cases minus recoveries and deaths.

Push THAT tab - and China nearly disappears. Yup. Amazingly, according to official data from China, they've almost totally eradicated it from their country. Amazing. Wuhan and Hong Kong are the only remaining places with any appreciable number of active cases. Beijing and Shanghai - cities with populations exceeding 20 million - have just a little over a hundred active cases.


(for those who didn't notice)


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So! If our Democrat overlords permanently close all the churches, THEN can we put their heads on a pike?

Or will we still obediently cower in our homes and try not to draw attention to ourselves?

I'm telling you - this is a political movement, not an "epidemic".


PREMO Member
Franklin Graham Blasts Pelosi For Saying Trump Was ‘Fiddling’: ‘I Wonder What She Was Doing’

Graham wrote:

CNN reported that Nancy Pelosi accused President Donald J. Trump of “fiddling while people are dying.” What??? Yesterday President Trump had more than a full day, meeting at the White House with key supply chain distribution leaders on COVID-19. Is that fiddling? Then he moved to the Rose Garden where he and the coronavirus task force held a 1.5 hour briefing to keep America informed. Is that fiddling? No, President Trump has been working to do everything he can to help our nation. I wonder what Nancy Pelosi was doing? It could be said that she was the one who caused delays in people getting the help they need because she was “fiddling” with the economic stimulus package, trying to work in political agendas and funding for pet projects. Pray for President Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, and all of the governors and mayors who are leading their states and cities as they face many very long days and tough decisions. They need God’s help and wisdom. Also pray for the medical professionals in the front lines of this battle day in and day out.


PREMO Member
UK’s Boris Johnson ‘Furious’ With China, Says There Could Be A ‘Reckoning’ For China’s Coronavirus ‘Disinformation Campaign’

Business Insider reports that Johnson’s government is the first to suggest that China could face economic consequences for the coronavirus, which originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan.

“UK government officials are accusing China of spreading disinformation about the severity of the coronavirus outbreak in its borders,” the outlet says, adding that officials believe China’s reported number of coronavirus cases — just over 81,000 — is far too low, and that the real number of cases could be “15 to 40 times” official Chinese reports.

In the United States, a battle has raged in “woker” circles over whether it is appropriate to refer to the novel coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19, as a “Chinese” virus, a “Wuhan” virus, or the “Chinese coronavirus.” But certain officials in the United Kingom say China’s involvement in the global pandemic should be front and center, especially as the world deals with an incredible economic fallout from lockdowns and other measures designed to curb the spread of the disease.


PREMO Member
While that fact is reassuring, of equal concern is why Bagley posted the letter on Twitter. Did he truly believe the Henry Ford Health System had no ICU beds or ventilators available? Did he believe the policy detailed in the letter had already gone into effect? If so, why take to Twitter instead of immediately informing his colleagues in the governor’s office of the problem, given his reported position as special counsel to Whitmer is “to aid in the state’s response to the coronavirus pandemic?”

Bagley did not respond to multiple phone and emails messages seeking comment, but it seems unfathomable to think that Whitmer’s special counsel would read about the crisis and not immediately raise red flags with the Michigan coronavirus task force.

But if Bagley had informed his colleagues about the letter, that would be even more disconcerting, because it would mean they didn’t know whether the Henry Ford Health System—the second largest medical system in Michigan—had run out of ICU beds and ventilators.

Whitmer’s coronavirus team should know exactly how many hospitals have reached capacity and have run out of ventilators, and should be prepared to marshal the necessary resources or arrange for any needed transfer of patients to other hospitals. No member of the governor’s team should opt for pushing public panic instead of finding a solution.



PREMO Member
It’s Not The Federal Government’s Fault New York Doesn’t Have More Ventilators, It’s Andrew Cuomo’s

Cuomo’s CON Laws Are the Problem

Levin later went on to criticize Cuomo, stating, “I watched the governor of New York say we need more beds, and I said, ‘Well, why don’t you go get them?’ Because under these CON laws … the first state to have it was New York in the 1960s. They limit the number of beds for whatever reason, they limit the expansion of facilities and not just that, MRIs, CTs, other devices.”

The United States has far more critical-care beds per capita than other countries, but CON law regulations are one of the main reasons the United States has fewer overall hospital beds. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, America has 2.8 hospital beds per 1,000 people. This is less than the 3.2 beds per 1,000 people in Italy, as well as the 12.3 beds per 1,000 people in South Korea, which have had serious outbreaks of the virus. Because of CON laws, some U.S. hospitals aren’t allowed to determine how many beds they need and to expand care as they see fit.

In addition to causing a lack of proper equipment, these rules harm patients. According to a study by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, states with CON laws have a 2.5 to 5 percent higher mortality rate than those without. Wait times have also been affected, with the average delay in New York City emergency rooms ranging from seven to 10 hours before the virus outbreak added strain to an already poorly operating medical system.

Yet Cuomo, who blames the federal government for a lack of beds and ventilators in his state, seemingly forgot it was his mismanagement that led to these shortages. According to RealClearPolitics, “After learning that the state’s stockpile of medical equipment had 16,000 fewer ventilators than New Yorkers would need in a severe pandemic, Gov. Andrew Cuomo came to a fork in the road in 2015. He could have chosen to buy more ventilators. Instead, he asked his health commissioner, Howard Zucker to assemble a task force and draft rules for rationing the ventilators they already had.”


Well-Known Member
I believe a lot of things are going to change in China.
Not so much because of any attempt by countries to punish them for playing with this virus in theit bio-warfare labs or because of their lying about the severity of the vvirus in their country,
No: I think things will change,especially here in America, because we have seen the actual evidence here that Donald Trump was and is right with his policies of bringing business and products back to America and loomking out for America first.
It's crazy that we depend so much on Chinese medicine, Chinese pant and other things thet we formerly produced ourselves.

It's a damned shame we had to get hit with this killer virus to see it.

I think Mr. Trump is doing the best he can in a bad situation, he is working hard and getting no thanks for it from Pelosi and the Democrats who insist on belittling and bad mouthing his efforts instea of trying to help.
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Dr. Fauci Shuts Down CNN’s Acosta For Suggesting Trump Didn’t Act Early To Stop Coronavirus

CNN’S ACOSTA: You understand the painful part of my question, and please, I don’t mean to put you on the spot-up there may be Americans at home saying, “If we had started this sooner, we might not have 100000 to 200000 Americans dying.”

DR. BIRX: No, we understand, but we can’t answer it until we see that. Well, that makes an assumption that it was here, a lot back here, that we didn’t see. And until we have the antibody tests, I can’t really answer that.

DR. FAUCI: Just to underscore what Dr. Birx was saying, if there was no virus in the background, there was nothing to mitigate. If there was virus there that we didn’t know about, then the answer to your question is probably yes. Now the only trouble with that is that whenever you come out and say something like that, it always becomes almost a sound bite that gets taken out of context, but I think that’s very important, what Dr. Birxs has said, is that if there was covert infections here that we didn’t know about, and we didn’t mitigate them, that they would’ve made a difference. If there was virtually nothing there, then there’s nothing to mitigate. And I don’t know the answer to your question.

CNN’S ACOSTA: But they were early. They started early. We were watching South Korea, excuse me, and China and Italy, and we weren’t taking action when those countries were spiking.

DR. FAUCI: In a perfect world, it would have been nice to know what was going on there. We didn’t, but I believe Jim, that we, we acted very, very early in that.

VICE PRESIDENT PENCE: Can I speak to that too as well? President made reference to the fact, January 31, he suspended all travel from China. Shortly thereafter, we issued strong travel advisories for the sections of Italy implicated and sections of South Korea, and we reached agreements with those countries to screen all passengers from all airports coming into the United States of America. The president’s initial efforts were designed at preventing the Coronavirus from coming into the United States. And what our experts have told us again and again at the Coronavirus task force is that those actions bought us a significant amount of time on this curve to respond with kind of mitigation efforts, standing up resources, testing and supplies that are in effect.

But we went from a prevention strategy the President acted on before the month of January was over to a mitigation strategy, which continues to this day. And if I can also say just to every American, all the questions about resources are very important. And I can assure you that the President and our task force are preoccupied with these issues and working with governors hour by hour to meet those needs. But if Americans will put into practice these guidelines for another 30 days, they’ll do their part to lower the curve and save lives, most importantly, and limit the burden on our hospitals and our healthcare system in the country significantly.



PREMO Member
Dr. Birx: Any Lack Of Preparation Due To ‘Significant Amount’ Of Missing Data From China

“When you talk about could we have known something different, you know, I think all of us, I was overseas when this happened in Africa and I think when you look at the China data originally, and you said, there’s 80 million people, or 20 million people in Wuhan and 80 million people in Hubei, and they come up with the number of 50,000, you start thinking of this more like SARS than you do this kind of global pandemic,” Birx said.

Birx said that in “frank” terms that when she looked at the data from China during the first days of the outbreak that she did not think that it would be a global pandemic because of how densely populated the outbreak area was compared to the number of cases that China reported.

“So, I think the medical community interpreted the Chinese data as this was serious, but smaller than anyone expected because I think probably we were missing a significant amount of the data” from China, Birx continued, adding that U.S. officials now have a much better idea of the disease now that they have seen happen Italy and Spain.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
CNN’S ACOSTA: You understand the painful part of my question, and please, I don’t mean to put you on the spot-up there may be Americans at home saying, “If we had started this sooner, we might not have 100000 to 200000 Americans dying.”

#1, we don't have 100,000 to 200,000 Americans dying.

#2, I'm not sure why they even call on that ****tard Acosta. He should be thrown out of these things for good.