Is ANYONE Really Surprised At This .....![]()
Many years ago, I was coming back from a camping trip I went on with a few friends from work, and one of them was a guy I worked with who was from Vietnam. As in, recently. One of the things we began to discuss - because argue isn't as good a word, because it sometimes conveys the idea of animosity and there was none, but we disagreed sharply - was what should happen with your estate when you die.
He was absolutely of the opinion that EVERYTHING should go to the government. He was very much of the opinion that - one - they deserved it after taking care of me and two - MY kids didn't deserve a plugged nickel - they should go get their OWN money and none of mine.
This of course led to a much broader discussion where it was clear he believed in the general sovereignty of the state over individuals. The state - which he equated with society itself - is wholly deserving of whatever you have to contribute - ideas, energy, wealth because - to him - it takes care of you. IT was the body of which its citizens are but a part. And all owe allegiance to the almighty brain.
Moreover - THREATS to the state are understood to be a threat to every person. Hence - he was totally comfortable with the idea of being a "snitch". You turn in subversives who work against the state. They're a threat. Freedom of speech? Why would you need that? That would permit resistance against the state.
He was very polite about it. We remained friends until he left and got another job.
I noticed this same attitude when in China talking with older people (younger folks tended to have a roll your eyes, what can I do about it attitude). They believed in their leaders.
This is the left - they're comfortable with the idea of snitching, because their underlying philosophy is that the larger world of the government must be defended. They don't see the offense of compelling people to comply "for their own good".