Poll: 43 % of Americans are retarded.


This. ------------------>


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
(54% of Republicans :cheesy:)....

This could of gone in Sports, News, Politics, or Religion. I chose sports.

Poll: 43 percent of people think Tebow’s success is due to divine intervention … including 54 percent of Republicans | Off the Bench

A person is smart. People are stupid.

Why does anyone care if the man is religious &, expresses his religiosity? Is he hurting anyone?

I guess he could be out partying it up in the cities he plays in, then going out driving while intoxicated & ending up in jail. Or being accused of raping a woman he just met in a hotel bar. Or shooting up the parking lot after getting into a fight with someone else.

Like probably at least 30% of the other NFL players.

And how does that equate into an intellectual deficit if you do believe he gets his talent from a higher power? :confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I guess he could be out partying it up in the cities he plays in, then going out driving while intoxicated & ending up in jail. Or being accused of raping a woman he just met in a hotel bar. Or shooting up the parking lot after getting into a fight with someone else.

Isn't it interesting what we value in this country, especially when it comes to celebrities and sports figures?

Believing in God = nut
Fighting pitbulls = hero



Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Isn't it interesting what we value in this country, especially when it comes to celebrities and sports figures?

Believing in God = nut
Fighting pitbulls = hero


Yeah, because that is just a "cultural" thing. "They" did this all their lives & were raised thinking it was the way things were. :yay:


Supper's Ready
I guess it all comes down to the definition (or interpretation) of divine intervention. Is it an invisible 12th player with a helmet and shoulder pads who is out there on the field clearing running and passing lanes, maybe even placing the ball into the hands of a receiver? Or could it be interpreted as the strength and determination an individual achieves from having a strong sense of spirituality?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I guess it all comes down to the definition (or interpretation) of divine intervention. Is it an invisible 12th player with a helmet and shoulder pads who is out there on the field clearing running and passing lanes, maybe even placing the ball into the hands of a receiver? Or could it be interpreted as the strength and determination an individual achieves from having a strong sense of spirituality?

Yes, but it doesn't make one retarded if they think either way. :coffee:


Supper's Ready
Yes, but it doesn't make one retarded if they think either way. :coffee:

I was going to write in my post that it never ceases to amaze me when people who hate seeing or hearing about religion with the claim it insults them are often the same people who insult those who do have religious beliefs. This writer is clearly mocking people with faith.


This. ------------------>
I was going to write in my post that it never ceases to amaze me when people who hate seeing or hearing about religion with the claim it insults them are often the same people who insult those who do have religious beliefs. This writer is clearly mocking people with faith.

It's not the "religious/believing in God" thing, it's the whole "God wants Tebow/The Broncos to win" thing. Polamalu's very likely just as religious as Tebow, but since he's not as in-your-face about it, nobody talks about God helping the Steelers getting their Super Bowl wins.

If there is a God, I certainly figure he/she/it doesn't give a crap about one QB getting a win over any other one.


It's not the "religious/believing in God" thing, it's the whole "God wants Tebow/The Broncos to win" thing. Polamalu's very likely just as religious as Tebow, but since he's not as in-your-face about it, nobody talks about God helping the Steelers getting their Super Bowl wins.

If there is a God, I certainly figure he/she/it doesn't give a crap about one QB getting a win over any other one.


There are millions of innocent people dying all over the world in poverty, but yeah god's helping a QB win football games....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
(54% of Republicans :cheesy:)....

This could of gone in Sports, News, Politics, or Religion. I chose sports.

Poll: 43 percent of people think Tebow’s success is due to divine intervention … including 54 percent of Republicans | Off the Bench

A person is smart. People are stupid.

OK but, the way that's worded is specific, yeah; "do you believe divine intervention helped St. Timothy?" and that means 'do you think God actually helped Tim win?". However, what does that really mean? People claim God helped them all the time; helped them deal with a tragic loss (not a game or other triviality) , helped them get sober, helped them avoid an accident, helped them understand something better, helped them gain peace of mind.

To many people that doesn't mean intervention in that God actually physically did anything but, that faith played a direct role. Faith, belief, ability to loosen ones sense of control in order to just relax, do you best and leave the results in 'Gods hands' and that includes losing. 'God works in mysterious ways'. A person who believes in Christ can't believe God actually helped him win because they would also believe that it would be Gods will if he lost and Tim, a Christian, would go about assuming it is all part of Gods plan and to simply accept the result and try to figure out how to do a little better next time. The whole concept is to find a way to do ones best in service to their lord and let Him worry about the rest.

I am an agnostic and I think it is obvious God 'helped' Tim Tebow do his job better be it a win or a loss. His faith allows him to commit to the best of his ability to what he has chosen to do. To just go out there, give it his best without fear and leave the rest in Gods hands.

I think it is interesting as to why this fear of this, of the peace and serenity some faithful folks gain through active practice of their religion that bothers other people so much. He's not running the universe. He's playing a game.

The (full) Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Booo!!!! :lmao: :evil:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Isn't it interesting what we value in this country, especially when it comes to celebrities and sports figures?

Believing in God = nut
Fighting pitbulls = hero


And there's a flag on the play!

Who is more popular right now, St. Timothy or Beelzebub Vick?

Who was more popular a week, two, 10 weeks ago?

The answer to both is Tim Tebow and not Mike Vick.

What would be FUN is if next year it is Tebow vs. Vick in the Superbowl. THEN we'd see some hyperbole!!! Saint vs Sinner! Good vs. Evil! The good looking gentle giant blue eyed white boy vs. the Mean and Nasty looking black devil! Good horsie's vs. nasty birds of prey!



And there's a flag on the play!

Who is more popular right now, St. Timothy or Beelzebub Vick?

Who was more popular a week, two, 10 weeks ago?

The answer to both is Tim Tebow and not Mike Vick.

What would be FUN is if next year it is Tebow vs. Vick in the Superbowl. THEN we'd see some hyperbole!!! Saint vs Sinner! Good vs. Evil! The good looking gentle giant blue eyed white boy vs. the Mean and Nasty looking black devil! Good horsie's vs. nasty birds of prey!


I'm not sure how you can get more than this weekend...on one side you have the Golden Boy.

..on the other a frumpy 7th round draft pick who couldn't even keep the starting role in college away from Drew Henson....fast forward he's now one of the all time clutch QB's, 3 Super Bowls, record setting seasons, super model bazillionaire wife, sex symbol....I'm not saying there's such a thing as the devil, but if there is I think Brady signed him first..:killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm not sure how you can get more than this weekend...on one side you have the Golden Boy.

..on the other a frumpy 7th round draft pick who couldn't even keep the starting role in college away from Drew Henson....fast forward he's now one of the all time clutch QB's, 3 Super Bowls, record setting seasons, super model bazillionaire wife, sex symbol....I'm not saying there's such a thing as the devil, but if there is I think Brady signed him first..:killingme

Brilliant!!!! The ONLY reasonable explanation for this Nobody to play so well is that he, obviously, went down to the Crossroads!!! Deal with the Devil!

Love it!!!! Now, if only we can get Brady to point down at the ground after every good thing that happens for his band of devils and trolls!



Brilliant!!!! The ONLY reasonable explanation for this Nobody to play so well is that he, obviously, went down to the Crossroads!!! Deal with the Devil!

Love it!!!! Now, if only we can get Brady to point down at the ground after every good thing that happens for his band of devils and trolls!


If he did that he would solidify himself as the only Michigan man I've ever rooted for!:killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
If he did that he would solidify himself as the only Michigan man I've ever rooted for!:killingme

Even better would be that the day after the Super bowl St. Timothy is found early in the morning in a gutter in Vegas, stinking drunk, married to a hooker by an Elvis preacher and a Slayer tatoo across his back muttering "Thank God it wasn't Ga Ga..."



This. ------------------>
Brilliant!!!! The ONLY reasonable explanation for this Nobody to play so well is that he, obviously, went down to the Crossroads!!! Deal with the Devil!

Love it!!!! Now, if only we can get Brady to point down at the ground after every good thing that happens for his band of devils and trolls!



I'd also like all those who point to the sky after scoring a TD to look up and shake their fist angrily every time they throw a pick or drop an easy catch.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

I'd also like all those who point to the sky after scoring a TD to look up and shake their fist angrily every time they throw a pick or drop an easy catch.

OK but, if you'd spend less time Hating on Christians (HoC) and more time paying attention, we Christians reflexively look down when we #### up. :drama:

Which begs a deeper question, why do we #### up instead of #### down? Oh, the contradictions in life...




I'd also like all those who point to the sky after scoring a TD to look up and shake their fist angrily every time they throw a pick or drop an easy catch.

Did you see the family guy where a Football player scored a TD and promptly thanked God?

They show heaven and God is watching football on his couch and says, "Oh NO WAY!!!!" then his phone rings and he says, "I know!!!! You heard that? That was awesome!!!"


This. ------------------>
Did you see the family guy where a Football player scored a TD and promptly thanked God?

They show heaven and God is watching football on his couch and says, "Oh NO WAY!!!!" then his phone rings and he says, "I know!!!! You heard that? That was awesome!!!"

:lol: I haven't seen that one, which is surprising as I thought I'd seen them all.