...obviously you do not have the courage of your convictions.
If you do, prove me wrong:
You: Thats' it, continue what HE thinks is right, not what really is right.
So, you want a President to follow polls? Just say yes and we have no more to discuss on this issue. Or would you want a Clinton to do what they THOUGHT was right? Do you have the final say on what IS right and wrong?
You: His numbers are tanking on the war and everything else.
Again, you wish your leaders to be ABC/CNN/Time/Warner? Or a leader who sticks to his/her principles?
You: his closest adviser is in front of the grand jury for the 4th time.
So? Most everyone, left and right, agrees that Valerie Plames job was the worst kept secret in DC.
You: His Supreme court pick is even making Republicans mad
SO? Ginsburg made some of Clintons pals made. Is that your standard, peoples feelings?
You: Delay has been indicted
So? You read the charges yet? Did W make him commit some crime?
You: Frist is under investigation
For what? What did W make HIM do?
You: Libby is under investigation
Who the hell is Libby? What did W make him do?
You: gas prices are astronomical
Do you have a clue as to why? Why is this W's fault?
You: Kellogg Brown and Root (Haliburton) has gotten 5 contracts this year inside the US
SO? They're leaders in what they do. In some cases the ONLY ones large enough to do some jobs.
You: over 1900 soldiers killed
So? 400,000 dieded under Roosevelt. 50,000 in Korea. 50,000 in Nam.
You: Bush wants to cut spending, but not roll back the rich person tax cuts
The tax cuts have reduced the defecit AND the national debt. FACT. Tax cuts ALWAYS bring more money to the treasury. JFK knew it. Reagan knew it. W knows it.
You: he would rather the old people get screwed
Like the titanticly expensive prescription addition to medicaire, right? Do you actually know ANYTHING about any of these issues?
You: His Republican controlled senate voted to bar cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of prisoners and he threatens to VETO it.
If you had a man in your hands and knew he knew something that might stop the loss of US lives, would you beat him half to death to get the info or let innocents die?
You: Then he has the gall to say GOd made him invade IRAQ!!!
This has been denied. Who made Clinton invade the Balkans? Haitti? How did he come to those decisions? Does prayer threaten you?
You: I swear, when someone has the nerve to get on this board and DISAGREE with you all, the sh*t hits the fan!!!! I even got a Karma message saying I must F*ck Clinton and to F*ck off . Way to go people, makes me proud to know that this is a REPUBLICAN forum. Keep doing this when it comes to Bush too
Here's your chance, line by line to make a POINT. Show your stuff. make a case.
You: (By the way, you live in a BLUE state)
Not for long. GOP governor. Sarbanes seat to Steele. People are waking up.