Poll: Bush Ratings Hit New Low

Larry Gude

Strung Out
And now...

...of course, just like every President from Washington to Clinton, ever, who was faced with public dissapproval on any issue, Bush should just...

Do as the polls suggest?

Kill himself because someone doesn't like him?


Continue to do what he thinks is right?


wandering aimlessly
Not surprising about Iraq. Most Americans have ADD. They can't seem to finish what they start without distracting themselves.
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New Member
Larry Gude said:
...of course, just like every President from Washington to Clinton, ever, who was faced with public dissapproval on any issue, Bush should just...

Do as the polls suggest?

Kill himself because someone doesn't like him?


Continue to do what he thinks is right?

Thats' it, continue what HE thinks is right, not what really is right. His numbers are tanking on the war and everything else, his closest adviser is in front of the grand jury for the 4th time, His Supreme court pick is even making Republicans mad, Delay has been indicted, Frist is under investigation, Libby is under investigation, gas prices are astronomical, Kellogg Brown and Root (Haliburton) has gotten 5 contracts this year inside the US, over 1900 soldiers killed, Bush wants to cut spending, but not roll back the rich person tax cuts, he would rather the old people get screwed, His Republican controlled senate voted to bar cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of prisoners and he threatens to VETO it. Then he has the gall to say GOd made him invade IRAQ!!!

I swear, when someone has the nerve to get on this board and DISAGREE with you all, the sh*t hits the fan!!!! I even got a Karma message saying I must F*ck Clinton and to F*ck off . Way to go people, makes me proud to know that this is a REPUBLICAN forum. Keep doing this when it comes to Bush too:lalala: (By the way, you live in a BLUE state) :killingme


Racingwolf said:
Thats' it, continue what HE thinks is right, not what really is right.

And by "what really is right", I presume you mean "what you think is right?"

Racingwolf said:
I swear, when someone has the nerve to get on this board and DISAGREE with you all, the sh*t hits the fan!!!! I even got a Karma message saying I must F*ck Clinton and to F*ck off . Way to go people, makes me proud to know that this is a REPUBLICAN forum.


Go there and disagree with the group. See what happens.

Triple Dog Dare ya.

And just for the record, I've been around for a while, and I've made my dislike for Bush well known. I can't stand the SOB. He's inept, wishy-washy, and he tries WAY to effing hard to make people like him - particularly the people who have sworn themselves to be his enemy.

Not liking Bush is one thing.

Being snooty, arrogant and close-minded about it is another.
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Racingwolf said:
Thats' it, continue what HE thinks is right, not what really is right.
They must be one and the same, in the eyes of the majority of the America people, because he was elected not once, but twice.

Not only that, but The People also elected a majority of Republicans to the Senate and House to help Bush along.

So it's obviously not just a few people on this forum that disagree with you.

I swear, when someone has the nerve to get on this board and DISAGREE with you all, the sh*t hits the fan!!!!

I didn't see sh*t hitting the fan in this thread. Show me where that happened.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...obviously you do not have the courage of your convictions.

If you do, prove me wrong:

You: Thats' it, continue what HE thinks is right, not what really is right.

So, you want a President to follow polls? Just say yes and we have no more to discuss on this issue. Or would you want a Clinton to do what they THOUGHT was right? Do you have the final say on what IS right and wrong?

You: His numbers are tanking on the war and everything else.

Again, you wish your leaders to be ABC/CNN/Time/Warner? Or a leader who sticks to his/her principles?

You: his closest adviser is in front of the grand jury for the 4th time.

So? Most everyone, left and right, agrees that Valerie Plames job was the worst kept secret in DC.

You: His Supreme court pick is even making Republicans mad

SO? Ginsburg made some of Clintons pals made. Is that your standard, peoples feelings?

You: Delay has been indicted

So? You read the charges yet? Did W make him commit some crime?

You: Frist is under investigation

For what? What did W make HIM do?

You: Libby is under investigation

Who the hell is Libby? What did W make him do?

You: gas prices are astronomical

Do you have a clue as to why? Why is this W's fault?

You: Kellogg Brown and Root (Haliburton) has gotten 5 contracts this year inside the US

SO? They're leaders in what they do. In some cases the ONLY ones large enough to do some jobs.

You: over 1900 soldiers killed

So? 400,000 dieded under Roosevelt. 50,000 in Korea. 50,000 in Nam.

You: Bush wants to cut spending, but not roll back the rich person tax cuts

The tax cuts have reduced the defecit AND the national debt. FACT. Tax cuts ALWAYS bring more money to the treasury. JFK knew it. Reagan knew it. W knows it.

You: he would rather the old people get screwed

Like the titanticly expensive prescription addition to medicaire, right? Do you actually know ANYTHING about any of these issues?

You: His Republican controlled senate voted to bar cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment of prisoners and he threatens to VETO it.

If you had a man in your hands and knew he knew something that might stop the loss of US lives, would you beat him half to death to get the info or let innocents die?

You: Then he has the gall to say GOd made him invade IRAQ!!!

This has been denied. Who made Clinton invade the Balkans? Haitti? How did he come to those decisions? Does prayer threaten you?

You: I swear, when someone has the nerve to get on this board and DISAGREE with you all, the sh*t hits the fan!!!! I even got a Karma message saying I must F*ck Clinton and to F*ck off . Way to go people, makes me proud to know that this is a REPUBLICAN forum. Keep doing this when it comes to Bush too

Here's your chance, line by line to make a POINT. Show your stuff. make a case.

You: (By the way, you live in a BLUE state)

Not for long. GOP governor. Sarbanes seat to Steele. People are waking up.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
The sound of #### hitting the fan:

Guy 1: That's a good looking dog you got there.
Guy 2: It's not a dog - it's a cow.
Guy 1: HOW DARE YOU ATTACK ME???!!! Why can't a person have an opinion around here without all you REPUBLICANS attacking them???


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Racingwolf said:
Thats' it, continue what HE thinks is right, not what really is right.
What really is right? How far into the future does your crystal ball see? Is it better to take the fight to those that wish our destruction or should we sit back and react only after being hit again? Should governing be solely a popularity contest? If so how far do you think the civil rights movement would have gone if decisions were made only as the result of polling data? Some decisions will be unpopular, but that doesn’t make them wrong. Besides is he doing or has he done anything that hasn’t been authorized by Congress?

As to the remainder of your rant, maybe we should go tit-for-tat with his predecessor and his “legacy” for a comparison?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I should be able to say ANYTHING is a dog without being challenged or questioned by you REPUBLICANS!!!



Bush's poll numbers with me are wayyyyyyy down for the following reasons:

1. He's trying to fight a political war with Democrats and foreign leaders in Iraq rather than letting the military leaders fight a military war. Hate to say it, but this is Vietnam all over again.
2. We've known that we need to drill for more oil, and build more refineries, to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and to better regulate the availability of fuels, yet despite having a majority in the Coingress he hasn't done squat that makes any real difference. We should already be drilling in ANWAR and off the coasts, and the building fo refineries should be well underway. Instead he keeps playing footsie with the left.
3. He craps on the hard work of many federal judges to appoint a crony to the Supreme Court.
4. He stood up and said "yeah, blame me" for the mostly made-up issue of problems with Katrina relief instead of putting the blame where it really belonged - the Welfare State and the local govies in LA.

If I could oust Bush out of office today, and have Cheney or Rice take his place, I would.

All of the Frist/DeLay/Halliburton/Cheney/Rove crap is just gorilla dust tossed up by the Left and means diddly to anybody aside from those with DEMOCRAT on their voter ID cards.


Well-Known Member
Bruzilla said:
Bush's poll numbers with me are wayyyyyyy down for the following reasons:

1. He's trying to fight a political war with Democrats and foreign leaders in Iraq rather than letting the military leaders fight a military war. Hate to say it, but this is Vietnam all over again.
2. We've known that we need to drill for more oil, and build more refineries, to reduce our dependence on foreign oil and to better regulate the availability of fuels, yet despite having a majority in the Coingress he hasn't done squat that makes any real difference. We should already be drilling in ANWAR and off the coasts, and the building fo refineries should be well underway. Instead he keeps playing footsie with the left.
3. He craps on the hard work of many federal judges to appoint a crony to the Supreme Court.
4. He stood up and said "yeah, blame me" for the mostly made-up issue of problems with Katrina relief instead of putting the blame where it really belonged - the Welfare State and the local govies in LA.

If I could oust Bush out of office today, and have Cheney or Rice take his place, I would.

All of the Frist/DeLay/Halliburton/Cheney/Rove crap is just gorilla dust tossed up by the Left and means diddly to anybody aside from those with DEMOCRAT on their voter ID cards.

:yeahthat: ..and a hell of a lot more!!!!!

what HE thinks is right

If only he had a brain!!!!!!

I can't stand the SOB. He's inept, wishy-washy, and he tries WAY to effing hard to make people like him - particularly the people who have sworn themselves to be his enemy.

:yeahthat: !!!!!


Football season!
it is fun watching a political party in defense mode.

Good point about Bush getting elected twice. So did Clinton. Your point?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Good point about Bush getting elected twice. So did Clinton. Your point?
It means, Piggeyh, that just because you're outside the mainstream and are in the minority of what you think your country should be, doesn't mean that you get your way. In fact it means just the opposite.

I've had 5 years now of listening to liberals call me and the people that vote like me extra chromosome, missing links, brownshirts, and every other scurrilous name they could think of. And I've had it. I'm in the majority, they're in the minority. Their fellow liberals are getting spanked at the ballot box and ha ha on them.

It doesn't make you right when the majority of the country thinks you're wrong.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
PS, one of those disapproval votes was mine. And it wasn't because I think Bush is too conservative.


Homesick said:
Toxick said:
I can't stand the SOB. He's inept, wishy-washy, and he tries WAY to effing hard to make people like him - particularly the people who have sworn themselves to be his enemy.

:yeahthat: !!!!!

I still think he's better than Kerry would have been.


Football season!
Toxick said:
I can't stand the SOB. He's inept, wishy-washy, and he tries WAY to effing hard to make people like him - particularly the people who have sworn themselves to be his enemy.

Toxick said:
I still think he's better than Kerry would have been.

Your first statement is so true, and shows you just how bad Kerry was


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SmallTown said:
Your first statement is so true, and shows you just how bad Kerry was
Yes BUT if it were between Kerry and Al Gore, I'd have voted for Kerry.