Well-Known Member
Toxick said:I still think he's better than Kerry would have been.
yea, yea...I thought the same, now starting to wonder..
Toxick said:I still think he's better than Kerry would have been.
Hey now, wait a minute there...I only voted for him because the other choices were eGore, and sKerry, respectively. Bush has never proven himself to be a true conservative. It irks me to think that an ever bigger lefty will be running the show in a few years.vraiblonde said:They must be one and the same, in the eyes of the majority of the America people, because he was elected not once, but twice.
Toxick said:I still think he's better than Kerry would have been.
:jimmycarter: Dems wants instant success, if you don't deliver you are branded a loser. Come to think of it.....they are right, too bad they wait til after the loser loses to discover it.Larry Gude said:...Kerry or Gore woulda, coulda or shoulda been is put to rest with finality by...Democrats.
After swearing up and down that Gore was our President after 2000, they wanted NOTHING to do with him in '04. Some champion. Some deep love there.
Same thing for Kerry. He is radioactive. He may run again but he is saddled with all of his unanswered questions about his military record and his zero defense of being the liberal Senator from a state whose other Senator is...
Ted Kennedy.
Al and JFK's records speak for themselves; duds. Democrats short term infatuation with both of them speaks to the tone deaf.
Racingwolf said:Kellogg Brown and Root (Haliburton) has gotten 5 contracts this year inside the US
Because Darth Cheney wasn't VP during the Clinton Admin. His connection to Halliburton is something they can make a big deal over and accuse him of cronyism (which Clinton, of course, never did - his cousin really was a White House travel expert and highly qualified for the jobotter said:Why was it fine during the Clinton administration for Halliburton to receive billions of dollars in no-bid contracts and now it's not??
:dummycrat-tactics:vraiblonde said:RacingWolf? Where are you?
I find it interesting that Bush bashers come on here, drop a bomb, then refuse to participate in the discussion that ensues. Larry didn't even disagree with RacingWolf, he just asked a question and got a spew of anger and vitriol in return. Then they accuse "US REPUBLICANS" of attacking them.
Go figure.
Bustem' Down said:americans like to start wars
War sucks and should be avoided unless there is no other option. For Iraq, I say there was no other option as we had exhausted all our dilpomatic options and something needed to be done.Bustem' Down said:Hey, I love war. It's the only time we in the military get the appreciation we deserve by the whole of society.
Kind of like Afghanistan?bresamil said:Not surprising about Iraq. Most Americans have ADD. They can't seem to finish what they start without distracting themselves.
Bustem' Down said:Ultimately, I think his numbers are going down because people don't see the long term, they just see the gas prices higher, what looks like an "apparent" stalemate in Iraq (cause they don't understand the rebuilding process) and the big man on top always gets the blame, whether he deserves it or not. What he needs to do is stomp on the GOP because there is no reason what so ever that they should be making such a fuss over his new selection. Right or wrong, if they don't show a unified front behind thier candidate, things will fall appart.
Ken King said:For Iraq, I say there was no other option as we had exhausted all our dilpomatic options and something needed to be done.