Bring back corporal punishment.
Calling the parents is not always going to solve the issue, I have seen incidents of where the parent was a bigger part of the problem because they refused to discipline their child and thought their child could do no wrong. Give the teachers the ability to control their classrooms and handle their students, we trust them with the ability (and expect them) to judge a child’s learning needs, to keep them safe, to look after their welfare and to help them grow into mature adults, why not let them judge a child’s disciplinary needs, after all, discipline is major tool needed to raising young children into mature adults, why not give teachers that tool.
When I went to school the principal was allowed to spank your arse and the teachers were allowed to smack your hand with a wooden ruler. They also called my parents so when I got home I got my arse beat again. I also remember having to write a thousand times “I will not disrupt the class or disrespect the teacher” because I could not control my mouth. The point, I think I turned out okay and my self esteem and ego didn’t suffer for it, in fact, it made me a better person and looking back I’m glad that those principals, teachers and my parents beat my arse into shape and didn’t let me became a worthless human being.
What I see children of today lacking, discipline, there’s no discipline. Parents are trying to be their child’s BFF’s and don’t want to be the bad guy. Newsflash to those parents, you’re a parent, you are suppose to be the bad guy. Letting your little four year old scream no in your face may seem cute but when they are doing it when they are eight I bet you will no longer going to find it cute, and it’s too late to correct it.
As for my kids, I’ve told their teachers that if they if my kids gave them any troubles, they had my permissions to smack them and then to give me a call and I will take it from there. Both my kids know that Dad doesn’t take any crap and if they want to act like an imbecile, they can do it on the privacy of our own house and nowhere else.
BTW, you trust those “strangers” to keep your child’s life be ensuring the child safe and secure during their time at school but you won’t trust those same “strangers” with knowing when your child needs a little “attitude adjustment”, ironic.: coffee: