

I wanna be a SMIB
My babie kittys are at the well pet clinic right now get the whacked off. Making males, any males nutless is the best part of owning them. I get to pick them up soon. I miss them.


I'm 2 old 2 die young!
I have 2 Pommies, but neither has ever had puppies. I think they can have anywhere from 2 to 5 puppies. Make sure you keep us informed!


New Member
maxima87 said:
Here is some pics that I took when they first came to live with me--they were wet!
What beautiful faces! You are 1 special person to open your heart and home to these lil creatures! :yay:


Has confinement issues..
I love those kind of dogs! LUcky you if you've already fallen in love and plan to keep them...

Brush their teeth at least every other day or so. They are prone to tooth decay:yay:

YOU shouldn have to shave them bald :frown: Just cut out the mats and deal with the few patches... NOthing worse than a bald dog:lol:


Well-Known Member
Beelzebaby666 said:
I love those kind of dogs! LUcky you if you've already fallen in love and plan to keep them...

Brush their teeth at least every other day or so. They are prone to tooth decay:yay:

YOU shouldn have to shave them bald :frown: Just cut out the mats and deal with the few patches... NOthing worse than a bald dog:lol:


Football Mom!!!
Beelzebaby666 said:
I love those kind of dogs! LUcky you if you've already fallen in love and plan to keep them...

Brush their teeth at least every other day or so. They are prone to tooth decay:yay:

YOU shouldn have to shave them bald :frown: Just cut out the mats and deal with the few patches... NOthing worse than a bald dog:lol:

I am def. planning on keeping them. It is a big change though, it's like going from two little ones to four! They need some house training though. I don't know if it is the move to a new house or what...but we will figure it out!

They are matted pretty bad, it doesn't look like they have been brushed out in a long time. My auntie is a groomer so when she gets them she will hook them up.


New Member
Max, you can handle puppies when they are born, not sure who told you the mother will not take them if you do got that info. Do you know anyone that breeds dogs? You may want to consider letting someone you may know that has some knowledge in the dog breeding world "whelp" the litter you very easily loose puppies and the mother if things don't go well. They are normally pregnant about 63 days from conception. They look to be good size so i pray you don't have any puppies that are too large for her too pass naturally. You will notice her nesting, trying to make a bedding for the puppies lots of HARD panting, not wanting to lay still (well that is the pom trait i think lol, but) the vet will be able to tell you lots about it. But my main concern is that you have never whelped a litter and i would hate for you too loose your new pom and her possible puppies. Vets can palpate her tummy to feel for them, but will need to take an xray to find out the size approx. of the babies and the amount of babies in her. They can see the skulls and spins on xray to count them. That would probably be the first thing i would do to make sure you don't have 1 puppy and then think she is done when there are actually more in there and 1 possibly stuck, make sense. The xrays cost about 45 to 60 dollars i believe, office exam is about 25 up, plus any shots the father will need, they will most likely wait on the mother but not sure. Shots run distemper about 18.00, rabies from 12 to 18, and heartworm checks are about 30 a piece. let alone the heart worm meds those are about 40 for 6 pills 3 months supple for each dog. I just wanted to give you a round about so you aren't shocked when you take them to the vet, it is expensive to care for them but so worth it. My rottie is now 12 and other then her seizures is heallthy as a horse hehe. I wish you well having dogs in your life is WONDERFUL and so i having Children :lmao:


Football Mom!!!
We have

Have one puppy doing well! Momma seems to be well also. One puppy didn't make it. I wish that I would of been able to get them to the vet first, but both my children and self had the tummy flu.
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My Sweetest Boy
maxima87 said:
Have one puppy doing well! Momma seems to be well also. One puppy didn't make it. I wish that I would of been able to get them to the vet first, but both my children and self had the tummy flu.

When you first posted, there was only one...when did she have the other one? Are you sure there are no more..that's she not still in labor? Is the mom okay?

You really need to get them to the vet..poms often can have problems after delivery and puppies that seem to be doing well can decline quickly.
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Football Mom!!!
cattitude said:
When you first posted, there was only one...when did she have the other one? Are you sure there are no more..that's she not still in labor? Is the mom okay?

You really need to get them to the vet..poms often can have problems after delivery and puppies that seem to be doing well can decline quickly.

The mom is doing fine. They will see the vet Tues. Last week when I had to r/s that is when they got put in for. When I first posted I did not see the other puppy. When I checked on her this morning she had already had the puppies and the baby was feeding. It was my brother who noticed the other puppy in a different spot from where her and the puppy was at. I am thinking that maybe she moved after that? The mom has been her normal self so far today, she just went out for a bathroom break, and then came and got her puppy back.


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New Member
OH that puppy is so sweet. Making me tear up b/c i just put down my rottie on Wed, she was 12 years old and had seizures and spinal arthritis. It just got the best of her the last few days and my vet and i decided it was her time. Surgery would not help her and she would most likely not have survived it b/c she bleeds out when she has any type of cut (she had to have 3 blood transfusions when i had her spayed.) I miss her so much, she was my life. I hope the baby keeps doing well and so does mom and dad. What is it? He looks a lot like the darker of your two dogs, i think the darker one was the male, if so he looks like him in is coat. how sweet.


Football Mom!!!
Just got momma back from the vet...she is doing well. Just figured I would let everyone know since everyone has been so helpful with suggestions. Thanks again!