Poor Dallas Cowboys - They Never Saw It Coming!


Football addict
I know they got a first down on the play. So anytime you catch a ball for a first down and then go out of bounds, the clock keeps running? That's not right - I've seen tons of catches for a first down where the player ends up going out of bounds and the clock stops. It would have to be like I said, only if you step backwards when you go out of bounds - where you needed credit for the forward progress to have the first down.

EDIT: You're saying that if the forward progress is stopped - not just if you get the first down? Even still, I'm not seeing it on that play - he was heading to the sideline as he caught the ball and just continued out of bounds. It's not like he caught the ball and was stopped and then went out of bounds. So, if what you are saying is correct, then if a player is running straight across the field and catches the ball and then keeps running straight across and out of bounds, the clock wouldn't stop. That doesn't make any sense - I hope that's not the rule.
I don't think it's every time as I've seen it the other way plenty. It's up to the official.
That's a stupid rule - I could understand if you step or are pushed backwards so that you lose the first down, then you can't get both the first down and the benefit of the clock stopping. But, otherwise that's just stupid - almost as bad as the rule that cost the Raiders a touchdown in the first game this year.

But, I still don't think his forward progress was stopped so to speak. He was stepping out of bounds and the defender gave him a little push as he was - it was all kinda one motion just as he caught the ball - at least that's how I remember it.


Football addict
I don't think it's every time as I've seen it the other way plenty. It's up to the official.

With the exception of the last two minutes of the first half and the last five minutes of the second half, the game clock will be restarted following a kickoff return, a player going out of bounds on a play from scrimmage, or after declined penalties when appropriate on the referee’s signal.

The question here, which is not found in the digest is what is the judgment based off of for the officials to make that call. If anyone wants to delve into the million page rule book be my guest.:lmao:


Football addict
That's a stupid rule - I could understand if you step or are pushed backwards so that you lose the first down, then you can't get both the first down and the benefit of the clock stopping. But, otherwise that's just stupid - almost as bad as the rule that cost the Raiders a touchdown in the first game this year.

But, I still don't think his forward progress was stopped so to speak. He was stepping out of bounds and the defender gave him a little push as he was - it was all kinda one motion just as he caught the ball - at least that's how I remember it.
Perhaps the defender's slight touch garnered that call. The minor push was considered stopping the player from turning up field and scoring.

I'd have to see the play again but I can't find any video.
Perhaps the defender's slight touch garnered that call. The minor push was considered stopping the player from turning up field and scoring.

I'd have to see the play again but I can't find any video.

I haven't been able to find it either - I'd like to have another look at it myself.

On another note, while looking for that video, I did end up watching a replay of Dallas' fourth down throw to Hurd in the end zone. Bailey's right arm was all over Hurd well before the ball got there. :lol: