Pope: Church Must Not Obsess About Abortion, etc.


New Member
What do ya'll think about this?

Pope says Church must end obsession with gays, contraception, abortion

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis said the Catholic Church must shake off an obsession with teachings on abortion, contraception and homosexuality and become more merciful or risk the collapse of its entire moral edifice "like a house of cards".

Nothing like giving it up.

So you obviously have an opinion about this.... what do you think?

I don't want to get into the doctrines of the Catholic Church because I don't know enough about them.

All these sins are forgivable .... is that what the Pope is saying? Is this another statement of love the sinner and hate the sin?



Soul Probe
So you obviously have an opinion about this.... what do you think?

I don't want to get into the doctrines of the Catholic Church because I don't know enough about them.

All these sins are forgivable .... is that what the Pope is saying? Is this another statement of love the sinner and hate the sin?


Pretty much, that and something to the effect of don't be so doctrinally rigid that you forget God's mercy. He's not saying to forget about the teachings, just don't be obsessed with them. That's not quite the same as "giving it up". He was speaking in an interview on a personal level. It would seem this pope has a big heart and sees a few shades of gray instead of just black and white. I'm pretty sure I like him! :yay:


Well-Known Member
My opinion is that this will probably cause a real schism in the rcc. I'm not concerned about it because I'm not catholic, and disagree with their theology. The conservative Catholics are already at odds with the liberal leanings of the new pope. What's the sense in using a bible if one does not believe it, for PC purposes? You can't just pick and chose parts that fit your agenda and ignore parts that don't.

Should be interesting, to say the least.


Bead mumbler
My opinion is that this will probably cause a real schism in the rcc. I'm not concerned about it because I'm not catholic, and disagree with their theology. The conservative Catholics are already at odds with the liberal leanings of the new pope. What's the sense in using a bible if one does not believe it, for PC purposes? You can't just pick and chose parts that fit your agenda and ignore parts that don't. Should be interesting, to say the least.

Matthew 16:18 assures Catholics (sorry that you and so many others take scripture out of context) that the gates of hell shall not prevail. Hasn't in 2000 years. Your church or lack thereof is still wet behind the ears. It's 5:00, get over it, have a beer, and hide the can in your neighbor's trash


Well-Known Member
Matthew 16:18 assures Catholics (sorry that you and so many others take scripture out of context) that the gates of hell shall not prevail. Hasn't in 2000 years. Your church or lack thereof is still wet behind the ears. It's 5:00, get over it, have a beer, and hide the can in your neighbor's trash

Wow! Just post a bit of news about your church and see what happens. Straight into the retaliation gutter. :yahoo:


Soul Probe
My opinion is that this will probably cause a real schism in the rcc. I'm not concerned about it because I'm not catholic, and disagree with their theology. The conservative Catholics are already at odds with the liberal leanings of the new pope. What's the sense in using a bible if one does not believe it, for PC purposes? You can't just pick and chose parts that fit your agenda and ignore parts that don't.

Should be interesting, to say the least.

I'm sorry, I don't recall scripture saying one should be obsessed about homosexuality, contraception, abortion etc. Perhaps you need to re-read your own bible and re-read my first post in this thread. Nothing is being ignored...well, perhaps except your own personal and oftentimes viewed as faulty interpretations of what and how a Christian is supposed to be.

As for schism, it wouldn't be the first time a hard-nosed rigid Catholic or two thought they knew better than everyone else including the pope. They're a lot like you in that regard and are always welcome to join your Protestant ranks; good riddance. The Catholic Church has survived over 2000 years, I hardly think this is going to make a dent in it's existence.

I like this pope and find him to be a breath of fresh air. I'm not concerned in the least because the Holy Spirit is in control and Divine providence has deemed that this man lead His Church for a reason.


I rarely post on the religion forum but to me this him pretty much saying you are no better than these people that you vilify, look at yourself before you condemn someone else and that God wants you to love everyone and a large number of people were using God to vilify others and shouldn't.


What's the sense in using a bible if one does not believe it, for PC purposes?

That's not what I get from what he said at all. At no time did he say, "Well, from here on in, Abortion is AOK, and while we're at it let's invite the GLBT crew over for a mass marriage party".

No. What he said (for those among us with receptive language issues) was: The doctrine on these things is already clear. Our stance on this issues is already clear. Nothing about that is changing, however, we need to realize that there's a lot more to the bible than just No-abortion, and NO GAYS! In fact, the most prominent message of the bible has much to do with Jesus' execution and resurrection and it's purpose having to do with God's forgiveness and mercy... and also some obscure crap Jesus said about loving one another.


Well-Known Member
That's not what I get from what he said at all. At no time did he say, "Well, from here on in, Abortion is AOK, and while we're at it let's invite the GLBT crew over for a mass marriage party"

No. What he said (for those among us with receptive language issues) was: The doctrine on these things is already clear. Our stance on this issues is already clear. Nothing about that is changing, however, we need to realize that there's a lot more to the bible than just No-abortion, and NO GAYS! In fact, the most prominent message of the bible has much to do with Jesus' execution and resurrection and it's purpose having to do with God's forgiveness and mercy... and also some obscure crap Jesus said about loving one another.

I did not say the pope said: "Abortion is AOK". You certainly misread my statement you quoted. What I did say, or am about to attemp more clearly to, is that no one can pick and choose what is a sin or not. If homosexuality and murder was a sin when God said it, it still is today. It was unacceptable then, it should be today as well.

Sugar coating topics, like homosexuality and abortion, is just an attempt to try to make people feel better about themselves, while not solving the personal sin issue.

Helping folk with those and other sin issues in their lives (including myself and everyone else) and enlightening them to the black and white stance on what the Bible preaches is necessary, and required, by believers.

I agree with your assertion that "there's a lot more to the bible than just No-abortion, and NO GAYS!. I certainly did not say there was. But I'm sure that there are many abortion and homosexual supporters that believe that. For many, that single or both issues are their lives.

Loving one another, or loving our neighbor as we love ourselves, are the best examples of how we should treat each other. Be compassionate as much as you want, but one cannot compromise on dealing with sin in any church, and cannot condone or allow it to be practiced in any Christian body of believers.

Reach out to as many people as possible, but unless they change their beliefs and lifestyles, they should remain outside the camp.


New Member
Remember, sins can be forgiven in Confession. But a requirement of this forgiveness is a pledge/promise not to commit this sin again, just like Christ told the women adulterer who was going to be stoned. One can not just keep on sinning.

My fear is that the Pope will back off passing the word down that blatant sinners like Pelosi, Biden and Kerry should not receive Holy Communion until they firmly promise to stop supporting abortion, Euthanasia, Homosexual acts, etc.


You certainly misread my statement you quoted.

I most certainly did not. I was not saying that's what you said. However, you do seem to be encouraging that inference.

What I did say, or am about to attemp more clearly to, is that no one can pick and choose what is a sin or not. If homosexuality and murder was a sin when God said it, it still is today. It was unacceptable then, it should be today as well.

And from what I glean from what Pope Francis said it still is. Nothing has changed about that. There's been no fiat of Homo-Amnesty or anything of the sort.

It's just that for some reason, the issues of BC, Abortion and homosexuality have somehow made their way to the forefront and have become the battle-cry of the Church at the expense of more important messages, and that should not be the case. God's mercy and Jesus' message of love should be. All I see Pope Francis saying is that they should get back to that.

And I agree. But I'm not Catholic, so what I agree with is irrelevant in the big scheme of things.

Loving one another, or loving our neighbor as we love ourselves, are the best examples of how we should treat each other. Be compassionate as much as you want, but one cannot compromise on dealing with sin in any church, and cannot condone or allow it to be practiced in any Christian body of believers.

Reach out to as many people as possible, but unless they change their beliefs and lifestyles, they should remain outside the camp.

Nothing the Pope said conflicts with any of that.


New Member
OK.... here's my question.... it's not rhetorical or commentary... it's a true question.

Is the Pope saying that sexual immorality and abortion are no longer wrong?



Remember, sins can be forgiven in Confession. But a requirement of this forgiveness is a pledge/promise not to commit this sin again, just like Christ told the women adulterer who was going to be stoned. One can not just keep on sinning.

My fear is that the Pope will back off passing the word down that blatant sinners like Pelosi, Biden and Kerry should not receive Holy Communion until they firmly promise to stop supporting abortion, Euthanasia, Homosexual acts, etc.

How many people can actually keep this promise?


OK.... here's my question.... it's not rhetorical or commentary... it's a true question.

Is the Pope saying that sexual immorality and abortion are no longer wrong?


Yes, that's what he's saying. They are going to start performing abortions at Halftime during Sunday masses.

Gay sex in the apse.


New Member
What do ya'll think about this?

Pope says Church must end obsession with gays, contraception, abortion

VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Pope Francis said the Catholic Church must shake off an obsession with teachings on abortion, contraception and homosexuality and become more merciful or risk the collapse of its entire moral edifice "like a house of cards".

Nothing like giving it up.

I like this guy .I hope all the Bishops and Cardinals follow his lead .Did you see were he called a women who had written to him because she was worried, she was single , pregnant and no one would baptize her baby .His statement to her was if they won't do it I will ,and she really does have his contact info if no one else will ,this guy is great!!!:yahoo:


New Member
OK.... here's my question.... it's not rhetorical or commentary... it's a true question.

Is the Pope saying that sexual immorality and abortion are no longer wrong?

No , people need to listen we know they hear they just don't listen .Just that not to keep those as your only thoughts .Being gay doesn't make not human , what he is saying is the church should want everyone one no matter who you are ,God forgives all ,does he not ?