Zara has summed up pretty nicely the point I was trying to make. Your position that unbelief, in and of itself, is cause for damnation, doesn't fit with what I know about the God I worship, and I am only speaking of Him. A person with mental disabilities cannot "believe IN" Jesus Christ. An infant cannot "believe IN" Him, as you have defined it, as far as I can tell.
Then there are those who were never taught, etc.
Only God knows if we are willfully ignorant. Only God knows what has brought us to our dying breath without the "belief IN" that you demand. Therefore, only God can decide if that unbeliever is saved or not.
I actually agree with part of that post. Only God knows if one believes in their heart. He also knows, and many of us can see in peoples lives, i.e. the fruit they display, which will demonstrate pretty clearly to human observers, what their belief system is, or is not.
We should all agree that infants and young children that have not reached an age of understanding the simplicity of the Gospel of salvation, that they will not be condemned by God, but gathered at His bosom if they should be called unto Him.
Seeing that God knows us from eternity past, and knew us intimately in our mothers wombs, I firmly believe every aborted fetus is with Him as well, in whatever form God deems righteous.
In this day and age of mass electronic, instantaneous communications, it is getting very difficult to believe that almost all people have heard the gospel in their language. Of course, there will be some cultures that forbid the preaching of the Word, but even there, the Word has penetrated the minds of many there, and that is why those cultures so vehemently oppose it.
The unforgivable sin/act that God will judge is the act of unbelief in the hearts of those that have heard the Gospel. Doesn't matter if you know it in your mind, if you do not act upon that message in your heart, and mean it, you will stand before the Great White Throne for your final judgement. There will be no appeals or do overs.
“Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation” (Mark 3:28–29).
“Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but to him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven” (Luke 12:10).
The Spirit is what indwells the believer's heart. By not allowing the Spirit in, and knowingly rejecting the Spirit, is the unforgivable.
Jesus said it. I'm just quoting scripture.
Jesus is amazingly forgiving. He can, and will forgive all sin and blasphemes against Him from those that know Him in their hearts. He can not, and will not, however forgive anyone who blasphemes him by not acknowledging him, believing in him, in their heart.