Pope: Church Must Not Obsess About Abortion, etc.


New Member
Ah, The Summertime of Vatican II! Where all the doctrines were tossed aside and replaced by the touchy feely good times, I am OK you're OK. The Baltimore Catechism out the window. The results: people don't follow the law to assist at Mass on Sundays and Holydays of Obligation, people receiving without going to Confession, People not believing in The Real Presence. The Sacrificial Mass of all ages replaced with an Anglican Meal. No priests, sisters, brothers, monks and nuns.


New Member
I actually agree with part of that post. Only God knows if one believes in their heart. He also knows, and many of us can see in peoples lives, i.e. the fruit they display, which will demonstrate pretty clearly to human observers, what their belief system is, or is not.

We should all agree that infants and young children that have not reached an age of understanding the simplicity of the Gospel of salvation, that they will not be condemned by God, but gathered at His bosom if they should be called unto Him.

Seeing that God knows us from eternity past, and knew us intimately in our mothers wombs, I firmly believe every aborted fetus is with Him as well, in whatever form God deems righteous.

In this day and age of mass electronic, instantaneous communications, it is getting very difficult to believe that almost all people have heard the gospel in their language. Of course, there will be some cultures that forbid the preaching of the Word, but even there, the Word has penetrated the minds of many there, and that is why those cultures so vehemently oppose it.

The unforgivable sin/act that God will judge is the act of unbelief in the hearts of those that have heard the Gospel. Doesn't matter if you know it in your mind, if you do not act upon that message in your heart, and mean it, you will stand before the Great White Throne for your final judgement. There will be no appeals or do overs.

“Assuredly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they may utter; but he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation” (Mark 3:28–29).

“Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but to him who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven” (Luke 12:10).

The Spirit is what indwells the believer's heart. By not allowing the Spirit in, and knowingly rejecting the Spirit, is the unforgivable.

Jesus said it. I'm just quoting scripture.

Jesus is amazingly forgiving. He can, and will forgive all sin and blasphemes against Him from those that know Him in their hearts. He can not, and will not, however forgive anyone who blasphemes him by not acknowledging him, believing in him, in their heart.


Then we are in total agreement.:smoochy:


New Member
Ah, The Summertime of Vatican II! Where all the doctrines were tossed aside and replaced by the touchy feely good times, I am OK you're OK. The Baltimore Catechism out the window. The results: people don't follow the law to assist at Mass on Sundays and Holydays of Obligation, people receiving without going to Confession, People not believing in The Real Presence. The Sacrificial Mass of all ages replaced with an Anglican Meal. No priests, sisters, brothers, monks and nuns.

What doctrines are you talking about, Bav?


New Member
What doctrines are you talking about, Bav?

Real Presenance, belief in It has fallen to very low levels,
Homosexual Acts
Artificial Birth Control
Lay People touching the Body of Christ.
Altar Girls.
Lay People doing the readings
The Offeratory, with all the prayers of sacrifice, tossed by a mere presentation of the gifts.
People receiving in a state of sin and having not met the Eucharistic Fast requirements.
People talking in the Presence of The Blessed Sacrament.
Change to the Rite of Ordination.
Many more. Detailed in book "Leading indicators of Catholic Church.
Talk to people trying to teach CCD, they know nothing and their parents are worse.

Read the Wanderer, The Remnant, NovusOrdoWatch.


New Member
Real Presenance, belief in It has fallen to very low levels,
Homosexual Acts
Artificial Birth Control
Lay People touching the Body of Christ.
Altar Girls.
Lay People doing the readings
The Offeratory, with all the prayers of sacrifice, tossed by a mere presentation of the gifts.
People receiving in a state of sin and having not met the Eucharistic Fast requirements.
People talking in the Presence of The Blessed Sacrament.
Change to the Rite of Ordination.
Many more. Detailed in book "Leading indicators of Catholic Church.
Talk to people trying to teach CCD, they know nothing and their parents are worse.

Read the Wanderer, The Remnant, NovusOrdoWatch.

Okay, but I don't see what this had to do with the discussion at hand. I think you are spot on with all of these points, BTW. However, you, personally, have to stop wringing your hands and blaming Vatican II. You and my mother exhaust yourselves over this. My mother spends all of her time at Mass looking at everyone else (including the priest) and concentrating on what she thinks they are doing wrong. Don't you think God has it all under control? Yes, there have been abuses, but there always have been and always will be.
This isn't to say that we don't try, as members of a parish or a parish council, or whatever, to effect change, but just like Italian Scallion, you risk pushing people away. Are you angry, or does your heart weep with Jesus over this? He must pity them greatly for having no notion of how close He is to them.

As for the newspapers you mention, I do get the Remnant, courtesy of my mother. I prefer the Latin in worship, and my 18y/o son loves the Latin.


New Member
Priests Offering the Mass wrong, ie not per the Rubrics is a different case. I went with my lovly wife to a wedding in Cape Cod of one of her younger cousins. The priest said the old translation often, especially "For All". My answer to these abuses is to not Receive, I feel I am twisting the knife in Jesus.

The things I mentioned are more changes to the Faith and are driving people away.

Last time in Bayern, the priest on Sunday skipped the Confieteor, the Second Reading and the Credo. I did not receive.


New Member
Priests Offering the Mass wrong, ie not per the Rubrics is a different case. I went with my lovly wife to a wedding in Cape Cod of one of her younger cousins. The priest said the old translation often, especially "For All". My answer to these abuses is to not Receive, I feel I am twisting the knife in Jesus.

The things I mentioned are more changes to the Faith and are driving people away.

Last time in Bayern, the priest on Sunday skipped the Confieteor, the Second Reading and the Credo. I did not receive.

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what you're saying here. You go to a Novus Ordo Mass on Sundays? At least, sometimes? (my mom does the same thing)

Based on your beliefs about the Novus Ordo Mass, why are you going at all? It sounds like you think it's the equivalent of a Protestant service, in which case you shouldn't be there, period. If you think it is a valid, licit Mass, then you should be receiving and not criticizing the priest in your heart. Not saying it's easy, I'm working on that myself. But the point I want to stress is either you are or you are not. My mother goes to N.O. when the weather is bad, or if the Latin Mass in her area conflicts with something else on her schedule. But, simultaneously, she jumps up and down about the Latin being the one, true Mass and how horrid the abuses are in the N.O. You guys can't have it both ways (and you may not be doing the same thing as my mother, I'm just askin')