Pope Francis gives all priests permission to forgive the sin of abortion


Well-Known Member
I'm not Catholic either. That said, as I understand it, he does get to make quit a few calls including the '07 edit ending Limbo for the unbaptized. So, my question is sincere. Is this retroactive? And what of all the parents who suffered their entire lives having lost a child before they could be baptized? If one takes religion seriously, at all, these questions probably ought to be asked...and, hopefully, answered.

I would have to learn more about how a human gets heavenly powers over one's soul.

I get papal infallibility, and that if the Pope says it then it is the right thing to say at the time and all that, but God makes these determinations I believe, not even God's human messenger on earth at the moment.

Again, I'm not Catholic so I do not believe any man is closer to God by appointment of other men. Maybe that's my failing in comprehending this.


professional daydreamer
How do you get condemned to hell permanently, when God has given us forgiveness through his Son?

Pretty simple. We are all sinners, just some more than others. Especially this poster

It is always difficult and dangerous to attempt to list sins according to their degree of seriousness. In one sense, all sins are equal in that they all separate us from God. However, remember that whether our sins are relatively small or great, they will place us in hell apart from God’s grace. The good news is that Jesus paid the penalty for our sins and the sins of the whole world at the Cross. If we will repent and turn to Jesus in faith, our sins will be forgiven, and we will receive the gift of eternal life. ~ Billy Graham

The Bible’s statement, “For the wages of sin is death …” (Romans 6:23), applies to all sin, whether in thought, word, or deed.

When Jesus spoke of his second coming and judgment, he warned that among those deserving punishment some would “be beaten with many blows” and others “with few blows” (Luke 12:47-48).


PREMO Member
Confession and forgiveness is not a bottomless "do whatever the #### you want" loophole.

In order for Reconciliation to work, you should:
1) Be repentant (and not some weak-ass "Gee, whiz! My bad! That one's on me dawg" repentance) *Conviction of the Holy Spirit
2) Be willing to offer penance to atone for what you've done
3) Promise to try to avoid the behavior. As anyone truly repentant would.


wasn't this already covered with 'Thou Shalt not Murder' :shrug:


Well-Known Member
It's not temporary. It permanent when you go. While your here on earth you can be forgiven.
It goes back to the "repentant" heart.

I don't think that's what LG is saying. If one is already in hell, they are dead, and no longer here on earth. He's talking all those that gone on to their destination that are not saved from their sins in Catholic traditional ways (I think, or something like that).

Repentance says it all, but only God can grant that forgiveness, and He will know your heart. No one else, or by any other authority figure, can do that.


Not being a Catholic, I really don't know what #2 means.

Penance is an exercise that is supposed to be an acknowledgement that you did wrong, and is supposed to be an outward sign of your regret and willingness to do better. Usually it's something like saying the rosary twice and - I dunno, giving 15 bucks to the next homeless guy you see. For more severe transgressions, the stronger this penance is supposed to be. I'm not sure what the penance is for murdering your children, but I reckon it's probably more intense than two laps around the rosary beads.

On #3, if a woman came in for confession a second time and said "But I really tried hard not to get pregnant, but did. Forgive me Father for I have sinned again". Are they forgiven?

Beats me, I'm neither a priest nor a theological scholar. I do know that getting pregnant a second time out of wedlock implies lustful tendencies, and falls under the "My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak" umbrella. While not EVIL in itself, treating your body like an amusement park is not looked upon with favor by the Guy who loaned it to you.

Turning a second and third foetus into a pulled-pork hot-pocket implies you don't really give a #### about forgiveness, or you have no idea what repentance is.
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Well-Known Member
Maybe they'll change their stance on contraception next. Which, ironically, was emphasized by a separate pope.

Maybe then abortion would be less of an issue with them.


PREMO Member
Beats me, I'm neither a priest nor a theological scholar. I do know that getting pregnant a second time out of wedlock implies lustful tendencies, and falls under the "My spirit is willing but my flesh is weak" umbrella. While not EVIL in itself, treating your body like an amusement park is not looked upon with favor by the Guy who loaned it to you.

Turning a second and third fetus into a pulled-pork hot-pocket implies you don't really give a #### about forgiveness, or you have no idea what repentance is.


