Pork Chop- agressive boxer at tricounty



When you got PC from tricounty you signed a form stating you would contact the shelter if you change your mind about an adoption so they can make the animal available for another. Instead you offloaded (whatever) to someone else. Those people just executed the contract that you renigged on.

JWWB stated that she did contact Tri County and decided not to take him back and instead found him another home...:confused:


b*tch rocket
Some of the nastiest dogs I've been around have been cocker spaniels. :lol:

Yes, but they can only attack at knee level. :jet:

Actually though, every cocker that I've ever encountered was always docile and submissive, to the point of peeing whenever you touched them. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Baykat isnt the one pissed at Tricounty, the neighbor that was attacked by sweet little dinkydums PorkChop is the one that is upset and wants potential owners to know about his aggressive traits.
why would the victim of the attack care, didn't they know porky was just playin' :sarcasm:


Animal Poor!
you know, I'm sorry you had a bad experience with a rescue that you got before, that has nothing to do with this... drop it, it has nothing to do with PC... the only peeps that had a problem with PC is Bay_Kat and her Hubby and they had him for 4 weeks and it seems he was running the house from the get go. :whistle:

no pup is perfect! Bay_Kat and her hubby told Catt they had experience with the boxer breed, they obviously couldn't control him. It had nothing to do with why JWWB tried to find a home.

Bay_Kat and her hubby made a mistake in getting a dog they couldn't handle, especially with the Young one that might be Bowled over by a Big dog. :whistle: that might happen for any freaking reason...

I would like to know if any Blood was drawn in any of these attacks? or was it just a mouth situation... and did the lady holding the Yorkie receive any bites in the attack? did the yorkie get bit? did the other bigger dogs get bit? There should be some report if he (PC) did bite.

Obviously your assumptions are not only unfounded, you have not read the entire thread including the one which was erased. In the future it is wise to make sure you have your facts straight prior to commenting on issues you have no knowledge of. In other words MOB SH.



It would help if you quoted correctly so it could be read(Just an FYI and I'll fix it for you), besides that, I read what I could from the deleted thread. I can't say I read it all because it was deleted. :shrug: But from the threads I read that YOU have posted, you HAD NO CONTROL of PC... You could not handle him... there's no shame in admitting it buddy!

You and Bay_Kat made a decision that you had to and I never bashed you on that! My only thing was I thought (in my personal opinion) that catt or the previous owner should have been called.


Animal Poor!
i have had three agressive dogs that i have rescued. none of the previous owners indicated any problems. two of the three we still have, the thrid was too aggressive, uncontrolable, and large to do anything with, so he had to be put down.

from ehat i am seeing here, karzd kat has indicatd these rescuers are planning on rehoming PC as a "no issues" dog. that is just wrong. any future owner hould get full disclosure about what happened while he was with mike and bay- and not catt, jwwb's or your sanitized version either.

the only reason i strted this thread was because i felt catt was only trying to hide mike and bay's posts in the other two when she deleted them. did you even read the other two threads?

Dude I disagree, I think the they will disclose everything and you are working yourself over only because of your past experience! get your head out of your ass and see this situation here and not back when!!!

No one is trying to BURY Bay_Kat's and her hubbies experience! It is stated that it was only them that had the problem!!!!!!! Not that the problem didn't happen. No one said it wouldn't be included in his profile...


New Member
not to butt in but i would really like to say something...i love animals and wish i could take all of them...but my neighbor fostered animals and then brought them to their forever homes...well she had this one foster named billie...he was a dalmation...just the sweetest dog...i would feed him when they went away and play for a little while..he loved to get in my lap and put his head on my shoulder...well he was adopted by a family and three months or so later they said he was a problem....she went and got him....he was a different dog...scared of people and even me...eventually he let me at least pet him...well after about a month there was a frantic knock on my kitchen window and the neighbor was signaling me to hurry...i went outside and her teenage daughter was lying on the porch with a cloth over her face...her legs were shaking uncontrollably...cops all over....billie had almost taken her forehead off...i knew of course what this meant for billie and it broke my heart...and the girl next door is thank god ok..with the help many doctors....she had just leaned toward her mom on the couch to show her something and the dog was there too and just attacked...as she was running to the kitchen he got her legs too....i hope to never see anything like this again...but it showed me that a sweet dog can be turned by different things in their lives and you will never know until they snap....maybe this dog could be fine and have a future if he could put somewhere there is not a lot of activity around or children and a nice fenced place for him to be when outside to keep him from getting to another animal or person...sometimes we just don't know....good luck and many prayers that the right decision is made.
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R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
Can't you let it go? I never had any intention of having him put down, I guess I should not have mentioned to my neighbor that he was going to be rehomed, but I thought that since she is a dog lover also that maybe she was concerned. Again my mistake. I love all animals, but I have to say I do value the life and welfare of my child over any animal, sorry if you don't feel the same. Imagine being a small child and getting bowled over by a huge dog that is bent on getting at another dog. My daughter now says she hates dogs and that makes me sad.

She'll get over it... mine do! Having large animals, dogs, horses, what ever...We are bound to get bumped, stepped on and sometimes rolled. It pisses us off at first, but it comes with the territory.


New Member
She'll get over it... mine do! Having large animals, dogs, horses, what ever...We are bound to get bumped, stepped on and sometimes rolled. It pisses us off at first, but it comes with the territory.

and it wont happen again considering she has gotten the threat out of her house.

who are you to question what she and mike do in the interest if the safety of their children?

forever jewel

Green Eyed Lady
and it wont happen again considering she has gotten the threat out of her house.

who are you to question what she and mike do in the interest if the safety of their children?

SouthernMD just said that if you are raised with animals (large or small), you have learn how to live with them and you toughen up. But I do agree that an animal should be removed if it is too much of a threat to the family.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
and it wont happen again considering she has gotten the threat out of her house.

who are you to question what she and mike do in the interest if the safety of their children?

Hmmm, I questioned it?? Where?
I didn't question their decision, only stated the little one will get over it as most do. Now, shut up!:smack:


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
SouthernMD just said that if you are raised with animals (large or small), you have learn how to live with them and you toughen up. But I do agree that an animal should be removed if it is too much of a threat to the family.

:high5: See TJ, some peeps can read and understand what is being said. On another note, their decision is just that... I do think they should have called back Catt and company first though. I have always told any adopters to please call me if there is a problem,,, the pups/animals are welcomed back home with us if it doesn't work out.


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
try being honest with yourself, i know it is hard for c's like you, but try it.

Mike and bay did what they thought was right for their family. they had no contract with jwwb or catt to return an aggressive dog to them. if anyone is wrong in this it is jwwb for both getting rid of a dog for perosnal reasons, and not taking it back to the pound, as she had agreed to.

Honesty is my best policy....TYVM!

Once again it is apparent you yourself do not read or comprehend. You are boring me now...:yawn:


pretty black roses
try being honest with yourself, i know it is hard for c's like you, but try it.

Mike and bay did what they thought was right for their family. they had no contract with jwwb or catt to return an aggressive dog to them. if anyone is wrong in this it is jwwb for both getting rid of a dog for perosnal reasons, and not taking it back to the pound, as she had agreed to.

While at Tri County, he showed NO SIGNS of being aggressive, even when walked in front of the other dog's kennels. Why is that so hard for you to believe? Just because it happened in one household doesn't mean it will happen in another. He has been back with me for a week now with no aggressive behavior. There are plenty of people out front walking around. Does he bark to let me know they are there? Yes he does. I tell him "Thank you for letting me know someone is out there but now it's time to quiet down." As crazy as it sounds, it works.


New Member
I think if you check the stats... most people are bit by those little basstages... they just don't do any damage and are not reported.... :lmao:

Yep I had a "pee pee" as he was renamed, nice w/ people if you didn't bother him while he was sleeping. Took every advantage of a cracked door to run out and try to attack other dogs. He had a rough childhood & I thought that was his maybe his excuse. He was definately not a little guy that I bonded deeply with! :lol:


Look my ass glows!
Dear God

Enuff said about this thread........


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