porn star teacher

would you let your kids have a porn star teacher?

  • yes I would take my kids out of her class

    Votes: 10 20.4%
  • no she's a good teacher so the kids can stay

    Votes: 39 79.6%

  • Total voters


Dream Stealer
The only problem i can forsee is students believing that because she does this, they can get away with bad oh my teacher screws for a living who is she to tell me I can't text in class..I saw that one with her and that cell phone..and hey mine is on vibrate too...:killingme I don't think it would bother me much...but I think it could get very distracting. imagine trying to learn algebra when you just saw your teacher in a movie in a nurse's outfit bent over an ekg machine...


New Member
I think as long as the teacher was discrete and not talking about it, fine. I actually don't have issues with the porn industry. Teachers don't get paid that well to begin with anyway. Also, the kids shouldn't be finding her porn anyway if they are monitored on the internet correctly. Although teenaged boys in their rooms after school can be tricky with all their handy say the least.

If you are talking about the FL Bio teacher, I think it was wrong for the school to fire her. You can't tell me the male faculty didn't investigate it for themselves. I also don't think the courts should have taken her kids from her. As long as she isn't taking them to work with her, neglecting them, etc.


Active Member
I think as long as the teacher was discrete and not talking about it, fine. I actually don't have issues with the porn industry. Teachers don't get paid that well to begin with anyway. Also, the kids shouldn't be finding her porn anyway if they are monitored on the internet correctly. Although teenaged boys in their rooms after school can be tricky with all their handy say the least.

If you are talking about the FL Bio teacher, I think it was wrong for the school to fire her. You can't tell me the male faculty didn't investigate it for themselves. I also don't think the courts should have taken her kids from her. As long as she isn't taking them to work with her, neglecting them, etc.

I don't know anything about that case....I was just going off what they were talking about on the radio


They're out to get us
You realize the parents of today's elementary schoolers probably have their own collection of home made porn, right? Sexuality has become so mainstream that it's almost become a joke... so a middle schooler is just as likely to pop in a video of mom and dad as they are a teacher.

Sure. I don't care about the parents and what they think. It's about the students. I said a middle schoolers look at porn, but not necessarily the case for an elementary school kid. But who cares about what is available to a kid via their parent's personal collection? There's this thing called the internet that's available to kids at young ages too.


New Member
As long as it is not brought up in class i have no problem with it. I really doubt she is going to be like "Hey kids im a porn star "


New Member
so u dont think teachers are role models? what if u have a daughter and she really looks up to this teacher, and then she ends up wanting to be a porn star becaue of it. whether the teacher keeps it out of class or not, its going to go around school, your daughter would find out :shrug:

I had teachers who were arrested for a kmart scam. They had the a student who work there ring up big items for cheap or don't ring them up at all. Doesn't mean i grew up to scam and steal.

Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome
I had teachers who were arrested for a kmart scam. They had the a student who work there ring up big items for cheap or don't ring them up at all. Doesn't mean i grew up to scam and steal.

Was it your English teacher? Must have been because you didn't learn grammar.


I heard this on DC101 driving into work this morning.

If your kids are in school and you find out the teacher does porn during the summer for work would you take your kids out of her class even if she's a good teacher???

Teachers don't get paid enough for the shiat they put up with, many take a second job or work in the summer and if that's what they need to get by, so be it. There have been worse teachers that weren't porn stars, my first grade teacher was a catholic nun, she pulled hair, hit us with the yard stick and the pointer, threw our desks, jacked us up against the wall.... that wouldn't fly these days but she had to have been the worst teacher ever.


New Member
This biology teacher in Florida became the porn star after she was fired for being a bathing suit model.

They should have never been able to fire her. Kids see women in bathings suits at the pools, beaches, etc. Also it is in FL for goodness sakes. This just confirms my belief that schools over step their boundaries way too much.


Well-Known Member
Only 7 morally upstanding citizens. What a surprise. :rolleyes:
Interesting way to phrase it.

Personally, when speaking of a public school, I would say it is not an easy decision. Is there a clause in her contract that requires she not do something like this? Does it effect her ability to maintain proper order and discipline in the class? Does she bring the concepts of her moonlighting job into her day job?

If the answers to these things are all "no", then by what rights could someone reasonably object?

On the other hand, were it a private school, I would expect there to be a clause in the hiring of teachers that forbids such behavior. I would also expect that the morals (vice the reasoned legalities) would have a proper place in making determinations of employment.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I heard this on DC101 driving into work this morning.

If your kids are in school and you find out the teacher does porn during the summer for work would you take your kids out of her class even if she's a good teacher???

I think folks might be a good bit uneasy if they knew what many teachers did in their spare time. :lol:

If she is a good teacher, she's a good teacher.