Portis out for 4-6 weeks


Anyone else think he is basically done in Washington? If he manages to make it back I can't see them wasting a roster spot on him. Lost half of last year with a concussion, this year with a groin tear, year before what was it an ankle?

I think he is worn out from the pounding he has taken your years.

I thought he was done 2 years ago. I mean couldn't we see this coming? But I agree Larry, he is a tough running back.

It's going to be interesting watching Torain develop. Strong runner!


Football addict
Why the name calling?
If it looks like a fool, it probably is one.

It was Portis himself who said it was a minor injury. It was his speculation that had the media and everyone else say maybe this wasn't as bad as it sounded. Then it goes from a pull to a 3rd degree separation which brought on the "off-the-bone" statement. Shanahan characterized the injury as a “temporary setback” for Portis. Off the bone doesn't really seem to be temporary.

I bet that hurts. Anyone who has ever blown a knee or ripped a ligament/tendon will atest that there is a significant amount of pain involved.

The whole TEAM didn't do anything last year and when isn't Portis complaining about something....

Finally, I already corrected myself about the "slight" comment earlier...read the other posts.
Don't all players say their injuries aren't significant?:lol: