Post Poll


New Member
The Washington Post Poll states that KTT is running EVEN with Ehrlich in Southern MD...any thoughts?


New Member
In the end I am pretty certain that Mr. Ehrlich will carry the county. Looking at the primary resulsts for the county, Townsend's unknown primary opponent received thiry percent of the Democratic vote. Take those two thousand votes and add them to Ehrlich's total, which gives him 7,000 compared to Townsend's 5,000 and add more independents for Ehrlich.
smcdem, is the poll for the county or the tri-county area. In that case, Charles could provided a minimal advantage to KKT due to the urban vote.


New Member
It was Tri-county. Expect a heavy turnout for KKT on nov 5 in st. marys. The dems are really good at GOTV this election year. A lot of thing have changed and new people have come in. We are more organized and energized.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It would surprise me a great deal if KKT is elected Governor, let alone carrying the tri counties. I really hope with all my heart and soul that she won't. Glendenning, I could deal with but not KKT.


New Member
I'll admit she won't win st marys but she will get a lot more votes here then expected. You can see KKT on the square of Leonardtown at 1245-145 WED. I do think she will win, It is MARYLAND for christs's sake!!! Julie will win, the base crowd loves her and will go heavy for her.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
I'll admit she won't win st marys but she will get a lot more votes here then expected. You can see KKT on the square of Leonardtown at 1245-145 WED. I do think she will win, It is MARYLAND for christs's sake!!! Julie will win, the base crowd loves her and will go heavy for her.

Who of the base crowd are you talking about? I've been on the base since (shall I say it) before you were born and the only ones I know as seriously strong Democrats are the AFGE local. Which doesn't have any clout on the base. Military institutions are mostly pro-Republican since that is who believes in a strong national defense.

Now get back to your homework and remember when talking about the Lord you should capitalize the word Christ.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Actually, Ken, when you're taking the Lord's name in vain you're not supposed to capitalize.

KKT wouldn't DARE come to Frederick County - we'd burn that witch at the stake up here. This is Ehrlich territory, judging by the signs in the yards.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Ken King

and remember when talking about the Lord you should capitalize the word Christ.
Capitalize Lord, too. Hi Ken.

And you are right, on base, about the worst thing you can call someone is a Democrat. Even life long Democrats won't admit to it now, and usually vote for the"other guy."


New Member
Trust me...the base loves Julie she is one of them. She cares about the base. You'll be surprised on Nov 5th...a lot of your Republicans are on our side.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by smcdem
Trust me...the base loves Julie she is one of them. She cares about the base. You'll be surprised on Nov 5th...a lot of your Republicans are on our side.
:roflmao: :lmao: :roflmao: :lmao: :roflmao: :lmao: :roflmao:

Thanks for the laugh SMC...

But be careful smoking that stuff.... It will stunt your growth as well as your intellect.


I pray we don't have to go through even more of the democrap pain.


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by smcdem
The Washington Post Poll states that KTT is running EVEN with Ehrlich in Southern MD...any thoughts?

Are you sure you're not referencing the state-wide poll in the Post that had them both at 47% with 6% undecided? I seriously doubt that they are even in Southern Maryland, but as usual, Baltimore, PG and Montgomery are the counties that the winner must win. They can lose the other Maryland counties and still become our next elected governor with those 3. Parris did it!


Re: Re: Post Poll

Originally posted by Nodnarb
Baltimore, PG and Montgomery are the counties that the winner must win. They can lose the other Maryland counties and still become our next elected governor with those 3. Parris did it!

That's the fact, it's the populous in those areas that get them in.



New Member
Re: Re: Post Poll

Originally posted by Nodnarb

Are you sure you're not referencing the state-wide poll in the Post that had them both at 47% with 6% undecided? I seriously doubt that they are even in Southern Maryland, but as usual, Baltimore, PG and Montgomery are the counties that the winner must win. They can lose the other Maryland counties and still become our next elected governor with those 3. Parris did it!
In the article it states that she is even with Ehrlich in southern MD. I can give you guys the link and the exact quote if you like.


New Member
In actuality, the base is heavily behind Randal because of her ties in the contracting community. Military Republicans are greatly behind her even though she is a Democrat. In fact, a campaign official for her, Bob Woody, is a Republican and says he supports her because she is in touch with the demands of the base. Four years ago, the Lexington Park and the base were Randall's basions of support and will continue to do so today. My connections also tell me that the base community does not know who Tommy McKay is.
I saw someone say that KKT was worse than Glenndenning, why?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Nice try but I just don’t believe it, other then the ties a person working for a contractor has. My observation is based on actual conversations with employees on the base and not “connections”. Have any of the professional organizations on the base endorsed her? Has the AFGE Union endorsed her? If so I haven't heard anything about it.

Also as very few of the military stationed here have Maryland as their home of record not many actually vote in our elections. So what good, if any, does their support give? None, it holds the same influence as your 15 year old non-voting ally.

While you might find that many of your “connections” don’t know who Tommy McKay is, there are obviously many that do or can you explain why a long term base employee was beat out in the primary by this unknown? His family name is well known and his father’s performance while a commissioner gives many hope of a positive change.

It will be a tight race and while there will be a write-in space on the ballot I haven’t heard that Rocky Rowland has filed. If given a choice between just the two, I’ll vote for change.


New Member
Originally posted by vraiblonde
Yeah, do because it surprises me that she's even making a showing in SoMD.
The one deviation from recent patterns: Townsend is running about even with her Republican rival in conservative Southern Maryland, the poll shows.

Ken... A vote for change?? Four years ago their was a mandate for change...but not this time. I ask you to vote for stability.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Well, how d'ya like that? I've never heard of a raging liberal doing well in southern Maryland. Especially since the area is so dependent on the military base. Huh. Well, we'll see what happens on election day. But I hope and pray that she isn't elected - I dislike her almost as I dislike Al Gore. Which is significantly more than I disliked Bill Clinton.