K.K.T. will be HERE tomarrow at the square meeting the lunch crowd. 12:45-1:45. I ask you, where is Ehrlich?? I really do think the dems are starting to pick up late momentum that shall give them victory on tuesday. I just ask for people who are undecided with Randall vs Mckay. Look what has happened over the past 4 years...12 million increase in the school budget, avg age of schools down from 30yrs to 18yrs. Lexington Park Library, and the first public pool. And still have the 6th LOWEST taxes in the state. I know I have forgotten a million things. I ask you to look behind the empty rhetoric, and just look at the facts, ALOT HAS HAPPENED since 98!!
Vote Julie Randall, Tom Mattingly, Dan Raley, Joe Anderson, Marcel Brooks.
This team is more diverse then the Republicans. They bring unique life experiences to the table. With this diversity, ALL citizens of St. Marys County will be represented.
Vote Julie Randall, Tom Mattingly, Dan Raley, Joe Anderson, Marcel Brooks.
This team is more diverse then the Republicans. They bring unique life experiences to the table. With this diversity, ALL citizens of St. Marys County will be represented.