Pot legalized in MD

How many years until pot is legal in MD

  • 1-3

    Votes: 14 34.1%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • 6 or more

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Never

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters


mama to two
The whole thing nationwide about legalizing weed is dumb. How will it be controlled? So, people can drive after smoking? When it is passed, they have to let like half the population out of the county jails, for being arrested on weed charges. Alcohol is legal, and taking lives everyday on the road. Cigarettes don't cause impairment, weed does. Legalizing weed just opens the door to other drugs. Weed is good for some medical conditions, and it should be left at that; prescription only. Our world/country is out of control. I guess a bunch of hippies are running the show.

kara teoke

Not in SOMD any more
The whole thing nationwide about legalizing weed is dumb. How will it be controlled? So, people can drive after smoking? When it is passed, they have to let like half the population out of the county jails, for being arrested on weed charges. Alcohol is legal, and taking lives everyday on the road. Cigarettes don't cause impairment, weed does. Legalizing weed just opens the door to other drugs. Weed is good for some medical conditions, and it should be left at that; prescription only. Our world/country is out of control. I guess a bunch of hippies are running the show.

Sounds like you need a bong hit


mama to two
So then... outlaw alcohol, right? The rest of your post was :blahblah:

I don't think that it is farfetched to outlaw alcohol, too. It is a mood altering, dangerous substance as the rest of the so called "illegal" drugs. And, Hank, could you please, dear, add a little more to this discussion. I still love you! :love:


my war
I don't think that it is farfetched to outlaw alcohol, too. It is a mood altering, dangerous substance as the rest of the so called "illegal" drugs. And, Hank, could you please, dear, add a little more to this discussion. I still love you! :love:

If you want the government to get involved with a "war on drugs", concentrate on all the doctors dispensing opiates like pez candy. Those users and dealers are the dregs of our society, not someone that wants have a drink and light a doob.


mama to two
If you want the government to get involved with a "war on drugs", concentrate on all the doctors dispensing opiates like pez candy. Those users and dealers are the dregs of our society, not someone that wants have a drink and light a doob.

Yes, I agree. But, I just think that legalizing weed is a bad mistake. And, it is already on this forum from my beginning a year ago, that my son got hooked on opiates because of a very invasive surgery; they were prescribing opiates all over the place, and the rest is history. I guess you saw Dr. Matthews went down, and there are plenty of others. Saleh and Assoc. in PF is a joke. It is a pill factory disguised as a psychiatric practice. :buddies:

Edt: Disclaimer; I am not a racist, bigot, etc., but I just want to say that a few times that I met with the above practice with my son in a session; the doc (I wish I could name him, but maybe another time) had his Koran on his lap, and was eating grapes and bananas, and pretty much told me/son that we were the problem, and should figure it out ourselves; even though I voiced and said I think you are over medicating my son who was hooked at that point. The suboxone thing now is out of hand, too, and, it is supposed to get people off opiates, but, in itself is addictive. I never paid their bill again; if it affected my credit rating, I don't really give a poop. Also, the sessions lasted 5-10 mins after waiting for at least an hour to be seen.
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mama to two
Sounds like you need a bong hit

You made me laugh, thank you! I tried weed in 9th grade; that would be 1970, and got so sick, and barfed, and never smoked again. But, maybe you are right, after 42 years I should try again. Was my mistake not using a bong? :lol:


Well-Known Member
You made me laugh, thank you! I tried weed in 9th grade; that would be 1970, and got so sick, and barfed, and never smoked again. But, maybe you are right, after 42 years I should try again. Was my mistake not using a bong? :lol:

So, you made the personal choice not to smoke all by yourself, and didn't need the government to tell you NO?

Yet somehow the rest of us can't do that?


How many years until legal here?

Whenever MOM decides to vacate the Governor's chair. He wants to run for President, and he's not going to do anything overly controversial (read: anything that requires a functioning pair of testicles) until his fate is decided.


mama to two

True. It doesn't matter if "substances" are made legal or illegal; people are going to do them, regardless. There is a profit to be made either way. Should we go the way of the Netherlands, and legalize everything; it seems to work and not work. There is no good answer to any of this.

EDIT: I obviously did not have my facts straight on Netherlands, Poland, etc. I should have done more research. My bad. Thanks, guys, for setting me straight.
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Well-Known Member
True. It doesn't matter if "substances" are made legal or illegal; people are going to do them, regardless. There is a profit to be made either way. Should we go the way of the Netherlands, and legalize everything; it seems to work and not work. There is no good answer to any of this.

Poland actual decriminalized every drug.

The main point is. Should we focus (many) resources to fight a losing battle, just to tell people what they can, and can't put in their bodies? Should we focus on rehabilitation rather than prohibition?


True. It doesn't matter if "substances" are made legal or illegal; people are going to do them, regardless. There is a profit to be made either way. Should we go the way of the Netherlands, and legalize everything; it seems to work and not work. There is no good answer to any of this.

I thought this discussion was going to be about individual liberty. If we are okay with the government dictating to us what can and can’t consume, then we can’t complain about Bloomberg banning sodas over a certain size. They are doing it because we are incapable of managing our own lives and who better than the government to step in?


Well-Known Member
True. It doesn't matter if "substances" are made legal or illegal; people are going to do them, regardless. There is a profit to be made either way. Should we go the way of the Netherlands, and legalize everything; it seems to work and not work. There is no good answer to any of this.

I'm pretty amused by your responses....You do know that "everything" is not legalized in Netherlands, right? You do know that weed and other narcotics are NOT legal in Netherlands, right? They're de-criminalized, and there is a difference.

Also, weed is not nearly as bad a drug as cigs or alcohol. Those two kill an enormous amount of first-hand users and bystanders. (For the record, I don't do any of the mentioned drugs, with the exception of the occasional beer).

I do think it's rather silly that marijuana is outlawed, and the masses go along with it, thinking "but it's always been that way." Mamatutu, you haven't named one valid reason why it should be illegal; rather, you've named several made-up stat's and mistruths.

What I don't get is the ridiculous age restriction on alcohol. I mean, really? 21? Wtf is that? You're considered a legal adult at 18 and can be tried as one, you can vote, you can die for your country, but you can't drink? Seriously? Another idiotic law that makes ZERO sense but the masses go along with it. The only sense I can make out of it is for brain-development, but even then....the brain isn't fully developed until 25 so that's even a moot point.


Also, weed is not nearly as bad a drug as cigs or alcohol. Those two kill an enormous amount of first-hand users and bystanders. (For the record, I don't do any of the mentioned drugs, with the exception of the occasional beer).

I don’t know if you’re claiming status of percentage or just raw numbers, but alcohol and cigarettes kill more because they are used more.

I would also argue that you can’t have an occasional joint without getting high. You smoke pot with the strict intent of getting high. You can, however, have an occasional beer and not get drunk. You can enjoy alcohol at a much different level and purpose than pot. Now don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying I have a problem with people getting high (actually I do, but it’s none of my business), but a person can get behind the wheel after a beer and not break the law. You’ll NEVER legally be allowed to get behind the wheel after smoking a joint. So, I can see a potential problem with more high drivers once pot is made legal. I know folks will disagree, and I can’t prove this. It’s just my intuition. And I’m not making a case for keeping pot illegal. But I will say that with all these things, making it easier to get and use will have its consequences.


Well-Known Member
I don’t know if you’re claiming status of percentage or just raw numbers, but alcohol and cigarettes kill more because they are used more.

I would also argue that you can’t have an occasional joint without getting high. You smoke pot with the strict intent of getting high. You can, however, have an occasional beer and not get drunk. You can enjoy alcohol at a much different level and purpose than pot. Now don’t get me wrong; I’m not saying I have a problem with people getting high (actually I do, but it’s none of my business), but a person can get behind the wheel after a beer and not break the law. You’ll NEVER legally be allowed to get behind the wheel after smoking a joint. So, I can see a potential problem with more high drivers once pot is made legal. I know folks will disagree, and I can’t prove this. It’s just my intuition. And I’m not making a case for keeping pot illegal. But I will say that with all these things, making it easier to get and use will have its consequences.

That's as silly as saying someone can't consume alcohol without getting drunk, and you drink for the sole purpose of getting drunk. It's just wrong.


my war
True. It doesn't matter if "substances" are made legal or illegal; people are going to do them, regardless. There is a profit to be made either way. Should we go the way of the Netherlands, and legalize everything; it seems to work and not work. There is no good answer to any of this.

What in the Hell are you talking about? Everything is not legalized in The Netherlands.... Marijuana is decriminalized meaning you can smoke in the privacy or your own home (and possess a certain amount) or coffee shops... Nothing else is legalized or decriminalized.