Pot legalized in MD

How many years until pot is legal in MD

  • 1-3

    Votes: 14 34.1%
  • 3-5

    Votes: 8 19.5%
  • 6 or more

    Votes: 7 17.1%
  • Never

    Votes: 12 29.3%

  • Total voters


my war
Never, unless the state can find a way to tax it.

I guarantee if the federal government takes the stance that they will allow each state to dictate their own Marijuana laws, several states are going to follow suit.....and quickly! The feds are going to have to react to Colorado and Washington's legalization very soon and if they get in the way I don't see how anyone could not question this "authority" when the people have spoken.


Well-Known Member
I think it might cut down on crime - folks would just have a nice plant growing in their den, and would no longer need to support the hierarchy of thugs. I'm not sure I understand why it's illegal to begin with...


Well-Known Member
I think it might cut down on crime - folks would just have a nice plant growing in their den, and would no longer need to support the hierarchy of thugs. I'm not sure I understand why it's illegal to begin with...

People could smoke and get a buzz too. Then we wouldn't need cigarettes or liquor and the state can't spare to lose the tax revenue.

Truth is, as much as we are demonized for smoking/drinking, the states relies on us to do both.


Lem Putt
Never, unless the state can find a way to tax it.

Which is exactly what the states legalizing are planning to do.

If MD ever does legalize it, they'll put so many taxes and regulations on it that you won't actually be able to get it or use it. Cigarettes have gone up 1000% in my lifetime, and they don't let you smoke anywhere any more. If the ever legalize pot they'll do the same. You'll only be able to use it outside on days that are above 65 and below 75 degrees, wind below 5 mph, not within 500 yards of a school, church, house, store, or any wildlife, and only while standing on one foot in the Crane pose from Karate Kid. Then O'Malley will put his picture on every pack with the message "this buzz brought to you be The Benevelont Governor for Life."


That's as silly as saying someone can't consume alcohol without getting drunk, and you drink for the sole purpose of getting drunk. It's just wrong.


Are you telling me you can smoke pot without getting high? Are you telling me that is your intent?


Well-Known Member

Are you telling me you can smoke pot without getting high? Are you telling me that is your intent?

Yes, just as you can drink alcohol without getting full-blown drunk.

Or do you think that if you even catch a WHIFF of someone smoking, you'll be high?


Yes, just as you can drink alcohol without getting full-blown drunk.

That's laughable. If you smoked pot without getting high, you did it wrong. I mean, what's the point? There is no point in smoking pot except to get high. Let's put it another way. When they legalize pot, there will be no factor in acceptable level of pot consumption to be behind the wheel. In other words if you smoke pot and you drive you are DUI. However, there ARE legal limits to driving after consuming alcohol. See the difference?

Or do you think that if you even catch a WHIFF of someone smoking, you'll be high?

What does this have to do with anything? We're talking about smoking pot and what the intent is.


Well-Known Member
What does this have to do with anything? We're talking about smoking pot and what the intent is.

He's saying that pot isn't like Crack. You don't take one hit and you're instantly stoned.

Just like with alcohol. You don't drink one beer, or one shot and are instantly drunk.


He's saying that pot isn't like Crack. You don't take one hit and you're instantly stoned.

Just like with alcohol. You don't drink one beer, or one shot and are instantly drunk.

And I’m saying that’s NOT what I’m talking about. A person that decides to smoke pot is doing so with the intent of getting high. Whether it takes 1 joint or 5, they are doing it with the intent to get high. If they aren’t it defeats the purpose.

Alcohol is not this way. Most people drink casually (1 or 2) because they enjoy the taste and to relax a little; and do so without intent of getting drunk. Yes, there are some that drink with the specific intent of getting drunk. I’m not talking about that either. I’m trying to distinguish the difference between the purpose of smoking pot and drinking alcohol and why it is easier to legalize alcohol than it is to legalize pot.


Well-Known Member
And I’m saying that’s NOT what I’m talking about. A person that decides to smoke pot is doing so with the intent of getting high. Whether it takes 1 joint or 5, they are doing it with the intent to get high. If they aren’t it defeats the purpose.

Alcohol is not this way. Most people drink casually (1 or 2) because they enjoy the taste and to relax a little; and do so without intent of getting drunk. Yes, there are some that drink with the specific intent of getting drunk. I’m not talking about that either. I’m trying to distinguish the difference between the purpose of smoking pot and drinking alcohol and why it is easier to legalize alcohol than it is to legalize pot.

I get what you're saying, but what makes you think everyone who smokes would smoke until they were stupid? Just as MOST people can have the self control to come home after a hard day at work and drink 1-3 beers and be fine, what makes you think the same couldn't be said for marijuana smokers?

The same reason one wants to drink, is the same reason one would want to smoke. To relax. Are there people who take it overboard? Yes, but I think we agree we aren't talking about abusers here, and just normal, everyday, tax paying, hard working, people.


I get what you're saying, but what makes you think everyone who smokes would smoke until they were stupid? Just as MOST people can have the self control to come home after a hard day at work and drink 1-3 beers and be fine, what makes you think the same couldn't be said for marijuana smokers?

The same reason one wants to drink, is the same reason one would want to smoke. To relax. Are there people who take it overboard? Yes, but I think we agree we aren't talking about abusers here, and just normal, everyday, tax paying, hard working, people.

Okay, you’re just being obtuse now. I never used the word stupid. I don’t imply that people that use pot are stupid. I am saying that the purpose of smoking pot is to get high. This has nothing to do with self control. It has to do with the purpose of pot.

Are you trying to tell me there are people out there smoking pot that do it without the intent of getting high? If that’s what you’re trying to convince me of then you must think I just crawled out from under the rock two hours ago.

I’m not disputing that part of the reason for smoking pot is to relax, but I’m trying to differentiate between getting high and getting drunk. Once again, the intent in smoking pot, for every pot smoker, is to get high. If it’s not, then it defeats the purpose. The intent in drinking, for most people, is NOT to get drunk.

And I think it’s safe to say that the distinction can be made in driving. You can have a couple of beers and legally get behind the wheel. In places where pot is legalized, I doubt there will be any margin that would allow someone that smoked pot to legally get behind the wheel. Why? Because the intent – once again – is to get high.


Well-Known Member
Okay, you’re just being obtuse now. I never used the word stupid. I don’t imply that people that use pot are stupid. I am saying that the purpose of smoking pot is to get high. This has nothing to do with self control. It has to do with the purpose of pot.

Are you trying to tell me there are people out there smoking pot that do it without the intent of getting high? If that’s what you’re trying to convince me of then you must think I just crawled out from under the rock two hours ago.

I’m not disputing that part of the reason for smoking pot is to relax, but I’m trying to differentiate between getting high and getting drunk. Once again, the intent in smoking pot, for every pot smoker, is to get high. If it’s not, then it defeats the purpose. The intent in drinking, for most people, is NOT to get drunk.

And I think it’s safe to say that the distinction can be made in driving. You can have a couple of beers and legally get behind the wheel. In places where pot is legalized, I doubt there will be any margin that would allow someone that smoked pot to legally get behind the wheel. Why? Because the intent – once again – is to get high.

You took what I said the wrong way, but beside that...

I think pot has many purposes other than getting high. More that can be said about alcohol.

I think there is a difference between being high, and being stoned. Just like how someone can drink a few beers and be only buzzed, someone can do the same thing with pot. You drink too many beers, and you'll puke, slur words, etc. Smoke too much and you'll be a vegetable for a few hours.

It the intent to get high? Sure, but it depends on your definition of "high". I'd say the right word is "impaired". The intent for law abiding citizens is to get home and get "impaired". Whether it's booze, or pot, it's the same intent.

Now, to the driving issue, who, or what determined that .08 was the legal limit? Some would say science, some say statistics, etc. I'm not advocating smoking and driving, but the dangers of smoking and driving are less than drinking and driving.


Lem Putt
Okay, you’re just being obtuse now. I never used the word stupid. I don’t imply that people that use pot are stupid. I am saying that the purpose of smoking pot is to get high. This has nothing to do with self control. It has to do with the purpose of pot.

Are you trying to tell me there are people out there smoking pot that do it without the intent of getting high? If that’s what you’re trying to convince me of then you must think I just crawled out from under the rock two hours ago.

I’m not disputing that part of the reason for smoking pot is to relax, but I’m trying to differentiate between getting high and getting drunk. Once again, the intent in smoking pot, for every pot smoker, is to get high. If it’s not, then it defeats the purpose. The intent in drinking, for most people, is NOT to get drunk.

And I think it’s safe to say that the distinction can be made in driving. You can have a couple of beers and legally get behind the wheel. In places where pot is legalized, I doubt there will be any margin that would allow someone that smoked pot to legally get behind the wheel. Why? Because the intent – once again – is to get high.

I fail to see how this is any different than drinking. The purpose of drinking is for the effect. The whole taste thing obviously influences your beverage choice, but I don't believe it is the reason to drink. If it was only about the taste, why would you need to do anything more than wet your palate? Why would you need a couple beers or drinks?

People can smoke to get a little buzz, just as people can drink just to get a little buzz. As you stated, people drink a couple to relax. That does affect things like reaction times and decision making. Maybe not enough to cause legal impairment, but the effect is real.

After experience both effects in my younger and dumber days, I would much prefer to share the road with someone buzzed on pot than buzzed on alcohol. I would also prefer to share the road with someone stoned than someone drunk. Obviously, I would prefer that they just not do either, but I really cannot support the notion that somehow alcohol is less of a problem than pot.

The only thing I see as a factor is the ability of the police to characterize the level of impairment. BAC is easy to measure accurately. With pot you'd need a blood test of THC levels. Urinalysis is a cumulative measure of past use. You can smoke once and pass a urinalysis, and you can smoke frequently then not smoke for days and still fail. The field sobriety tests only go so far. There are some people who just always appear to be stoned when they are not.

I'm not usually on the side of wanting more regulations, but when your decisions about mind altering substances start to affect my safety on the road it is unacceptable. People should not drive after using any alcohol or pot, just as they shouldn't drive while distracted, eating, putting on makeup, daydreaming, etc.....


New Member
And I’m saying that’s NOT what I’m talking about. A person that decides to smoke pot is doing so with the intent of getting high. Whether it takes 1 joint or 5, they are doing it with the intent to get high. If they aren’t it defeats the purpose.

Alcohol is not this way. Most people drink casually (1 or 2) because they enjoy the taste and to relax a little; and do so without intent of getting drunk. Yes, there are some that drink with the specific intent of getting drunk. I’m not talking about that either. I’m trying to distinguish the difference between the purpose of smoking pot and drinking alcohol and why it is easier to legalize alcohol than it is to legalize pot.

that is one of the most ignorant arguments i have ever read. And i mean ignorant as in coming from someone with out knowledge.

Just like alcohol, most weed smokers do not use with the intent to over induldge. catching a buzz is what they call it, its different from being stoned, just like having a beer is different from getting drunk.
why would you think that alcohol and weed are so different? they are both recreational drugs.


Well-Known Member
that is one of the most ignorant arguments i have ever read. And i mean ignorant as in coming from someone with out knowledge.

Just like alcohol, most weed smokers do not use with the intent to over induldge. catching a buzz is what they call it, its different from being stoned, just like having a beer is different from getting drunk.
why would you think that alcohol and weed are so different? they are both recreational drugs.

I just stopped talking to him because his mind is closed. His view is everyone who uses marijuana is getting stoned off their ass.

Sorry Psy. I have both friends and family that use low amounts legally to cope with pain. Again, legally and prescribed. They aren't getting high, they aren't smoking until their brains are fried. But yea, keep arguing that people who know how to manage marijuana don't exist.

Again, that's as silly as saying nobody has one beer to relax; everyone drinks to get drunk, because that's the point of it.


that is one of the most ignorant arguments i have ever read. And i mean ignorant as in coming from someone with out knowledge.

Just like alcohol, most weed smokers do not use with the intent to over induldge. catching a buzz is what they call it, its different from being stoned, just like having a beer is different from getting drunk.
why would you think that alcohol and weed are so different? they are both recreational drugs.

I thought alcohol and marijuana was medicinal.:killingme
Also PSYCO-Ops, there are different types of weed, some relax you some give you the giggles and so forth, if it was legalized then the growers could customize the effects and grow some weed that would be safe to drive on,
No matter how much you smoked. Not like Alcohol.


That's laughable. If you smoked pot without getting high, you did it wrong. I mean, what's the point? There is no point in smoking pot except to get high.

Relaxation? Pain-relief? You like the taste?

List all the reasons you'd have one beer? Apply.

Let's put it another way. When they legalize pot, there will be no factor in acceptable level of pot consumption to be behind the wheel. In other words if you smoke pot and you drive you are DUI. However, there ARE legal limits to driving after consuming alcohol. See the difference?

I see the difference, but I think it's a useless distinction.

Driving while stoned will be illegal, much like driving drunk is. And I doubt the DUI rates will go up drastically, because the only dip####s who would drive under the influence of pot are the same dip####s who currently drive under the influence of alcohol.

Speaking of distinctions between the usage of alcohol and marijuana, here's one for you to ponder:

You have a bar. One half of the bar is served nothing but pot - the other half is served nothing but beer.
One side is sitting around eating doritos, watching the swirling lights, staring at their fingernails or watching whatever is on the TVs.
The other half is shouting, vomiting, getting in fights and all-but-####ing-each-other on the tables.

Guess which side is which.

Extra Credit: Which side will wake up in the morning feeling like normal and ready for work, and which side will wish they were dead and be totally ####ing useless until about 2PM.
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