So WR, any take on her... I do know Linda Kelly rescues pot bellies. If something doesn't pan out, I will foster her for the time being.
REALLY!?! That would be wonderful...here's the owners info:
ca jones [sugarmag13@hotmail.com]
Oh thank You for the quick response! I have been at wit's end looking for a home for her. We live on an island..not suitable for her...ocean floods her yard regularly, construction is about to begin in their yard(raising the house, she has no pen to keep her safe and the people who have been tolerating her are Not animal people, I've been responsible for her care. Don't know how much you know...she was morbidly obese when she came(had been fed dog food) and has lost a lot of the weight now... it's been a joy watching her discover herself...she can see now and can get around..at quite a good trot I discovered when trimming her hooves!
I am going to be out for a bit, I'll check my mail when I return.
Thanks again! Cathy