Sweet and Innocent
She is a pretty smart kid - communicates very well, and yes she does understand the word no (although she sometimes chooses to have selective memory on that last one). I was torn with the taking of privleges (her favorite cartoons) and toys because I was given grief that I was punishing her for having a fear of something. So I did take some things, and wound up giving them back to her. . . bad mommy! But she did understand at the time that if she went on the floor I was taking X toy, and when she went on the floor, she actually went to get the toy to give to me to take from her. (I didn't give in immediately either - the toy was gone for a few hours before I gave it back)
I have a sticker/calendar reward chart but she doesn't really care much about it. I've even resorted to giving myself a sticker when I pee, so she sees it - and she does get very upset when I have one and tell her that she can't have one. I don't give in to that. I even got her a toy she really really wants and set it high on the counter and told her she could have it if she uses the potty - instead she praises me when I go, telling me that now I can have it!
I've even tried pulling the tape on the diapers so tight that they are uncomfortable for her to wear - telling her that she's getting too big for diapers! The plastic pants don't work because she changes hreself after she pees! Now when I put a diaper on her, this is bad, I put masking tape around her waist so that she's forced to feel uncomfortable in the wet diaper (for about 10 minutes) and can't take it off!
About a year ago it used to be that if she was bare bottom, she would use the potty if she had to go - but that was short lived.
She has almost every potty ever made! She prefers to sit on the big potty though, even though she has a potty chair sitting directly across from it. I even have the small toilet seats that fit over top the big potty!
Your daughter sounds very cute and funny. I totally understand your frustration and feel your pains. Have you tried the pennies in the jar thing yet? Sometimes, you gotta keep trying until you find a system that work the best for your child.
It sound like your daughter is testing you and see where she can get away with. It is an age thing where all kids "test" thier parents. Sometimes, it feel like it is a power control tug-a-war struggles.
Just keep trying and your daughter will be potty trained once she is calm down and wants to be potty trained. Almost all kids are potty trained by the time they are 5 years old (hopefully, your daughter will be potty trained in a few weeks or months). My best advice is just be patience and that's all you can do for now.