Potty Training

GeezLouise said:
When is a good age to introduce potty training? Any interesting stories? :lol:
IMO, everybody should be potty trained BEFORE they reach drinking age.


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I know nothing
GeezLouise said:
When is a good age to introduce potty training? Any interesting stories? :lol:

As soon as you can. We had a hard time at first. Our son wore pullups for a while. I think we started around 2ish.

He's 4 now.... Wipes his own butt, and rarely has an accident at night.

We will hear him every now and then getting up in the middle of the night and using the bathroom.

One lesson we learned is to cut off fluid intake a couple hours before bed. Our's stays up till about 9-930. So he gets nothing to drink after 8.

We also put down a plastic mattress cover on his bed. (just incase)

Our son has been in a regular bed since he was 1 1/2. He would stage dive out of his crib, then out grew the toddler bed pretty fast.


New Member
I just potty trained my third child....we left him naked for the weekend and by tuesday we were going out with no diapers. He had shown an interest before this so we thought we would try it with him. He sleeps with a diaper now but it has bee only a few weeks. He will not be 3 until the end of march.

Nanny Pam

GeezLouise said:
When is a good age to introduce potty training? Any interesting stories? :lol:
In my opinion, you should start as soon as the child hints that he/she is ready....usually just after their 2nd b-day. It is important to remember that it takes muscle control. Your child has to be ABLE to control their the muscles that hold the urine.
If you are a stay at home mommy, it's great if you can let her play in her pull-ups only.
Another thing I do is when I sit the child on the toilet or potty chair, I keep a plastic cup in the bathroom and I use it to pour slightly warm water down over his penis /her vagina. It stimulates the urge to pee. Then make a really big deal out of them going. Reward them with 1 M&M or 1 marshmallow. Do it everytime and before you know it, they will be trained. :shrug: It works for me.

If you have a boy....let him see Daddy going too. All of you can go into the bathroom and make a big deal out of daddy being a big boy going on the potty. If you have a girl take her in with you and do the same thing.


New Member
My son turned 3 in July and we are almost done pottytraining. He has been wearing Pull Ups for about a year now, and I am so glad to be done with them!!

We didn't introduce a potty to him until fairly recently b/c he showed no interest and was kind of scared of the potty. One day I just told him that he didn't need Pull Ups anymore and showed him where his little potty was and what to do. He started going in it that day, and everytime he goes on his potty, he gets a sticker on his potty chart. He LOVES stickers.

I also have twins that are almost 2 and I started introducing the potty to them at 12 months....Sitting them up on it every once in a while so they don't get scared of it when it comes time to go. They LOVE their little potty's. They both go in the bathroom and sit on their potty's and say PEE PEE. So I am hoping things move along a little faster with A and M than they did with L.

It has been harder than I thought it was going to be. We have alot of friends with kids L's age and they have all been pottytrained for over 6 months. I don't think there is a general rule, and I wasn't going to MAKE L go in the potty and have him TERRIFIED of it!

I used to say that our twins would be pottytrained before their older brother as I thought the day would never come.....It's been tough having 3 so close together!

Good Luck!!


J.F. A sus ordenes!
I like that idea of the sticker. Mine turns two in January and we have a potty that she will sit on occassionally but no joy in messing in it yet.


Well-Known Member
My son is almost 2 and a half and is showing no interest in potty training whatsoever. But he has definently discovered his "winky". :rolleyes:


tired and content....
sockgirl77 said:
My son is almost 2 and a half and is showing no interest in potty training whatsoever. But he has definently discovered his "winky". :rolleyes:

:lol: Mine too....

He is almost 20 months and has sometimes started to tell me when he goes in his diaper. I have introduced the potty to him but he doesn't sit for long....the other day he took the plastic cup thing that comes out and stuck it on his head. :lol:


pretty black roses
Mine will go all day going potty at daycare but come home and forgets how. But he does at least try and wants to go.


New Member
The 1st one was a P.I.T.A. to potty train. I thought I was going to send him to school in pull-ups. :ohwell:

The 2nd one, well, as soon as he walked, he yanked that pamper off and started using the bathroom. He wasn't but 1 1/2 yrs old and he has never had an accident.


New Member
GeezLouise said:
When is a good age to introduce potty training? Any interesting stories? :lol:
Doesn't work for all kids but,...
the sticker idea was what won them over. Get a piece of paper and every time they go let them choose the sticker and place it on the paper.
AVOID: potty chairs. Go with the seat that goes on the toilet instead! Mine just thought the potty chair was just that,.....A CHAIR!


Well-Known Member
My sister gave my neice (then roughly 22 months) a little potty, and one day neice sat down and went #2 in it...but got a little freaked out! I guess she didn't realize THAT came out of HER! :lmao: So my sister started showing her the dirty diapers so neice understands what happens in the diaper. She has gone pee in the toilet a few times, but has recently stopped showing interest in wanting to go....


New Member
I can tell you how I got potty trained...

When I was 2ish, my little girl friend came over and I saw her underwear. I asked mom, "what are those, where is her diaper?" Mom said "She's a big girl, she dosen't need a diaper anymore cause she knows how to use the bathroom."

And that was it, I never wore a diaper again, because she wasn't gonna be more of a "big girl" than me. At least that's what mom told me. :)