Poverty is like punishment


USMC 1983-1995
Is poverty something we must love? I do not aspire for it but we must hate poverty. Our state of life can still be changed by educating ourselves more, gaining more knowledge to serve us in the future not only immediately today. We must hate poverty because we can change it and we have at our disposal the means to better our lives. Thus, the beauty of poverty is seen and felt to make us realize that a day in our lives that we eat less, we have good reasons to look for a better-paying jobs. Its beauty is seen and felt to make us further realize that the days when we are soaked in the rain or burned in the sunlight, that we struggle to work harder to get a decent shelter. Poverty is an economic malady but it can, by all means, be cured.

Journey 213: The beauty of POVERTY « Journeys and Travels

Don't like being poor - then YOU DO something about it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
If you live in poverty in some third-world #### hole, then it's not your fault. But if you live in poverty in the US, then you're either mental, chemically dependent, or flat out lazy.

If the liberals would stop nannying these people, there would be no poverty because there would be very few people who are prone to poverty. So if people are poor and starve in ghettos, blame liberalism.