Power "Blip" Last Night


Well-Known Member
Go back to bed, will ya? You're delusional.

There's going to be a gathering for Kris/VenusDoom next weekend. It's her going away party. You're invited if you want to attend, it's your last chance to show her what kind of man you are and how big of a mistake it would be for her to head to law school in FL. :buddies:


Well-Known Member
Really ????

so then dont read it jackoff

It has been quiet in the other threads...:coffee:

it's amazing how one little comma can change the why you interpert a post.

so then don't read it, jackoff

Now that bumps up your gaydar to about 50% by suggesting to another man to jackoff.

I sure as hell didn't.
What a bent ####can attitude you have (HANK) no doubt.

50? Please! Try 100!!!!!!!!!!!

