Power Outage


Power with Control
A few flickers here by the Green Door, but not enough to rest the modem yet. Nice to be connected to a main feeder by underground wiring........


the poor dad
SMECO’s outage map is not up to date - showing nothing in Dameron as of 7:53pm.
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American Beauty
PREMO Member
I still have power. Had a few brown outs around 6pm. Also heard a few thumps on the roof earlier. Hopefully it's nothing.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Lost power around 4ish to 5ish. Started generator, ran cords, hooked up oxygen machine, and it came back up shortly after I sealed the window around the cords with duct tape. Not a blip since. Heard a tree fall not too far off behind the house. All the scary ones are downwind of the house, thank Goodness.


Throwing the deuces
We lost power from 7pm-4am. I live in Lusby. Of course, I had just gotten out of the shower when the lights went out and my husband had to bring me a flashlight so I could get my pjs on. Husband had to stay up all night because his CPAP wasn't working so he wasn't a happy camper when I talked to him around 3am.


Well-Known Member
Lost power around 2:45. Sounded like a local transformer popped. Back up by 3:30 and didn't flicker after.

That makes twice in the last month we've lost power just before a storm hits, it gets fixed, and nothing happens during the storm.


Well-Known Member
In Dameron as of 10 minutes ago.
Same in southern Calvert, about the same time. I was awake until after 03:00 or so; woke up at about 4 hours later and the power was on. So sometime between 3 and 7 this morning is when it came back on.


Well-Known Member
We lost power from 7pm-4am. I live in Lusby. Of course, I had just gotten out of the shower when the lights went out and my husband had to bring me a flashlight so I could get my pjs on. Husband had to stay up all night because his CPAP wasn't working so he wasn't a happy camper when I talked to him around 3am.
Maybe the power coming on is what woke me. I was up at 3, went to sleep, and woke up around 7, so close to 12 hours w/out power.

PS: I'm in the Ranch Estates, over by the air park.


My oldest works in Charles County but lives in Edgewater. I am going to pick up his pup around 10 ish and keep her until his power comes back on.
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Well darn, before I got to the county line, he called and let me know his power is back on and everyone at his shop is doting all over her so he is keeping her there with him.

I am not schedule to get her again until the 19th. I miss that googy girl.