Power Outage



jazz lady said:
Left that Diva Cup in a little too long, didn't you? :eyebrow:

No silly :lol: I was referring to my av :roflmao:
I did however think about the diva cup last weekend. I was filling the humming bird feeder with this red gel food coloring (couldn't find the drops at Food Lion) added sugar, and kept whiping the thing around trying to get the gel peices floating around to melt in the round plastic casing - it looked like clots and I kept swishing it around and I said "My Gosh! This looks like a huge diva cup or something!!!" :jet: Thank you forums, I'll never look at my humming bird feeder the same :ohwell:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
No silly :lol: I was referring to my av :roflmao:
I did however think about the diva cup last weekend. I was filling the humming bird feeder with this red gel food coloring (couldn't find the drops at Food Lion) added sugar, and kept whiping the thing around trying to get the gel peices floating around to melt in the round plastic casing - it looked like clots and I kept swishing it around and I said "My Gosh! This looks like a huge diva cup or something!!!" :jet: Thank you forums, I'll never look at my humming bird feeder the same :ohwell:

:doh: Do NOT use food coloring, gel or otherwise, in your hummingbird food. It's not necessary and may actually be harmful to the little creatures. And always mix your solution in a separate container, THEN fill the feeder.


jazz lady said:
:doh: Do NOT use food coloring, gel or otherwise, in your hummingbird food. It's not necessary and may actually be harmful to the little creatures. And always mix your solution in a separate container, THEN fill the feeder.

Actually thats a super great idea!! You have no idea how messy it is swishing it all around and staining things! You're awesome!!! :huggy: What do you use in it? My folks told me red food coloring and sugar is basically what is in the stuff you buy at the store:shrug: Do you just put sugar in there? I tried shaking them up a batch of coolaid last month and I don't think they liked that, here I just thought I was killing two birds with one stone. :shrug: (no pun intended)

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
dems4me said:
Actually thats a super great idea!! You have no idea how messy it is swishing it all around and staining things! You're awesome!!! :huggy: What do you use in it? My folks told me red food coloring and sugar is basically what is in the stuff you buy at the store:shrug: Do you just put sugar in there? I tried shaking them up a batch of coolaid last month and I don't think they liked that, here I just thought I was killing two birds with one stone. :shrug: (no pun intended)

:yikes: Kool-aid is not good for hummers. :nono:

I have a 4-cup measuring cup that I mix the solution in, then fill the feeder and store the leftovers in a clean glass container with a lid in the refrigerator. Most hummingbird feeders already have red and yellow flowers on them to attract the hummers so food coloring in the solution is NOT needed. I just buy the canisters of hummer food WITHOUT dyes at the store, then mix it up as needed. If you want to make your own food, the ratio of sugar to water is 1 parts to 4 parts, so you would mix 1 cup of sugar to 4 cups of water. Use hot tap water to aid in dissolving the sugar, then cool before filling the feeders.
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NOT Politically Correct!!
No Hummer feeders for us, we have so many different flowers the hummers are all over them like sailors in a bar... :coffee:


Dancing Up A Storm
chernmax said:
No Hummer feeders for us, we have so many different flowers the hummers are all over them like sailors in a bar... :coffee:

You've been to Rose's II ?


jazz lady said:
:yikes: Kool-aid is not good for hummers. :nono:

I have a 4-cup measuring cup that I mix the solution in, then fill the feeder and store the leftovers in a clean glass container with a lid in the refrigerator. Most hummingbird feeders already have red and yellow flowers on them to attract the hummers so food coloring in the solution is NOT needed. I just buy the canisters of hummer food WITHOUT dyes at the store, then mix it up as needed. If you want to make your own food, the ratio of sugar to water is 1 parts to 4 parts, so you would mix 1 cup of sugar to 4 cups of water. Use hot tap water to add in dissolving the sugar, then cool before filling the feeders.

Will do!! :huggy:


Dancing Up A Storm
Was driving through there the other day, going to Popeyes; there's a black patch on the front of the building where the drive through is.

Maybe they're going to try a novel approach.....


Boomer983 said:
Back on 10 mins ago.

Power outage caused by WSMD, WYRX, and WKIK being way to stupid to figure out how to turn the power back on after a weekend of automation (no DJ's)


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
Boomer983 said:
Back on 10 mins ago.

Power outage caused by WSMD, WYRX, and WKIK being way to freaking awesome.



Am I the only one that finds the use of the word "freaking" offensive?

Boy likes to listen to 97.7, but I don't want him thinking that it's an appropriate word to use in public.