prayers needed


New Member
Things are looking a bit better for Ronald. Will update the forum when more info is available. Parents are returning to the hospital now. Thank all of you for the love and prayers being sent. Prayer works!


Has confinement issues..

PLease tell your mom that Angi and the kids(from LP) are thinking of her and we hope everthing turns out better than good.



I just figured out who we are talking about. Sending prayers, hope he has a speedy recovery. :huggy:


Well-Known Member
He is a hard headed bastard......I have no doubt that he will pull through this and be alright. Hopefully he will be out of ICU soon and we can go visit him.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Ahhh, it's Chess? :huggy:

Please post an address when one becomes available so we can send him cards. Thanks.


New Member
Floyd2004 said:
Yes we are. Please pray for him.
Hes a good guy and he doesnt deserve this...

Hold on Ron, More praying today for you from your little buddy :flowers:
Awww :huggy: I really hope he will be ok.


New Member
Update on Ronald ~ he is scheduled for another surgery on 03/02/07. Prayers are still needed for him. Will update as I know more.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
karmama said:
Update on Ronald ~ he is scheduled for another surgery on 03/02/07. Prayers are still needed for him. Will update as I know more.
:huggy: We'll keep him in our prayers until he is back home and on here giving us crap. Do tell him we're all pulling for him.


karmama said:
Update on Ronald ~ he is scheduled for another surgery on 03/02/07. Prayers are still needed for him. Will update as I know more.

Thanks. tell Him Floyd is rooting for him!