

Well-Known Member
Has anyone had this during their pregnancy? Or experience w/ a family member who has had this?

Up until this point my blood pressure readings have been normal, but Monday I had a regular Dr. appointment and they took my blood pressure 3 times and each time it was high 141/100, 143/96, 139/98. I wasnt stressed or anything that day infact I actually took the day off from work and just kinda relaxed. I am a little concerned w/ it being so high all the sudden.

I have also had a lot of swelling (which I know is normal to have during pregnancy) but that and the high blood pressure has me :jameo:
Has anyone had this during their pregnancy? Or experience w/ a family member who has had this?

Up until this point my blood pressure readings have been normal, but Monday I had a regular Dr. appointment and they took my blood pressure 3 times and each time it was high 141/100, 143/96, 139/98. I wasnt stressed or anything that day infact I actually took the day off from work and just kinda relaxed. I am a little concerned w/ it being so high all the sudden.

I have also had a lot of swelling (which I know is normal to have during pregnancy) but that and the high blood pressure has me :jameo:

Have it checked today. Drop by a rescue squad and ask them to check it. Do not bother with the meters in stores such as CVS as they are often not calibrated and you can't trust the reading.

That is scary high, Lovin... what did your doc say?


Well-Known Member

I looked like the Pillsbury doughboy with Fred Flintstone feet. :lol:
Yeah that is how I am looking right about now :lol:

I had it w/ my first pregnancy but by the time they caught it (I had Kaiser in Ca :boo:) I was almost full term so they just sent me immediatley to the hospital to induce me.
Have it checked today. Drop by a rescue squad and ask them to check it. Do not bother with the meters in stores such as CVS as they are often not calibrated and you can't trust the reading.

That is scary high, Lovin... what did your doc say?

Well the girl who took it was like "uh let me switch this to the other arm" when she got the other two readings she said she would ask the Dr. about it and she just told me to keep an eye on it this week (by hitting up the bloodpressure things at cvs, walmart etc..) until my OBGYN appointment tomorrow.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Yeah that is how I am looking right about now :lol:

I had it w/ my first pregnancy but by the time they caught it (I had Kaiser in Ca :boo:) I was almost full term so they just sent me immediatley to the hospital to induce me.

Mine got bad enough that the Dr. put me on half days and then off work completely. I had a nice little break before the Chicklet was born. :yay:
My friend had toxemia. She swelled A LOT...seriously, her nose spread clear across her face :lol: They had her on bed rest for the last couple of months of her pregnancy and monitored her blood pressure often. She was actually induced and her son was born almost a month early but everything was fine, he was just itty bitty.


Salt Life
Has anyone had this during their pregnancy? Or experience w/ a family member who has had this?

My sister who is pregnant (due next month) has had high BP her whole pregnancy. Her ob/gyn suggested she be on light duty and lots of bed rest, but not complete bed rest. She hasn't listened to a word he said. :ohwell:
My sister who is pregnant (due next month) has had high BP her whole pregnancy. Her ob/gyn suggested she be on light duty and lots of bed rest, but not complete bed rest. She hasn't listened to a word he said. :ohwell:
You should make her a meatloaf baby WITHOUT the bacon diaper... bacon is very high in sodium.


What love is all about
I have had it with all three of my pregnancies. With my first I was far enough along when it started going up that they just induced me and I had my baby. With my last two I was put on high blood pressure meds and told to rest as much as possible. I was put on meds during the induction and for 24 hours afterwards with my first. I was also given meds after giving birth with my last because of how high it was.


Well-Known Member
Mine got bad enough that the Dr. put me on half days and then off work completely. I had a nice little break before the Chicklet was born. :yay:
I am hoping that doesnt happen, sure it would be nice to relax and stuff... however financially that would suck! :lol:
My friend had toxemia. She swelled A LOT...seriously, her nose spread clear across her face :lol: They had her on bed rest for the last couple of months of her pregnancy and monitored her blood pressure often. She was actually induced and her son was born almost a month early but everything was fine, he was just itty bitty.
Oh my goodness. I have noticed a lot of swelling in my legs and a little in my face... I have been putting my legs up at night when I sleep, a few times though in the morning when I get up my right leg is still slightly swollen :shrug:
My sister who is pregnant (due next month) has had high BP her whole pregnancy. Her ob/gyn suggested she be on light duty and lots of bed rest, but not complete bed rest. She hasn't listened to a word he said. :ohwell:
Really? Why not? Sorry to hear that!
You should make her a meatloaf baby WITHOUT the bacon diaper... bacon is very high in sodium.



What love is all about
You should make her a meatloaf baby WITHOUT the bacon diaper... bacon is very high in sodium.

Ok after I had my last baby they were giving me shots of some kind of meds to bring mine back down. Well they went and got me a food tray after I had him because I had not ate since the night before. What does the lady bring me? Ham....


New Member
I had it when I was pregnant with Zakk. I was on bed rest the entire pregnancy with it. I didnt have legs - I had thegs - thighs/legs as one!!! My toes didnt touch the ground I was so swollen - they looked like dimples on my feet - even my nose was swollen - it was horrible - but worth it!!! I didnt have high blood pressure and my protein was 1. I had a lot of problems with him, he was born with a whole in his heart, it closed on its own. Now he is 13-1/2 yrs old and healthy as a horse!!!
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My Sweetest Boy
I was always under the impression that the condition can be very in stroke, loss of mother, loss of baby...and needs very close monitoring :shrug:
I was always under the impression that the condition can be very in stroke, loss of mother, loss of baby...and needs very close monitoring :shrug:

:yeahthat: Hell, any non-preggo person with bp readings like that would be setting off sirens and raising red flags.


Well-Known Member
I was always under the impression that the condition can be very in stroke, loss of mother, loss of baby...and needs very close monitoring :shrug:

:yeahthat: Hell, any non-preggo person with bp readings like that would be setting off sirens and raising red flags.

That is what I thought too but my reg. physician didnt seem to freaked about it. Just told me to keep an eye on it and touch base w/ my obgyn this friday.

I have never had an issue w/ high blood pressure before (other than the first pregnancy and I wasnt even aware that my readings were high) so I knew that they were elevated from my last appointment w/ my Obgyn 2 weeks earlier when they were 121/80 but didnt know they were as bad as you all are making them seem :frown: Now I am all paranoid!


New Member
I had pre-eclampsia and baby had to be delivered via emergency C-section. Unfortunately, I also had something strange occur, called HELLP syndrome.

Hellp syndrome - hellp syndrome pregnancy - postpartum hellp syndrome - permanets of hellp syndrome - problems after hellp syndrome - symptoms of hellp syndrome » HELLP syndrome

the link above will tell you more about symptoms of HELLP, basically high blood pressure, elevated enzymes and very low blood platelets. It can be a very serious condition for the mom and the baby.

I had an extremely easy pregnancy and felt fine, until I experienced high blood pressure about a month away from my due date. I went in for a non-stress test and they saw the baby was in distress, and bingo - it was C-section time.

I developed the HELLP just after delivery, and my liver nearly ruptured. I will spare the other details, but let me just say, life is precious.

Keep an eye on your blood pressure, and do NOT blow off any other accompanying pains. Try to keep your feet elevated and try to get rest, if possible. If you have any pain in the upper, left hand portion of your back, please get checked out at ER. As well as abdominal pain in the upper right area of your body.

I am told what happened to me was very, very rare, and most people do not develop HELLP with pre-eclampsia or eclampsia. But I never expected it to occur to me, because I am in good physical shape, and had a very "normal" pregnancy until my b/p got high towards the end. High blood pressure is nothing to "poo poo", so keep an eye on it, and seek some medical assistance if you feel ill at all.

Take care and keep us updated.


Has anyone had this during their pregnancy? Or experience w/ a family member who has had this?

Up until this point my blood pressure readings have been normal, but Monday I had a regular Dr. appointment and they took my blood pressure 3 times and each time it was high 141/100, 143/96, 139/98. I wasnt stressed or anything that day infact I actually took the day off from work and just kinda relaxed. I am a little concerned w/ it being so high all the sudden.

I have also had a lot of swelling (which I know is normal to have during pregnancy) but that and the high blood pressure has me :jameo:
I was 5 days overdue and my body decided to go Toxemic... that's why they induced me and I ended up with a C-section.

That being said... depending on where they had the cuff and if it caused pain (pinched or heavy pressure) that can cause a sky high BP reading. The swelling is usually higher during the summer months and can also follow the moon cycle.

LSS... unless you're suddenly throwing protien in your urine, don't panic! :huggy:


Jam out with ur clam out
That is what I thought too but my reg. physician didnt seem to freaked about it. Just told me to keep an eye on it and touch base w/ my obgyn this friday.

I have never had an issue w/ high blood pressure before (other than the first pregnancy and I wasnt even aware that my readings were high) so I knew that they were elevated from my last appointment w/ my Obgyn 2 weeks earlier when they were 121/80 but didnt know they were as bad as you all are making them seem :frown: Now I am all paranoid!

:jameo:.... take care of my baby!!! (i dont care if its bacons or not - LOL I will love him or her just the same)