

Well-Known Member
I was 5 days overdue and my body decided to go Toxemic... that's why they induced me and I ended up with a C-section.

That being said... depending on where they had the cuff and if it caused pain (pinched or heavy pressure) that can cause a sky high BP reading. The swelling is usually higher during the summer months and can also follow the moon cycle.

LSS... unless you're suddenly throwing protien in your urine, don't panic! :huggy:
It was one of those new fancy schmancy wrist ones... I wonder if it could have malfunctioned for me or something :shrug:
:jameo:.... take care of my baby!!! (i dont care if its bacons or not - LOL I will love him or her just the same)



Active Member
When I was pregnant with my second child, I had high blood pressure. I was ordered on bed rest for my last trimester. Totally worth it. Good luck.


New Member
Has anyone had this during their pregnancy? Or experience w/ a family member who has had this?

Up until this point my blood pressure readings have been normal, but Monday I had a regular Dr. appointment and they took my blood pressure 3 times and each time it was high 141/100, 143/96, 139/98. I wasnt stressed or anything that day infact I actually took the day off from work and just kinda relaxed. I am a little concerned w/ it being so high all the sudden.

I have also had a lot of swelling (which I know is normal to have during pregnancy) but that and the high blood pressure has me :jameo:

sorry not to have any personal experience to add, but I wanted to reach out to you anyhow. During my pregnancies, I worried about that, and every other darned thing that could go wrong, I had nightmares about all the warnings and tests.

Be your own best advocate, and don't be afraid to pester your doctor. they love it. haha

if you feel like something is wrong, trust your gut. It's bigger now, surely it knows more, right?

there's a precious cargo in there, and your fears are valid, if not correct. Toxemia is a big deal, and you have every right to feel concerned. Remember to calm yourself if it becomes overwhelming. Clear your mind, don't react to fear, and regulate your breathing. That technique saved my life when I had a severe laceration, as I was trying to be more calm, you could actually see the blood flow slow down, and when I'd start freaking out that I was going to die, whoosh, lots of blood. it was kind of amazing. relaxing about a panic situation seems counterintuitive, but it worked for me, so it seemed like the kindhearted thing to pass it along. wish I had more to offer. I'll keep you and your little one in my heart and wish you well.

I'm sure that's worth a lot in hippie land, but it's all I've got.

Hope it helps, and I wish you the best outcome. It's hard facing how vulnerable they are when all you want to do is nurture and protect them, from the first moment you know they exist.