pregnancy question


Does anyone wait to find out what the sex is anymore? I told my husband if we ever had another child we would wait and be surprised. Now that I am pregnant I cant wait to find out. He still wants to be surprised. I am torn. I like to plan and do not know if I can wait till delivery when the answer could be given to me now. On the other hand, the excitement of finding out the day of delivery would be fantastic.

Did you wait and if so, did it drive you crazy to know that you could of known the sex ahead of time? I know I can tell them to write it down and not tell me unless I ask but I know without a doubt I would ask if it was in my chart.

I'm driving myself crazy.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Does anyone wait to find out what the sex is anymore? I told my husband if we ever had another child we would wait and be surprised. Now that I am pregnant I cant wait to find out. He still wants to be surprised. I am torn. I like to plan and do not know if I can wait till delivery when the answer could be given to me now. On the other hand, the excitement of finding out the day of delivery would be fantastic.

Did you wait and if so, did it drive you crazy to know that you could of known the sex ahead of time? I know I can tell them to write it down and not tell me unless I ask but I know without a doubt I would ask if it was in my chart.

I'm driving myself crazy.

My daughter is 10 y/o and I didn't find out, nor did my sister when she had her daughter. We both wanted the surprise. I did the nursery as Peter Rabbit and she did a sailing theme. Both were gender neutral.


My daughter is 10 y/o and I didn't find out, nor did my sister when she had her daughter. We both wanted the surprise. I did the nursery as Peter Rabbit and she did a sailing theme. Both were gender neutral.

It didnt constantly linger in your head that you could probably find out the sex? I think too much.


Salt Life
I didn't know what I was having until my daughter was born (she'll be 13 in about 2 weeks). I had a few sonograms while I was pregnant with her and each time she was angled in a way you couldn't tell the sex.


Active Member
Nope, didn't wait to find out for either of my kids. I'm a chronic planner and micro manager. I had to know so I could get everything ready.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
We didn't find out for either of our boys.(7 & 18 months) We went into the delivery room with two names and only chose one in the end.:yay:


Dream Stealer
There is no way I could NOT find out..oh man how could you stand it? I would think about it constantly. I would probably be enough of a dummy to do one of those home gender tests..just because I know I would want to know..and plan and buy frilly pink things.


Well-Known Member
I did not know with the first two until delivery. With the last one, I found out. It was exciting with the first when she was born and everyone yelled "it's a girl". With my son I had an emergency c-section and general anesthesia, so I didn't find out until later when I woke up. I found out with the third half way through my pregnancy. I still doubted it was a girl until delivery though :killingme

Whatever you decide, congratulations!


New Member
I had to find out the sex for one simple reason-I would keep calling the baby an "It" until I knew. Once I knew that we were having a boy, the whole thing became more real.

We immediately sat down and started to discuss names. It made picking everything out for the nursery easier and I have found that we can spend a good amount of time talking about what we would want to be able to do and teach Alex-try to get him interested in playing an instrument, ice hockey, soccer, football, fishing, camps, etc.


Throwing the deuces
I had to find out the sex for one simple reason-I would keep calling the baby an "It" until I knew. Once I knew that we were having a boy, the whole thing became more real.

:yeahthat: Once we knew we were having two boys, we started calling them by their names and it made them seem more "human".


Well-Known Member
It didnt constantly linger in your head that you could probably find out the sex? I think too much.

I found out with the first 4 (all boys) and w/ the last one I didnt. When I was in the sonogram room the tech did ask if I wanted to know the sex of the baby very quickly (so I just assumed it was a boy like the other ones)... but it was the best surprise of my life when I finally had my little girl! I was the only one in labor at the time and my story of having 4 boys and not knowing what my baby was quickly spread through out all the l&d nurses so when I was in labor they are all in there cheering and screaming when the doctor said it was a girl... one of the best moments of my life :yay:


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loving your baby is adorable. How old is she now? May I ask what her name is too?


I found out with the first 4 (all boys) and w/ the last one I didnt. When I was in the sonogram room the tech did ask if I wanted to know the sex of the baby very quickly (so I just assumed it was a boy like the other ones)... but it was the best surprise of my life when I finally had my little girl! I was the only one in labor at the time and my story of having 4 boys and not knowing what my baby was quickly spread through out all the l&d nurses so when I was in labor they are all in there cheering and screaming when the doctor said it was a girl... one of the best moments of my life :yay:

I want to wait really bad for this reason. The excitement when "it" comes out and hearing the doctor say "its a ....." but would the suspense from now till then kill me


I did not know with the first two until delivery. With the last one, I found out. It was exciting with the first when she was born and everyone yelled "it's a girl". With my son I had an emergency c-section and general anesthesia, so I didn't find out until later when I woke up. I found out with the third half way through my pregnancy. I still doubted it was a girl until delivery though :killingme

Whatever you decide, congratulations!

thank you :huggy:


Well-Known Member
I want to wait really bad for this reason. The excitement when "it" comes out and hearing the doctor say "its a ....." but would the suspense from now till then kill me

many of us have survived the suspense AND it didn't kill us :lol:

Don't forget, not always can they tell the sex (if the baby is positioned with their legs closed etc.), and I have known people who thought they were expecting a girl and got a boy, or vice verse. That might suck to be all excited about one sex, do the nursery, buy cute clothes etc. and end up with the opposite sex. Just saying :whistle::popcorn: More reasons to keep it a surprise!


Well-Known Member
I want to wait really bad for this reason. The excitement when "it" comes out and hearing the doctor say "its a ....." but would the suspense from now till then kill me

Everyone kept trying to persuade me to find out. I am so glad i didnt... and yes it was REALLY hard to wait, but I some how did it... I know you can too :huggy:

When is your due date? DO you have any other kids?