Premenstrual Syndrome



This topic is hilarious!!!

What kind of a guy goes and hides in a closet because YOU have your panties in a wad once a month?!

If I'm being an ass hole to people for no reason, then I deserve to have somebody jump my #### and tell me so. You women are no different. If you're going to be a #####, you better be able to take it as well as you dish it out.

We're supposed to walk softly because you can't control yourself?! :roflmao:

Oh my hubby doesn't hide in a closet. He just knows not to push my buttons during that time. Most of the time it is uneventful and i don't get in that mood. I will normally go to the barn and groom the horse when I need space.


I wanna be a SMIB
This topic is hilarious!!!

What kind of a guy goes and hides in a closet because YOU have your panties in a wad once a month?!

If I'm being an ass hole to people for no reason, then I deserve to have somebody jump my #### and tell me so. You women are no different. If you're going to be a #####, you better be able to take it as well as you dish it out.

We're supposed to walk softly because you can't control yourself?! :roflmao:



Salt Life
This topic is hilarious!!!

What kind of a guy goes and hides in a closet because YOU have your panties in a wad once a month?!

If I'm being an ass hole to people for no reason, then I deserve to have somebody jump my #### and tell me so. You women are no different. If you're going to be a #####, you better be able to take it as well as you dish it out.

We're supposed to walk softly because you can't control yourself?! :roflmao:


BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
This topic is hilarious!!!

What kind of a guy goes and hides in a closet because YOU have your panties in a wad once a month?!

If I'm being an ass hole to people for no reason, then I deserve to have somebody jump my #### and tell me so. You women are no different. If you're going to be a #####, you better be able to take it as well as you dish it out.

We're supposed to walk softly because you can't control yourself?! :roflmao:

WTF is wrong with you?


I'm Rick James #####!
Quit whining.

There is nothing worse then a woman telling you that hunger is not an excuse for whining!

I DO NOT USE HUNGER AS AN EXCUSE FOR WHINING! I cannot help the fact that hunger makes me feel the way I do. When I feel that extreme whine coming on, I just look at the clock, notice what time it is, and make sure I am considerate enough to warn others around me, "if you don't want your feeling hurt right now, bring me a sammich". The women in my life can take that warning seriously and move along, or they can challenge me on it, and Heaven forbid they do because I have no problem telling them to kiss my ass! If a man calls me on it, then he can kiss my ass too because he must not be as hungry as me.

Do all men get as hungry as me me? I swear that the chubbier I get, the worse it is!

:roflmao: :killingme
There is nothing worse then a woman telling you that hunger is not an excuse for whining!

I DO NOT USE HUNGER AS AN EXCUSE FOR WHINING! I cannot help the fact that hunger makes me feel the way I do. When I feel that extreme whine coming on, I just look at the clock, notice what time it is, and make sure I am considerate enough to warn others around me, "if you don't want your feeling hurt right now, bring me a sammich". The women in my life can take that warning seriously and move along, or they can challenge me on it, and Heaven forbid they do because I have no problem telling them to kiss my ass! If a man calls me on it, then he can kiss my ass too because he must not be as hungry as me.

Do all men get as hungry as me me? I swear that the chubbier I get, the worse it is!

:roflmao: :killingme

Looks like someone needs a dose of Guydol.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing worse then a Man telling you that PMS is not an excuse for being a moody!

I DO NOT USE PMS AS AN EXCUSE FOR BEING A BITCH! I cannot help the fact that PMS makes me feel the way I do. When I feel that extreme bitchiness coming on, I just look at the calendar, notice what time it is, and make sure I am considerate enough to warn others around me, "if you don't want your feeling hurt right now, go away". The Men in my life can take that warning seriously and move along, or they can challenge me on it, and Heaven forbid they do because I have no problem telling them to kiss my ass! If a Woman calls me on it, then she can kiss my ass too because she must not have it as bad as me.

Do all Women suffer PMS as bad as me? I swear that the older I get, the worse it is! :banghead:

You are assuming they have a feeling.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing worse then a woman telling you that hunger is not an excuse for whining!

I DO NOT USE HUNGER AS AN EXCUSE FOR WHINING! I cannot help the fact that hunger makes me feel the way I do. When I feel that extreme whine coming on, I just look at the clock, notice what time it is, and make sure I am considerate enough to warn others around me, "if you don't want your feeling hurt right now, bring me a sammich". The women in my life can take that warning seriously and move along, or they can challenge me on it, and Heaven forbid they do because I have no problem telling them to kiss my ass! If a man calls me on it, then he can kiss my ass too because he must not be as hungry as me.

Do all men get as hungry as me me? I swear that the chubbier I get, the worse it is!

:roflmao: :killingme

THAT, was funny!:killingme


I wanna be a SMIB
There is nothing worse then a woman telling you that hunger is not an excuse for whining!

I DO NOT USE HUNGER AS AN EXCUSE FOR WHINING! I cannot help the fact that hunger makes me feel the way I do. When I feel that extreme whine coming on, I just look at the clock, notice what time it is, and make sure I am considerate enough to warn others around me, "if you don't want your feeling hurt right now, bring me a sammich". The women in my life can take that warning seriously and move along, or they can challenge me on it, and Heaven forbid they do because I have no problem telling them to kiss my ass! If a man calls me on it, then he can kiss my ass too because he must not be as hungry as me.

Do all men get as hungry as me me? I swear that the chubbier I get, the worse it is!

This is why men shouldnt be allowed here. Put on a dress or move along.


Well-Known Member
I have the other side of PMS, its called menopause. And good Lord, arent men so stupid? You warn them and they still wont go away and then wonder where their nuts went when you castrate them.

Lies, lies, & more lies. If you do heed the warning and run, you're an ####### for ignoring her.


Horse Poor
Poor Poor Angel doesn't know if she's coming or going most of the time...:whistle: We ignore her at work ......or better yet we aggravate her more.....:lmao: we still luv ya Adot........:love: