Prescott Bush (Bush 41's father and 43's granddad) helped found Planned Parenthood



He was a big believer in eugenics, which was a term coined in 1883 by Francis Galton, nephew of Charles Darwin. He perceived it as a moral obligation to improve humanity by encouraging the ablest and the healthiest to have more children - what is now described, rather glibly, as "positive" eugenics. The more sinister and virulent strain of the philosophy, "negative" eugenics, was ultimately to find its most nourishing home on the other side of the Atlantic.

For many years, the beating heart of the American eugenics movement was
the Eugenics Record Office, set up in 1910 at Cold Spring Harbour
(incidentally the modern centre for research into the Human Genome Project)
with a grant from Mary Harriman. She was later described by its founder,
Charles Davenport, as "the principal patron of the ERO". Mary was the wife of
Edward Harriman, a well-known railroad magnate, and mother of Averell, the
powerful Wall Street industrialist who, in 1921, decided to restart Germany's
Hamburg-Amerika Line, which became the world's largest shipping line in the
years leading up to the Second World War.

In 1926, Averell Harriman welcomed a familiar name into his Wall Street firm
(W A Harriman and Co) as senior partner - Prescott Bush, father to one
American president and grandfather to another. The association was to end
simultaneously in fabulous wealth and temporary ignominy - at the height of
the Second World War, in 1942, the New York Herald Tribune reported that
the Union Banking Corporation, of which Prescott Bush was a director and E
Roland Harriman a 99 per cent shareholder, was holding a small fortune
under the orders of Adolf Hitler's financier. Under the Trading with the Enemy
Act, all of Union Banking Corporation's capital stock was seized.

Perhaps the American who had the most influence on German policy after
1933 was Harry Laughlin, the publisher of the Model Eugenic Sterilisation
Law in 1922, which led to the sterilisation of about 20,000 Americans by the
mid-1930s. Laughlin's law provided the blueprint for Nazi Germany's statute
of 1933, allowing for the legal sterilisation of more than 350,000


More at:

(Google search)


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by jetmonkey
I wish somebody would have aborted all the dicks like you that keep coming here from the Democratic Underground, the Free Republic and Lucianne. Go peddle that s*** to somebody that cares. This is more a social forum, I don't know where you asses got the idea that this is some great political wank fest like you have at the other sites.

Yeah what he said! :lmao:


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Seems we all have the same thought, but I was warned yesterday not to quote stuff that might be deleted later. :wink:



Originally posted by jetmonkey
I wish somebody would have aborted all the dicks like you that keep coming here from the Democratic Underground, the Free Republic and Lucianne. Go peddle that s*** to somebody that cares. This is more a social forum, I don't know where you asses got the idea that this is some great political wank fest like you have at the other sites.

Originally posted by pixiegirl

Yeah what he said! :lmao:

Originally posted by Sharon
*quote* What Jet said, lol :lol: *unquote*


Who says I am from those sites? G. R. Quinn referred me. You can always filter me instead of suggesting you wish I was aborted. I wish Hitler had been aborted but I would never suggest the same for someone like you.

And if this is a social forum, what are you doing in politics bitchng about political speech, hypocrite?


Re: Re: HEY!

QUOTE]Originally posted by BchBns
So, if you can grow up a bit and present arguments/debates on your party's behalf with a bit of maturity, we'll engage your discussion whole-heartedly. Otherwise ... you'll become another one who bites the dust :flush:

Thanks for prejuding me. Your predjudices are duly noted.

How do I grow up around here?

Do I submit a post suggesting I wish jetmonkey had been aborted?


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: HEY!

Originally posted by jetmonkey

You sweet on me, Adam West? 'cause you sure seem to like to drop my name a lot! I think we have another LOVE CONNECTION!
Damn man keep your back to the wall... I thought it was only the women around here who stalk you! :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I, for one, think all of this Prescott Bush stuff is vaguely interesting. I didn't know any of it - mostly because I didn't care.

You, EvilDewar or Turk or whoever you're calling yourself today, have expressed hatred of Jews and blacks in other posts. I would think you'd be erecting a statue to Prescott Bush and Hitler in your back yard.


Re: Re: Re: Re: HEY!

Originally posted by jetmonkey

You sweet on me, Adam West? 'cause you sure seem to like to drop my name a lot! I think we have another LOVE CONNECTION!

I didn't know you were into men.

No thanks.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
I, for one, think all of this Prescott Bush stuff is vaguely interesting. I didn't know any of it - mostly because I didn't care.

You, EvilDewar or Turk or whoever you're calling yourself today, have expressed hatred of Jews and blacks in other posts. I would think you'd be erecting a statue to Prescott Bush and Hitler in your back yard.


Who is EvilDewar? Dewars Blended Scotch is evil.

I hate Jews? Where did I say that?

I said I wouldn't mind if Israel was nuked because Israel is a huge cause of problems for the US in the middle east. Hey, nuke the Palestinians, too. I don't care. I'm sick of hearing about it. they are fighting over a desert.

I hate blacks? LOL! Where did I say that?
Last edited by a moderator:


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HEY!

Originally posted by jetmonkey
I doubt that ANYBODY in here would accuse you of being a man!

I don't know about you, but I could never tell race, age or gender over the internet.

You must be a psychic genius.

I assumed you were a male by your pic. But since I'm not a psychic genius like yourself, you could be a 12 year old girl who should be in school right now.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HEY!

Originally posted by Turk

I didn't know you were into men.

No thanks.
Now we've got derogatory insinuations about gays! Dewars, who DON'T you hate and find inferior? You're a liberal aren't you? You can always tell because they hate everyone who isn't a white heterosexual. Wanna bash women, while you're at it? Make it a grand slam?


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HEY!

Originally posted by vraiblonde
Now we've got derogatory insinuations about gays! Dewars, who DON'T you hate and find inferior? You're a liberal aren't you? You can always tell because they hate everyone who isn't a white heterosexual. Wanna bash women, while you're at it? Make it a grand slam?


Who is Dewars?

You say liberals hate everyone who isn't a white hetero? I think you meant "conservatives."

I don't hate gays, it just isn't my thing. I love women (sometimes). Especially when they cook me a good meal or rub my back or get me a beer.

jetmonkey and his very good friend Kyle decided to imply and insinuate that I was gay (see below).

Go back through the thread and look at the timeline of events.

There is one thing I do hate:

People who make false claims of racism and sexism and discrimination. You fall into this category.

Originally posted by jetmonkey

You sweet on me, Adam West? 'cause you sure seem to like to drop my name a lot! I think we have another LOVE CONNECTION!

Originally posted by Kyle
Damn man keep your back to the wall... I thought it was only the women around here who stalk you! :lol:

Originally posted by jetmonkey
I doubt that ANYBODY in here would accuse you of being a man!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Caught ya, didn't I, Dewars? You ain't slick, buddy - been hanging out in the DU tard home for too long, now you think everyone's as stupid as them.

In fact, I'm going to post some of your racist and homophobic comments on the DU and see what ol' Skinner (the 1st Amendment Freedom Fighter) and Klan think about them...


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: HEY!

Originally posted by jetmonkey
I didn't realize being thought GAY was considered a great insult for you DU types, I thought you LOVED the gay community! Besides, if you aren't gay, explain the Adam West Batman avatar!

Batman wasn't gay, but I think Robin was.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Batman....Hmmm... That was that rich-guy that liked hanging around caves with young boys in tights... Definitely a Democrat!


Cynthia McKinney

Originally posted by vraiblonde
Caught ya, didn't I, Dewars? You ain't slick, buddy - been hanging out in the DU tard home for too long, now you think everyone's as stupid as them.

In fact, I'm going to post some of your racist and homophobic comments on the DU and see what ol' Skinner (the 1st Amendment Freedom Fighter) and Klan think about them...

Is Dewars something our 'recovering' alcoholic president still drinks?

Why don't you posts your own racist and homophobic remarks where they would be welcome?

Rimjob loves that stuff.



Originally posted by Kyle
That was that rich-guy that liked hanging around caves

I thought you were talking about Dick Cheney. Rich guy, hiding in seclusion, fighting crime.

Or maybe you were talking about Osama bin Laden: rich guy hiding in caves, likes little boys.