Back from Vacation
Hi guys, I just got back from Miami. Whole hell lotta fun. First vacation I've had with my wife without the kids since we were in our twenties.
Anyway, I am glad that you guys have jumped on this issue and develop the dialogue to taxes. Now, I didn't have the attention span to read all the posts, so don't crucify me for neglecting something. (My attention span is about as long as George W. Bush's lol jp. Mine's longer.)
I noticed someone say that they liked the idea of a flat tax. This idea does sound really good. Everyone equal, that's great. (Almost sounds socialist if you ask me.) The Revolution Republicans, led by Dick Army, proposed a flat tax after their 1994 victories. This plan however increased taxes for all people whose income was under $100,000 on an average of $4,000 while those who made over that would receive a tax reduction of above $80,000. This occurs because the Republicans, while advocating a flat tax, also reduce personal income tax credits. Is the flat tax really better for us? No, unless you make a lotta money. (Source: Citizens for Tax Justice)
Here are the effects of Republican tax policy that started under Ronald Reagan. Prior to the "great communicator's" tenure, the family income for all tax divisions grew. All of America grew together, with the middle class leading the way. Then President Reagan came into office and his predecessor George Bush. Under them, the family income of the middle and working classes declined on an avergae of 8% over twelve years. Meanwhile the upper two brackets grew by an average of 11%. Under Clinton, the gap between rich and poor began to close but the damage from the prior administrations could not completely be reversed due to the hositility of the Republicans in Congress. Our society is becoming increasingly stratified and our President still feels that reducing the raise of average federal employees is wiser than holding back corporate tax breaks and tax reductions for millionaires. That is the point that I want to make...President Bush is still helping his elitest friends while average Americans as us continue to see our money values decline.
Just to note, today the unemployment rate was reported to be at 6%, the highest since 1993 and the White House made Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil resign. Where is Preident Bush in his cowboy hat leading us?