Why do so many people, mostly Liberals, still believe that the United Nations has anything to do with what's going on, or will occur, in Iraq? It's not the UN as a whole that's doing anything; it's France, Germany, and to a lesser extent, Russia. These three countries have come to represent the UN as a whole, and that's a sorry thing to have happen. Do these countries have any interest in the well being of the people of Iraq? No... they're owed billions of dollars by the former regime and they aren't going to offer any assistance to the United States until we guarantee them that they'll get their money back. And since it's not our money to offer, we shouldn't be cutting any deals with these scumbags.
I still think that we should shutdown the US and NATO bases in Germany, and relocate those forces to Iraq. Russia isn't going to be invading anyone anytime soon, so why spend billions and billions of dollars on keeping Europe defended from itself?
George Bush is in a no-win situation. If he does what he needs to do in Iraq he'll be attacked as spending too much money, trampling on the rights of Iraqis, getting too many service men killed, etc. If he were to pull out he would get attacked for going in originally, not finishing what he started, etc. And if he brings in the UN, he gets all of the associated UN baggage PLUS he gets attacked for not involving the UN from the get go. I think Bush should tell the Democrats and the UN to pack sand, and stay the course that he's on. He'll get attacked any way that he goes, so he might as well take a course of action that yields results, which will win him re-election.